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Your feedback on the new Sonos App

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press250 wrote:
Allen J Goldberg wrote:

The story via the iOS app is, unfortunately, the same disappointing mess:  My Library isn’t showing up. Not at all. I’ve shut the app down and restarted it, and still nothing.  It’s the same miserable failure as before.

Hi @Allen J Goldberg, here’s a question: are you “signed in” to your Sonos account on the iOS app? I’ve noticed that is required for my local library to show up in the new app, which is counter-intuitive. Feature flags are now stored in the cloud and it seems that “do you have a local library” is one such flag.

Yes, I’m signed in to my Sonos account.

I disconnected and re-signed back in. I shut down and restarted the app (iOS) and, for one brief moment, My Library showed up!  I clicked on it and indeed there it was. HOWEVER, when I returned to the home page it disappeared again!  In a word, it’s behaving poorly. 

I appreciate your suggestion and I get why it’s important to be signed in. Unfortunately, for my part, it’s not the whole story. More needs to be done. 

jgatie wrote:
Allen J Goldberg wrote:

Please let me know if you’re part of Sonos tech staff or, like me, an experienced user.

I’ve followed the instructions you’ve provided (spoiler alert: it doesn’t fix my problem).  Specifically, my music is on a Synology NAS running SMBv2 and SMBv3, the choice depending on the requestor (Sonos).  Using the Windows Sonos app, i removed/disconnected all of my own music directorories, re-attached them (as an NAS category object) and let the Sonos system re-index the result.  That part ran fine, the intended music folders show up (on the Windows app) and plays fine as well as long as I stay clear of my Hi Res content.

The story via the iOS app is, unfortunately,the same disappointing mess:  My Library isn’t showing up. Not at all. I’ve shut the app down and restarted it, and still nothing.  It’s the same miserable failure as before.

The reason I’m not discussing this with Sonos tech support is that I’m confident they’re stressed to the max  already.  Further, I have another entirely separate system which uses BluOS that works just fine. I’m prepared for the worst (and I fear inevitable) outcome from Sonos.

I appreciate your desire to provide helpful information, but I also appreciate your understanding that I’m not a beginner and I’m properly disgusted with how this new app situation has been is is being handled.


No, I’m not a Sonos anything.  Sonos personnel are clearly marked in their username.  I understand why you wouldn’t want to go any further, but if you are having sharing problems, there’s nothing Sonos is going to put into a release that is going to fix it, short of reverting to SMB v1 and/or HTTP sharing (and that’s not going to happen).  Two things to try:

  1. In addition to SMB v2/v3 being on, SMB v1 needs to be explicitly turned off.  Others have found when they turn off SMB v1, it shows up in the new app.
  2. Try resetting the iOS app, then reconnecting to an existing system.  This has worked for others when all else fails. 


The only sharing problems I’m having are with the Sonos new iOS app.  I am not running SMBv1 at all.

I’ve tried disconnecting and reconnecting the app to the existing system endlessly.  The result is the same:  Access to My Library is only occasional and usually none.

There is nothing that Sonos is going to put into a release that is going to fix “it”?  I hope you’re wrong.

The existing Windows and OS X apps have ZERO trouble managing and accessing my music shares.  The iOS app FileBrowser has ZERO trouble accessing and playing the music files within these shares, even the hi-res files.  IMHO it’s not a problem with my network (both wired and wireless) or the manner with which the files are being shared.  The problem is with Sonos.  I’m confident I’m right.

The problem, as I see it, is a Sonos problem, not a sharing problem. 

  • Prodigy III
  • 633 replies
  • July 10, 2024
Allen J Goldberg wrote:

I disconnected and re-signed back in. I shut down and restarted the app (iOS) and, for one brief moment, My Library showed up!  I clicked on it and indeed there it was. HOWEVER, when I returned to the home page it disappeared again!  In a word, it’s behaving poorly. 

Oof, that is awfully frustrating @Allen J Goldberg. I am on the lucky side of Schrödinger's Local Library: “Music Library” takes 2-3 seconds to appear under “Your Sources” and occasionally disappears for a heartbeat or two before reappearing. There’s clearly something odd and counter-intuitive happening under the hood … hard to say if it is interaction between mobile app and device firmware or between the mobile app and its assortment of cloud-based companions.


FYI:  The version of the iOS Sonos app I’m running is 80.04.04, July 1, which is reported to be the latest.

Failure to access My Library reliably is, IMHO, a fatal flaw.


  • Enthusiast II
  • 202 replies
  • July 10, 2024
crow911 wrote:

This has been the most frustrating experience with an app update that I have ever had. Prior to the new app everything in my 7 speaker system was flawless. The music I wanted played in the speakers I have. Now I just tried to play music and it is bouncing around from speaker to speaker. At least a couple times a day the music just stops playing but in the app it shows it is still playing. I hate this. Sonos you need to fix this problem. I have called tech support and the tech said millions of people have complained and we just have to wait for updates. He didn’t really care. 

Just for contrast and perspective. 

Tale of 2 households -

1st - stayed with 16.1 -shut down App and Firmware updates on all devices (not an easy task as Sonos keep trying to sneak in the hard and soft updates).  All is well just like prior to May 7th.

2nd - accidentally updated the app on one device which triggered a firmware update and then a mostly a useless whole home audio system.  They can do some functions though the desktop app and other non-Sonos apps - Sonopad etc. but the Android and iOS apps are clunky, poorly laid out, missing key functions/features.

Meanwhile they are still waiting for it to be a working system like it was on May 6th 2024, they spend many hours of their own time with the trickle of minor fixes/updates/firmware changes!

Neither household will ever trust Sonos again = no future purchases (one family had a $3k Sonos shopping list for upgrades to older units). 

There are some great suggestions from loyal Sonos owners contributing to these threads as they have found ways to make they systems work.   Most of these good folks are Sonos experts and have a deep technical understanding of home networks, Sonos hard, and software.  Their contributions have probably saved countless hours of toil.  Yet the glaring issue here is: that SHOULD NOT HAVE TO HAPPEN. 

Most users are not tech/Sonos Phd’s and b/c Sonos decided to farm out most of their tech support to 3rd party, offshore, contracted CS companies, the solutions for getting their wireless home audio system to work like it did on May 6th is a very frustrating experience.  Music is a very important and personal experience, stop screwing with it Sonos!




  • Prodigy III
  • 633 replies
  • July 10, 2024
Allen J Goldberg wrote:

FYI:  The version of the iOS Sonos app I’m running is 80.04.04, July 1, which is reported to be the latest.

Failure to access My Library reliably is, IMHO, a fatal flaw.


I’m gonna toss something out there that may make you angry @Allen J Goldberg, buy hey, no risk no reward? I use a Kindle Fire 8 HD as a dedicated Sonos controller and It Just Works™ thanks to sideloading the v16.1 Android app. Next week that tablet will likely be a Prime Day deal for $50-60.

Don’t shoot the messenger. 😅

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • July 10, 2024

Just wanted to join the chorus of those displeased with the app.  I could live with the interface (even though I do not find it to be any more intuitive or provide additional functionality to the original).  What I am finding it increasingly hard to live with is the general laggyness of the system.  Delayed volume changes.  Not updating the song that is currently playing.  Needing to press play or pause multiple times.  ALL BASIC FUNCTIONS.  Please provide a rollback option.  This app sucks and my patience is running out.   

  • Enthusiast II
  • 167 replies
  • July 10, 2024

On the off-chance someone at Sonos is actually reviewing and paying heed to comments here, I have just one ‘ask’:

Please, please, please bring Sonos playlists back. I mean the ones I saved over a number of years. Allow me to play them as is; to edit and re-save them; and allow me to create a new Sonos playlist by creating a queue of tracks and/or albums and saving the queue. 

All of this was available until the moment the ‘update’ hit my iOS devices. It’s all gone now; and given the way I use my Sonos controller and speakers, I cannot consider the updated app a success unless and until these functions and my previously saved content are restored.

Does Sonos have anything to tell us about this? I have seen nothing in any Sonos technical or press release that addresses this request — which I’m betting is one shared by countless thousands of other Sonos users.

  • Prodigy II
  • 1893 replies
  • July 10, 2024

Are your playlists not there on the desktop Windows or Mac app?

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • July 10, 2024

Equalizer removed from the volume bar! I used to be able to tune each song with my equalizer by pressing the volume bar…. Now I have to go into settings every time… not happy! Please bring this back 

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • July 10, 2024

I joined this message board in hopes of troubleshooting app glitches but apparently everyone has the same problem and there is no solution?! I have TEN sonos products and suddenly can’t use them after an app update??? The new app constantly lags, drops speakers, freezes, doesn’t register controls, the list goes on. I cannot listen to any type of music - even my turntable is part of the system! Sonos is scamming customers by selling products that they can’t use. I have never experienced such a tech and business disaster from what is supposed to be a highly reputable company. I am shocked that this app has been out for months and is still not resolved. I should have never updated. Sonos- you need to fix this ASAP or you are going to lose all your customers and the company will go under. 

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • July 10, 2024

Your new app is terrible. I’m a Sonos fan for 10y+. Bough at least 30 Sonos to family and friends!! Now my parents cannot use it because the app is too confusing, volume lag all the time, and he cannot use his librairy properly. It’s really difficult to understand how you tough this was well designed.  Please change your app. And fire the team in charge.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • July 10, 2024
chambolle wrote:

On the off-chance someone at Sonos is actually reviewing and paying heed to comments here, I have just one ‘ask’:

Please, please, please bring Sonos playlists back. I mean the ones I saved over a number of years. Allow me to play them as is; to edit and re-save them; and allow me to create a new Sonos playlist by creating a queue of tracks and/or albums and saving the queue. 

All of this was available until the moment the ‘update’ hit my iOS devices. It’s all gone now; and given the way I use my Sonos controller and speakers, I cannot consider the updated app a success unless and until these functions and my previously saved content are restored.

Does Sonos have anything to tell us about this? I have seen nothing in any Sonos technical or press release that addresses this request — which I’m betting is one shared by countless thousands of other Sonos users.

Amen !

  • 1767 replies
  • July 10, 2024
chambolle wrote:

On the off-chance someone at Sonos is actually reviewing and paying heed to comments here, I have just one ‘ask’:

Please, please, please bring Sonos playlists back. I mean the ones I saved over a number of years. Allow me to play them as is; to edit and re-save them; and allow me to create a new Sonos playlist by creating a queue of tracks and/or albums and saving the queue. 

All of this was available until the moment the ‘update’ hit my iOS devices. It’s all gone now; and given the way I use my Sonos controller and speakers, I cannot consider the updated app a success unless and until these functions and my previously saved content are restored.

Does Sonos have anything to tell us about this? I have seen nothing in any Sonos technical or press release that addresses this request — which I’m betting is one shared by countless thousands of other Sonos users.

Yeah this is an ongoing problem. Probably gets fixed eventually. If you don’t want to wait there is an app called Phonos Plus on iOS ($0.99) that will extract your missing playlists to xml files. You can import them to music service or use them with your local library. The app is written by a community member (controlav)


  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • July 11, 2024

Newbie Sonos question.

Does the alarm management include setting timers? I just got the Roam 2 as my first Sonos device so I don't know what features existed before. But whenever I try to set a timer via "Hey Sonos" it just says to check the app.

I don't have Alexa nor Google assistant installed if that's a factor, but I would hope it isn't.

Also I have the Sonos app installed on my Android phone and my wife's iPhone, don't know if I should have done that or not.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 167 replies
  • July 11, 2024

Bumper wrote: Yeah this is an ongoing problem. Probably gets fixed eventually. If you don’t want to wait there is an app called Phonos Plus on iOS ($0.99) that will extract your missing playlists to xml files. You can import them to music service or use them with your local library. The app is written by a community member (controlav)

Alas, you lost me at ‘xml files.’ I’m the poster child for ‘it's gotta be plug and play.’ Like turning on a radio, or putting an LP on a turntable and lowering the tonearm on the vinyl, or dropping a shiny disc in a CD player and tapping the ‘play’ button. 

Or opening the Sonos app and gently tapping the icon for my Bill Evans playlist.

Beyond that, my eyes glaze over.

  • Prodigy II
  • 272 replies
  • July 11, 2024
Allen J Goldberg wrote:

FYI:  The version of the iOS Sonos app I’m running is 80.04.04, July 1, which is reported to be the latest.

Failure to access My Library reliably is, IMHO, a fatal flaw.


Try plex or sonophone app Ios, this has sorted alot of people out …...

  • 27663 replies
  • July 11, 2024
nistre wrote:

Newbie Sonos question.

Does the alarm management include setting timers? I just got the Roam 2 as my first Sonos device so I don't know what features existed before. But whenever I try to set a timer via "Hey Sonos" it just says to check the app.

I don't have Alexa nor Google assistant installed if that's a factor, but I would hope it isn't.

Also I have the Sonos app installed on my Android phone and my wife's iPhone, don't know if I should have done that or not.


There are Sleep Timers that will shut off the music at a set time:


And Alarms, which will turn on music at a set time:


Neither are available from Sonos voice. 


  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • July 11, 2024
jgatie wrote:
nistre wrote:

Newbie Sonos question.

Does the alarm management include setting timers? I just got the Roam 2 as my first Sonos device so I don't know what features existed before. But whenever I try to set a timer via "Hey Sonos" it just says to check the app.

I don't have Alexa nor Google assistant installed if that's a factor, but I would hope it isn't.

Also I have the Sonos app installed on my Android phone and my wife's iPhone, don't know if I should have done that or not.


There are Sleep Timers that will shut off the music at a set time:


And Alarms, which will turn on music at a set time:


Neither are available from Sonos voice. 


Oh, then I guess there isn't a way to set a standard timer for 5 minutes without installing Alexa or Google Assistant. Which seems like a no-brainer thing that could added so I wouldn't have to give up my data to Amazon/Google. :/


Thanks for the reply and articles!

  • Prodigy II
  • 1893 replies
  • July 11, 2024
nistre wrote:

Oh, then I guess there isn't a way to set a standard timer for 5 minutes without installing Alexa or Google Assistant. Which seems like a no-brainer thing that could added so I wouldn't have to give up my data to Amazon/Google. :/


They already have your data, so I wouldn’t worry too much about them knowing you’ve set a five minute alarm.

  • Enthusiast I
  • 18 replies
  • July 11, 2024

Not sure if this has been posted, or if it has its been redacted, but anyone on LInkedin should search for “what happened sonos app” which should show up an incredibly informative article about the changes ‘under the hood’.   It explains why systems that were working perfectly now are not, and why some people are better off than others.   Leads to many more questions about the real motives behind this, along with why no-one at Sonos is prepared to explain these changes.   Its a technical discussion, so the detail will only be meaningful to some in this community, but may allow them to help some others who are having problems that support are unable to solve.    And incidentally has convinced me that my cheap android purchase as a dedicated controller is the right move as I think I will be using that for a long while now (until they find a way to brick that). 

I havent posted the link through sheer paranoia - but you should find it easy enough unless this post gets removed.   it was on reddit also.     

  • Prodigy III
  • 633 replies
  • July 11, 2024
DSLA wrote:

Not sure if this has been posted, or if it has its been redacted, but anyone on LInkedin should search for “what happened sonos app” which should show up an incredibly informative article about the changes ‘under the hood’.

It is a fantastic article, @DSLA, and appeared on these forums earlier this week …


  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • July 11, 2024

It has now been over a month since Sonos released the “new” app and so far, there is no evidence that any of the lost functionality will be restored in the near future.  My Sonos system, which was so easy to set up, access, and use has been mostly destroyed.  Worse, there appears to be little hope for a quick, or any, resolution.

I refuse to puchase another Sonos device or recommend any Sonos product to acquaintances until Sonos learns how to properly beta test and release a new version of software.

Once lost, customer confidence does not return quickly or easily.  


  • Enthusiast I
  • 18 replies
  • July 11, 2024
press250 wrote:
DSLA wrote:

Not sure if this has been posted, or if it has its been redacted, but anyone on LInkedin should search for “what happened sonos app” which should show up an incredibly informative article about the changes ‘under the hood’.

It is a fantastic article, @DSLA, and appeared on these forums earlier this week …


Ah thank you for that - I am trying to limit my forum time and instead listen to music while busy upgrading my Vinyl and music server playback systems using some old receivers and speakers.  Not that I think my entire Sonos system is going to turn into a brick, but then again its good to have options. 😂  

  • Enthusiast I
  • 18 replies
  • July 11, 2024
Paul JO wrote:

It has now been over a month since Sonos released the “new” app and so far, there is no evidence that any of the lost functionality will be restored in the near future.  My Sonos system, which was so easy to set up, access, and use has been mostly destroyed.  Worse, there appears to be little hope for a quick, or any, resolution.

I refuse to puchase another Sonos device or recommend any Sonos product to acquaintances until Sonos learns how to properly beta test and release a new version of software.

Once lost, customer confidence does not return quickly or easily.  


sorry to be pedantic but it is over TWO months.    Nearly time for the next earnings call…..


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