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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


Ahhh yes, abusing the people you are asking to help. That’s going to get you far.  🙄


It struck me your device has fallen back to that LTE connection, as there is perhaps a temporary issue with the mobile WiFi connection. I definitely do not see such a data link on my controller device.

This is not an error in connection, i have 2 sims so the lower part is the connection status for my e-sim.

Wifi /connection is not the problem, and allowing Sonos to have access to all phone functions makes no difference.

The only needed permission is “Local network” for everyday use.


The app is garbage, that’s it. It worked before 100% and now it doesn't.

And as mentioned, the mac desktop app access the system in < 1sec every time without issues.

And yet the same Sonos App is working perfectly here, as I demonstrated to you earlier. So perhaps it’s something closer to Home. I can’t see how it opens here on an ‘old’ iPhone XR and discovers 25+ players and so many music services in less than 7 seconds here. So my own thoughts (still) are that your problem is not the App, but may still be something that lies elsewhere. I would respectfully suggest you perhaps go onto contact Sonos customer support and see if they can perhaps assist you further. 


Please, please, please make your system usable again.

I have a similar problem but mine just crashes repeatedly. Brutal app experience. 

Same for me, app just crashes over, and over, and over.


Does the desktop app work for you? It’s working

for me so I know it’s not my network. 

Yes, same here, desktop works as it should.

Less then 1 sec from start of app to being able to control the speakers. 



I’ve switched to mostly using SonoPhone app on iOS, it just works. Uses the same control and discovery as the desktop app, no lag ime. It’s $3 but worth it not to have to deal with the new buggy af app. 

Hi @IdontLikeit 

It bears repeating, so I’ll repeat it - do you have a Sonos app update pending in your App Store, along with the other 37? Please install it if so.

I hope this helps.

You need to focus on SONOS not on the intelligence of your users

@SBuser the mods and other users are here to help.  If there are 38 apps waiting for an update, it’s entirely feasible that the Sonos app was one of them, especially as the last update only came out last week.  If your own intelligence isn’t to be questioned maybe you should go off and find your own answers — fix your own problems, like many of us have done? 


And yet the same Sonos App is working perfectly here, as I demonstrated to you earlier. So perhaps it’s something closer to Home. 


I never understand why people like you and others have the need to tell us with non working systems that your system is working, it’s not helpful to anyone.


Just because it’s working for you does not mean that there are no problems for others!

I think that most of us with problems now, had working systems before the app update.


So, is it still our fault , or as you say “a problem closer to home” that is the issue?


Or, can it be that the updated app has issues that did not exist before?

How do you explain going from 0 issues to massive issues with an app update? 
Why do you think there are so many comments here?

The app is constantly crashing as you can see, is that also user error, or bad code / programming?


If my system worked and your system behave like many other with issues, I would not blame you, as you are probably here because you did not have issues before.


Really don’t understand that type of behaviour.

Hi @IdontLikeit 

It bears repeating, so I’ll repeat it - do you have a Sonos app update pending in your App Store, along with the other 37? Please install it if so.

I hope this helps.

You need to focus on SONOS not on the intelligence of your users

@SBuser the mods and other users are here to help.  If there are 38 apps waiting for an update, it’s entirely feasible that the Sonos app was one of them, especially as the last update only came out last week.  If your own intelligence isn’t to be questioned maybe you should go off and find your own answers — fix your own problems, like many of us have done? 

My system works and I have the latest update and now check almost daily.  I am listening to Sonos on 7 of my speakers as I write this and listen most every day, just not as promised and not as easily as with the old app, it is not helpful to be told the obvious regarding updates and then be told to spend the hour or so on ladders unplugging and restarting all of my system as well as my router, I have a fully functioning mesh system, all of my speakers are connected and usable, missing are my playlists that took hours over days and weeks to build plus Apple music on Sonos mostly works but for no particular reason sometimes skips or cuts out of songs.  It would be most helpful if Sonos and anyone who claims to be a representative accept there are issues and not constantly suggest either checking for upgrade or unplugging as the answer to a faulty app.  Oh by the way if I disconnect and reconnect the app enough times it usually returns to some semblance of the screen shot presented by Sonos.  I question how many have “fixed” their problems given the comments here.  As stated, my system works but the app function is very frustrating at times and the answer lies with Sonos.


The app is constantly crashing as you can see, is that also user error, or bad code / programming?


If my system worked and your system behave like many other with issues, I would not blame you, as you are probably here because you did not have issues before.


Really don’t understand that type of behaviour.

Well you may not want to hear this, (and I promise I am only trying to help, not hinder) but you mention your App is constantly crashing - The iOS Sonos App, even through all the updates since May, has not crashed ever, not even once, as far as I’m aware - so that is something too you may want to explore. It could be a corrupt install or something running alongside on the controller. It’s certainly something I’ve not encountered and have previously commented on its stability.

Anyhow I won’t annoy you further, but I was seriously only trying to assist. I’m truly sorry if you misunderstood my posts as being anything other than that. 


The app is constantly crashing as you can see, is that also user error, or bad code / programming?


If my system worked and your system behave like many other with issues, I would not blame you, as you are probably here because you did not have issues before.


Really don’t understand that type of behaviour.

Well you may not want to hear this, (and I promise I am only trying to help, not hinder) but you mention your App is constantly crashing - The iOS Sonos App, even through all the updates since May, has not crashed ever, not even once, as far as I’m aware - so that is something too you may want to explore. It could be a corrupt install or something running alongside on the controller. It’s certainly something I’ve not encountered and have previously commented on its stability.

Anyhow I won’t annoy you further, but I was seriously only trying to assist. I’m truly sorry if you misunderstood my posts as being anything other than that. 

I agree Ken, my IOS app has never crashed, just loses functionality and at times will not load on the first, second, or third try and, of course sometimes skips or cuts off songs.  But I always have music at least. (see my earlier comments)  


And yet the same Sonos App is working perfectly here, as I demonstrated to you earlier. So perhaps it’s something closer to Home. 


I never understand why people like you and others have the need to tell us with non working systems that your system is working, it’s not helpful to anyone.

Call it what it is, it’s gaslighting. 

I agree Ken, my IOS app has never crashed, just loses functionality and at times will not load on the first, second, or third try and, of course sometimes skips or cuts off songs.  But I always have music at least. (see my earlier comments)  

The App itself is just a ‘remote’ for the Sonos players, similar to a TV remote in many ways. It’s not a player in any way, shape, or form. As an example I could use it to play Sonos Radio or Amazon Music etc. on a Sonos room or group and immediately close the App and power off my iPhone and the speakers should carry on playing direct from the source until I press the pause button, or the playlist ends etc.

If music stops, skips or cuts off, then it’s clearly not the Sonos App remote - that’s usually a LAN/WAN connection issue and to resolve the LAN issues, it is often helpful to reduce interference - there’s a long list that can be done there, including things like using non-overlapping WiFi channels and changing channel-width etc. and increasing the SNR levels on the players and setting static IP addresses. It’s all well documented here in the community and I can provide further info. If required.

These things can also assist with mDNS device discovery too and improving the speed of detection. However these sort of playback interruption issues are very rarely, if ever, a controller App issue. At least, I can’t see a reason why it might be. It’s why I sometimes suggest looking a little closer to Home to maybe solve some issues. It may not be the App, particularly when it’s working for others and it definitely is working okay here, but I guess some don’t like me to mention that.


Call it what it is, it’s gaslighting.

I prefer to call it “genuinely trying to help others”, but I guess you’re entitled to call it what you like. 

@Ken_Griffiths yep done all of these:

'"...there’s a long list that can be done there including t:hings like using non-overlapping WiFi channels and changing channel-width etc. and increasing the SNR levels on the players and setting static IP addresses. It’s all well documented here in the community and I can provide further info. If required..."

​​​​​as well as SonosNet vs. WiFi ​​wIth no discernible result whatsoever. I really appreciate your input but, frankly, the 'it is fine here so it is your problem' approach is wearing a little thin. I should not, as a technically aware user, seriously have to 'debug' a well configured and multiply functional network to make an application 'update' work at a basic level - whatever way you choose to wrap it.

The smb1 change I am totally behind but otherwise...

I agree Ken, my IOS app has never crashed, just loses functionality and at times will not load on the first, second, or third try and, of course sometimes skips or cuts off songs.  But I always have music at least. (see my earlier comments)  

The App itself is just a ‘remote’ for the Sonos players, similar to a TV remote in many ways. It’s not a player in any way, shape, or form. As an example I could use it to play Sonos Radio or Amazon Music etc. on a Sonos room or group and immediately close the App and power off my iPhone and the speakers should carry on playing direct from the source until I press the pause button, or the playlist ends etc.

If music stops, skips or cuts off, then it’s clearly not the Sonos App remote - that’s usually a LAN/WAN connection issue and to resolve the LAN issues, it is often helpful to reduce interference - there’s a long list that can be done there, including things like using non-overlapping WiFi channels and changing channel-width etc. and increasing the SNR levels on the players and setting static IP addresses. It’s all well documented here in the community and I can provide further info. If required.

These things can also assist with mDNS device discovery too and improving the speed of detection. However these sort of playback interruption issues are very rarely, if ever, a controller App issue. At least, I can’t see a reason why it might be. It’s why I sometimes suggest looking a little closer to Home to maybe solve some issues. It may not be the App, particularly when it’s working for others and it definitely is working okay here, but I guess some don’t like me to mention that.


Sonos level 2 support has admitted to me that they have a conflict with Apple music, is Sonos V Apple still not my LAN/WAN or interference, my mesh system runs everything in my world from lawn sprinklers to multiple televisions to my BBQ, all with no connectivity problems, use static IP for printer for a known issue but otherwise no problems other than with Sonos.

I agree Ken, my IOS app has never crashed, just loses functionality and at times will not load on the first, second, or third try and, of course sometimes skips or cuts off songs.  But I always have music at least. (see my earlier comments)  

The App itself is just a ‘remote’ for the Sonos players, similar to a TV remote in many ways. It’s not a player in any way, shape, or form. As an example I could use it to play Sonos Radio or Amazon Music etc. on a Sonos room or group and immediately close the App and power off my iPhone and the speakers should carry on playing direct from the source until I press the pause button, or the playlist ends etc.

If music stops, skips or cuts off, then it’s clearly not the Sonos App remote - that’s usually a LAN/WAN connection issue and to resolve the LAN issues, it is often helpful to reduce interference - there’s a long list that can be done there, including things like using non-overlapping WiFi channels and changing channel-width etc. and increasing the SNR levels on the players and setting static IP addresses. It’s all well documented here in the community and I can provide further info. If required.

These things can also assist with mDNS device discovery too and improving the speed of detection. However these sort of playback interruption issues are very rarely, if ever, a controller App issue. At least, I can’t see a reason why it might be. It’s why I sometimes suggest looking a little closer to Home to maybe solve some issues. It may not be the App, particularly when it’s working for others and it definitely is working okay here, but I guess some don’t like me to mention that.


I agree Ken, my IOS app has never crashed, just loses functionality and at times will not load on the first, second, or third try and, of course sometimes skips or cuts off songs.  But I always have music at least. (see my earlier comments)  

The App itself is just a ‘remote’ for the Sonos players, similar to a TV remote in many ways. It’s not a player in any way, shape, or form. As an example I could use it to play Sonos Radio or Amazon Music etc. on a Sonos room or group and immediately close the App and power off my iPhone and the speakers should carry on playing direct from the source until I press the pause button, or the playlist ends etc.

If music stops, skips or cuts off, then it’s clearly not the Sonos App remote - that’s usually a LAN/WAN connection issue and to resolve the LAN issues, it is often helpful to reduce interference - there’s a long list that can be done there, including things like using non-overlapping WiFi channels and changing channel-width etc. and increasing the SNR levels on the players and setting static IP addresses. It’s all well documented here in the community and I can provide further info. If required.

These things can also assist with mDNS device discovery too and improving the speed of detection. However these sort of playback interruption issues are very rarely, if ever, a controller App issue. At least, I can’t see a reason why it might be. It’s why I sometimes suggest looking a little closer to Home to maybe solve some issues. It may not be the App, particularly when it’s working for others and it definitely is working okay here, but I guess some don’t like me to mention that.


Sonos level 2 support has admitted to me that they have a conflict with Apple music, is Sonos V Apple still not my LAN/WAN or interference, my mesh system runs everything in my world from lawn sprinklers to multiple televisions to my BBQ, all with no connectivity problems, use static IP for printer for a known issue but otherwise no problems other than with Sonos.

And I agree, often my Sonos plays without the app and with Ipad or phone shut down once started but why would I need to restart the IOS app multiple times to even ged a screen to become visible?  This is not my first rodeo, have been a Sonos fan for years, multiple recommendations to friends over the years and multiple speakers indoor and out purchased for the sound but want the best source as well and for me it is Apple music.

I just performed a few experiments that provide surprising outcomes.  In a way, they reflect on the state of the problems at hand, that it’s still a mess, and that it isn’t simply me or my hardware that’s at fault.  They reflect upon something Mr. Pennell wrote in his technical writeup on LinkedIn, discussed earlier, about the access shift Sonos faces from internal (my library) music to external (streaming) sources.

Consider the following:  On a large iPad running up to date software (wirelessly), I run the latest (S2) Sonos App.  I see my system, I do NOT see My Library, but I do see what is currently listed as playing on the selected player.

Next, on the very same iPad, via Safari (the Apple browser), I link to, I enter my login credentials, and then I am shown a screen much like the Sonos app BUT with My Library showing up!!  I can select music from my library (notably without cover art tags) and it plays.  There is no queue management, only a listing of songs (tracks) last played.

Next, I re-enter the Sonos app and -- guess what! -- My Library shows up!!.  THEN, if I exit the Sonos app, shut it off (dismiss it via a gesture) and restart it, NO MORE My Library.

Flaky. Flaky. Flaky.  AND, IMHO, NOT due to wifi networking, SMB versions or access rights to my library.

What do I draw from this?  That a repair may be in progress but has quite a way to go.

I ponder the following:  How does the “external” internet hosted app know about My Library?  Well, I answer, surely through the so-called Web or Cloud linkage described in Pennell’s article. 

And then I ponder, What keeps access from outside confined to only My Library and nowhere else on my private network?  A reflection upon my experience with Plex a while ago. …and my discomfort in using it to compensate for Sonos’ track count limit.

I see here elements of tough choices that must be made to provide access to outside music sources and accesses outside to equipment (like headphones) anywhere I might be, while also providing safe access to My Library in the traditional way.  And I can see how the former might tempt a zealous fool-hearty designer to abandon the latter, not realizing the capital investment users have made that now is broken.

My impression, based on years of experience using Sonos and other players, and my own technical experience, is that what Sonos has attempted with this new app and new vision is loaded with landmines.  Given how poorly the upgrade has been launched and how poorly Sonos has reacted, including refusal to permit backing out for those of us who’d prefer to do so, I’m not confident Sonos has a clear grasp of what needs to be done to fix it.  Indeed, the new corporate goals may be in conflict with its old accomplishments.  It may no longer be the case that ONE User Interface App / system approach can do it all. 

This mess, IMHO, will require serious experience, extensive testing and surgical ability.  I can’t emphasize too strongly how this strikes me as a stinker of a problem that won’t be solved by simple user adjustments.

Pennell’s article and these experiments (among others) make me more skeptical that there will be a happy ending.

Just my two cents.

Sonos level 2 support has admitted to me that they have a conflict with Apple music, is Sonos V Apple still not my LAN/WAN or interference, my mesh system runs everything in my world from lawn sprinklers to multiple televisions to my BBQ, all with no connectivity problems, use static IP for printer for a known issue but otherwise no problems other than with Sonos.

And I agree, often my Sonos plays without the app and with Ipad or phone shut down once started but why would I need to restart the IOS app multiple times to even ged a screen to become visible?  This is not my first rodeo, have been a Sonos fan for years, multiple recommendations to friends over the years and multiple speakers indoor and out purchased for the sound but want the best source as well and for me it is Apple music.

Well there are some suggestions I can think of, but I can see minds are made up already. So I’ll bow out rather than annoy further, but I sincerely hope you and everyone else here do (quickly) find the answers you’re seeking. So best of luck.👍

What strikes me as very peculiar is that many of the complaints are from OP’s who have joined the community recently within the month (May) when the new app was launched.

That said I guess I’m to believe that those complaining never had any issues that would have caused an inquiry to this community when the previous app was in place. I’m to assume the issues were direct to Sonos Support and resolved accordingly.

I’m just saying…strange, very strange indeed 🤔

EDIT: Maybe the information in the post below explains why? It also kind’a supports my theory that a lot of the issues have to do with network flaws being exposed by the new app..


Honestly sick to death of this app.  Give me strength!!!   This app is a complete car crash 

Quels sont les crétins à l’origine de la nouvelle appli ??!!!. S’ils ne trouvent pas la porte de sortie, Sonos serait bien avisé, dans l’intérêt général (c’est à dire le nôtre et le sien) de la leur montrer dans les meilleurs délais. 
Je n’ai jamais vu un pareil gâchis à l’occasion d’une mise à jour.
Par la même occasion Sonos serait bien avisé également de faire en sorte que les clients, possesseurs de longue date de matériel Sonos, puissent rapidement et facilement rétrograder leurs produits (Boost et Play 3 notamment) vers Sonos S1.
Je décommande fortement tout achat de produit Sonos pour le moment.


Date de l'expérience: 12 juillet 2024 

Call it what it is, it’s gaslighting.

I prefer to call it “genuinely trying to help others”, but I guess you’re entitled to call it what you like. 

This is precisely the thing.

Telling others that your system works great (and we should look closer to home for problems) is not “genuinely helping” anyone.


You are effectively saying “it’s not Sonos, it’s you”

I genuinely don’t think that you want to come across like that, and you really want to help.


If you want to help people with problems, leave your own (working) experience out of it completely, as it is irrelevant due to the fact that you don’t have any issues.

Unable to load content error message is almost constant for Amazon Music and I can’t control volume.  

This new app sucks so bad…I’ve used my Play 1 System for nearly 10 years and was considering expanding it with my new house but my system with the new app disconnects, doesn’t load content and lacks so many features I’ve enjoyed for years has made me reconsider.  What’s the point if I can’t listen to my system???  Please go back to the app version before this disastrous update.  

A new, more expensive soundbar, huh?  

What strikes me as very peculiar is that many of the complaints are from OP’s who have joined the community recently within the month (May) when the new app was launched.

That said I guess I’m to believe that those complaining never had any issues that would have caused an inquiry to this community when the previous app was in place. I’m to assume the issues were direct to Sonos Support and resolved accordingly.

I’m just saying…strange, very strange indeed 🤔

EDIT: Maybe the information in the post below explains why? It also kind’a supports my theory that a lot of the issues have to do with network flaws being exposed by the new app..


For anyone who works in software development or with online platforms increased support and complaints after a major upgrade, especially if it modified ui/ux is just business as usual. Big bang changes are usually carefully considered and avoided where possible.

Sonos managed to shoot themselves in the foot with both barrels by rolling up a wide number of things into the app rollout:

  • ui/ux change, which would naturally increase support
  • no screen reader implementation, self created increase in support
  • removal of existing features without warning, self created increase in support
  • change from ssdp to mDNS, self created increase in support
  • decision to roll out firmware with removal of smbv1. Self created reload and shoot self in the feet again increase in support. This could have been a calculated decision to get it out and rolled into the existing mess and ‘new app’ complaints rather than cause another significant support spike at a later date. Yes companies do this, deploy features they know will cause issues/irritation in the middle of existing issues.
  • changes to online services and integrations causing failing user journeys and integrations not working, self created increase in support

The article you link to point more towards the issues being a Sonos application problem rather than a user network problem.

mDNS is a multicast implementation that is well defined and is commonly known as Bonjour/Zeroconf in the Apple and Microsoft implementations. Linux usually uses Avahi. Bonjour is one of the underlying technologies used by Apple discovery for AirPlay/Airprint and has been used in Mac’s, iOS, Apple TV,.

If the old app using ssdp works, there is no reason from a network perspective that mDNS won’t work as they both have the same requirements from a network level multicast perspective. How well the mDNS client has been implemented in the mobile app or if online services are now involved with the discovery completion is a more likely explanation.

Sonos have had mDNS in the player firmware for years. The device startup scripts used to bind it to the wireless interface, most likely to run discovery for SonosNet, along with configuring ssdp.

The Sonos platform has three inter-dependant components. The local players, the mobile app (which is a local controller, online service interface and bridge between the two) and the online services. The old app would load and perform ssdp discovery without needing the online services or to be logged in to your sonos account. The new app has introduced a dependency on the online services, which Sonos have acknowledged making improvements to in their release notes.

While I am happy your system works flawlessly for you, your continued insistence that anyone who has issues is due to their local network, suggests limited understanding of how networks, specifically multicast and technologies involved with integration of online connected platforms actually work.

Those of us who work daily with these things know it’s not uncommon that what works for X amount of people doesn’t work for Y, it doesn’t mean Y people have broken networks though.


I don’t consider myself an OP (original poster).  I am a retired research EE with long and successful experience performing science, designing electronics, both analog and digital, and software, both analytic and realtime.  I’ve had Sonos gear for more than 20 years.  I ran ZP80s, a ZP100, a Sonos Bridge, and I used the old and now obsolete CR200 controllers which were spectacular breakthroughs in their day.  I run a collection of Ports, a Sonos Amp and a Play 5 (later version) which, until a month ago, were solid products.  I have many computers (all kinds) and portable devices.  I have a reasonably modern network plan in the home, some hard-wired Ethernet, some WiFi.

I don’t consider myself a newbee, and I don’t consider myself a wasteful poster.

I’ve suffered the same miserable upgrade consequences as have countless others.  I’ve experimented and tested and read material available online from Sonos’ own CEO and from independent outsiders and attempted to contact customer service finding it overwhelmed or in denial or just plain inept.

The now more clearly grasped plan to be All Things Musical -- to support the Sonos former local music capabilities while at the same time being able to fully interact and catalog streaming offers and provide control and listening service virtually anywhere -- may perhaps be more difficult than anticipated.  A worthy set of goals but perhaps incompatibly supported by available toolboxes of APIs and protocols. 

IMHO, if the former version of Sonos, S2, could be made available for now while testing of the newer version went on off line, that would be super.  I’m confident this suggestion has been made to Sonos and gone up the chain.  Why it hasn’t been accepted and acted upon is a mystery, a discouraging one at that.

The tone of some user’s suggestions is that it’s not Sonos -- it’s us or our setups that’s at fault.  I considered that, but now, over time, I don’t believe that it’s true.

The way this upgrade was released, the evidence of inadequacy during Beta testing that was ignored, the deaf ear to complaints and the desire to access the prior version of the software, the insistence that those with local music in need of access and cataloging as once was the case now gone are dinosaurs or whiners -- not good.  Really bad.

I’ve moved to another solution: BluOS, BlueSound and NAD.  So why do I care about my Sonos gear?  Because a month ago, it had value to others.  Now, it’s just bricks.  I’ve suffered a loss of thousands.  In legal terms, I’ve been injured.

Can a class action suit be far behind?

Just my two cents.


Sonos level 2 support has admitted to me that they have a conflict with Apple music, is Sonos V Apple still not my LAN/WAN or interference, my mesh system runs everything in my world from lawn sprinklers to multiple televisions to my BBQ, all with no connectivity problems, use static IP for printer for a known issue but otherwise no problems other than with Sonos.

And I agree, often my Sonos plays without the app and with Ipad or phone shut down once started but why would I need to restart the IOS app multiple times to even ged a screen to become visible?  This is not my first rodeo, have been a Sonos fan for years, multiple recommendations to friends over the years and multiple speakers indoor and out purchased for the sound but want the best source as well and for me it is Apple music.

Well there are some suggestions I can think of, but I can see minds are made up already. So I’ll bow out rather than annoy further, but I sincerely hope you and everyone else here do (quickly) find the answers you’re seeking. So best of luck.👍

Update, as of Saturday July 13 AM my playlists have reappeared including the 500+ song list along with a list of (Apple Music) stations that were lost, the newest app appears stable (so far) and I may even try to re-add my Boost although connectivity throughout my 14 speakers, including 4 outside of the house is working fine on the mesh system.  Crossing Fingers!  but listening to great music again, finally.
