I’ve been struggling with this new app for two hours now. So many things are missing or difficult to use compared to the old app. Please, can you continue to make the old app available for people who still prefer to use that one. I was fine with that app, and would like to revert to using it. Please give us a way to do that.
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- Please can we go back to the old app
Please can we go back to the old app
- May 7, 2024
- 55 replies
- Renowned Enthusiast II
- 63 replies
Best answer by mattski
TuneIn is the _main_ thing I use Sonos for. If Sonos isn’t going to support TuneIn, I may as well trash my speakers. Maybe Sonos could institute a buy-back program, ha-ha. — Other things I noticed: There’s no way to ask your Music Library to update; and there’s no sleep timer (that’s a complete show-stopper for me; I’m in bed using my phone, I can’t get up and go to my computer just to set a sleep timer, that’s idiotic, I’m trying to go to sleep!).
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55 replies
- Enthusiast I
- 44 replies
- May 7, 2024
It was a matter of time before someone asked for this. I think if they did allow that it would be temporary. So far I do miss the EQ from the volume bar. They’ll fix things as users request and complain about things missing. You may just have to wait a little while.
- 1767 replies
- May 7, 2024
It was a matter of time before someone asked for this. I think if they did allow that it would be temporary. So far I do miss the EQ from the volume bar. They’ll fix things as users request and complain about things missing. You may just have to wait a little while.
This would be a reasonable take if such basic things like queue functionality weren’t missing. But to remove the queue with no warning, waiting a little while is not acceptable.
- Enthusiast I
- 44 replies
- May 7, 2024
It was a matter of time before someone asked for this. I think if they did allow that it would be temporary. So far I do miss the EQ from the volume bar. They’ll fix things as users request and complain about things missing. You may just have to wait a little while.
This would be a reasonable take if such basic things like queue functionality weren’t missing. But to remove the queue with no warning, waiting a little while is not acceptable.
I only got to check it out for a few mins before waking out of the house earlier and then realized they already released an update 2 hours later. I did notice a queue somewhere but it was in a different place I can’t remember. I’ll have to check this out later but I’m sure they don’t want to piss off any current users for too long. They’ll put this fire out quickly I’m sure.
- Trending Lyricist I
- 25 replies
- May 8, 2024
- Author
- Renowned Enthusiast II
- 63 replies
- May 8, 2024
I’m not against change, but this app is just not ready. I’d like to be able to continue using the old app until the new app restores the basic functions that are missing. Actually, after I saw the new app, I decided not to update the app on my other devices. Hopefully we won’t be forced to do that. I’d still like to be able to go back to the old app on this one device because it’s a device I use a lot. Although I guess now I can use it to monitor whether the new app is being fixed.
- Contributor II
- 6 replies
- May 8, 2024
I just got screwed for tomorrow. I use the Sonos speaker in my room as my alarm with my phone to control, and once I updated to the new app, that was the end of that. No ability to add, edit or adjust alarms from the new phone app. I do not have a desktop app which is support’s idea of a workaround for releasing an unfinished app with no way to revert the old app..? The workaround should be to revert and wait till the app has the same or better functionality. If I had the option to revert to the old app on the App Store this would not have been an issue. Please let us all go back until this app has parity with the old app (at least!).
- Local Superstar
- 1332 replies
- May 8, 2024
Any official rollback would be a major loss of face for Sonos.
- Enthusiast I
- 17 replies
- May 8, 2024
Seems they have deleted TuneIn too? So goodbye to the radio stations that I used to listen to. Alarms are also an issue. I might just Bluetooth to my Move going forward…. I really don’t like being forced to listen to Sonos Radio as I don’t like any of them?
- Author
- Renowned Enthusiast II
- 63 replies
- May 8, 2024
They don’t need to roll back the new app, just make both the new and old apps available and people can choose their preferred app.
- Enthusiast I
- 19 replies
- May 8, 2024
Me to
- Enthusiast I
- 17 replies
- May 8, 2024
Can’t reauthorise Apple Music now too? What was the rush pushing this App out of its not an improvement??
- Contributor I
- 5 replies
- Answer
- May 8, 2024
TuneIn is the _main_ thing I use Sonos for. If Sonos isn’t going to support TuneIn, I may as well trash my speakers. Maybe Sonos could institute a buy-back program, ha-ha. — Other things I noticed: There’s no way to ask your Music Library to update; and there’s no sleep timer (that’s a complete show-stopper for me; I’m in bed using my phone, I can’t get up and go to my computer just to set a sleep timer, that’s idiotic, I’m trying to go to sleep!).
- Lyricist II
- 3 replies
- May 9, 2024
New update crashes on my Chromebook. It works find on my Android phone, but not loving the new UI.
- Contributor I
- 6 replies
- May 9, 2024
The more I use the new app the more I get frustated.
Pls put back the old app....
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 9, 2024
Did Sonos really take away all of our playlists?
- Lyricist I
- 2 replies
- May 9, 2024
The iOS update is a nightmare for anyone using a Music Library NAS. It’s just GONE from my iPhone now. I have thousands of “non-streaming” albums in my collection and now I’m just screwed unless I open up my Mac and pray that the MacOS app didn’t update somehow too. SONOS really has screwed over its users. Is there any way to build our own, open source control systems outside of SONOS that would run these speakers I’ve spent $1000’s on? I can’t keep getting screwed around like this.
- Contributor I
- 5 replies
- May 9, 2024
Can’t reauthorise Apple Music now too? What was the rush pushing this App out of its not an improvement??
I discovered that one too: Apple Music requires reauthorization suddenly, but the app doesn’t actually know how to _do_ the reauthorization. Eventually, however, I did manage to do it — and then, guess what, although the Sonos app allowed me to pick an Apple Music to play, it wouldn’t play it! Or else, I’d pick something to play, and the Sonos app would play _something else!_ This thing is just so broken, it’s indescribably.
- Lyricist II
- 4 replies
- May 9, 2024
The Android update (version 80.00.00) has totally screwed up my setup - zero access to my NAS drive music library - the only feature I use on my Sonos system.
Sonos, you make great hardware, but your software and customer support is absolute *****.
Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.
- Lyricist I
- 2 replies
- May 9, 2024
Hi yes please can we reinstate the long press easy to access EQ settings as that has been taken away and is important.
Also volume number on the volume slider have been removed. Why? Can these be added back, it was useful.
Many thanks,
- Contributor I
- 5 replies
- May 9, 2024
Many Apps I use have “Fresh” and “Stable” development channels - Hey Sonos, can you please give us Sonos owners the choice?
Technology enthusiasts & early adopters can kick the tires in new version while us civilians go about our business with alarms, a music queue, working radio steams and a UI we know how to use.
Pretty Please?
also - how crazy is it to roll out a huge app redesign that, aside from all the broken and missing stuff, doesn’t add a single feature that actual users are exciting about using? (Am i missing something?)
- Enthusiast I
- 17 replies
- May 9, 2024
Can’t reauthorise Apple Music now too? What was the rush pushing this App out of its not an improvement??
I discovered that one too: Apple Music requires reauthorization suddenly, but the app doesn’t actually know how to _do_ the reauthorization. Eventually, however, I did manage to do it — and then, guess what, although the Sonos app allowed me to pick an Apple Music to play, it wouldn’t play it! Or else, I’d pick something to play, and the Sonos app would play _something else!_ This thing is just so broken, it’s indescribably.
After nearly 15 years with Sonos, and 13 units. I dispair. This update is awful. As someone said earlier, can we trade in? My loyalty over almost 2 decades is being severely tested. There are other systems?
- Enthusiast I
- 17 replies
- May 9, 2024
Many Apps I use have “Fresh” and “Stable” development channels - Hey Sonos, can you please give us Sonos owners the choice?
Technology enthusiasts & early adopters can kick the tires in new version while us civilians go about our business with alarms, a music queue, working radio steams and a UI we know how to use.
Pretty Please?
also - how crazy is it to roll out a huge app redesign that, aside from all the broken and missing stuff, doesn’t add a single feature that actual users are exciting about using? (Am i missing something?)
Too true. I feel the same.
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 9, 2024
New app is just awful, whoever approved this needs to learn about product management, user design, testing, and user feedback….. App is A LOT slower, navigation is confused at best, and removing the number one feature of being able to add songs to the queue is just an appalling oversight (maybe it was on purpose...). Either way it's pretty much rendered usage of Sonos in our office and at home pointless as that was how everyone contributed to the playlist for the day. I guess we'll start looking for alternatives….
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 9, 2024
Veeeery slow to start
Veeery slow to apply new vol level
Veeery slow to find and apply rooms / speakers
So, slow. Front end also still doesn't help. Unsexy.
I love the brand and solutions, please keep improving.
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 9, 2024
Looks like new design is totally “phone-centric” for up/down scrolling with thumbs. With iPad in landscape it used to show queue on left side. That’s gone. Selecting the queue button pops dialog that show “No queue”, even though I just connected the queue to a speaker. Notes in other searches (images) indicate pre-release queue functionality did not make it in this release - only “Replace queue” is available. No “Update Queue” or “Add to end of queue” available. No ability to view queue and select to jump around.
Got “bit” by this update as I usually “Update all” in Apple Store to make sure I’ve got latest security updates.
Didn’t get email notice of major release change until AFTER app updated - that’ll teach me I guess…
An email that major release was coming would have been nice for me - I disable most in-app notifications.
Good luck all. Waiting for the update to the update…
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