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I’ve been struggling with this new app for two hours now. So many things are missing or difficult to use compared to the old app. Please, can you continue to make the old app available for people who still prefer to use that one. I was fine with that app, and would like to revert to using it. Please give us a way to do that.

Massive regrets updating to the new app. Where have my 30 carefully curated playlists gone? Why can't I add a song to the bloody queue? Why is it so horribly slow? Abysmal. 

I don’t want to seem hyperbolic but this update ruins my son’s nighttime routine. Every evening we select a playlist and then drag the songs we want to hear to the top of the queue. Now queues are frozen and we can’t even edit/update/create Sonos playlists. Also, I noticed Tunein is gone as well. I’m willing to deal with change if some useful features are added. Instead, key features were lost with nothing new provided. I talked to the helpdesk asking what happened and they could only tell me to wait a few weeks to see if they add back in the features? WOW! Weeks? I’m not trying to be unkind but that's terrible. Sonos is supposed to be a prestige brand.  Otherwise, I just get a Bluetooth speaker linked to an old phone that lets me create my own playlists on something like YouTube music. Hell, I can even stream tunein if I wanted to. I’ve been avoiding this because I love how the Sonos speakers sound but breaking the functionality like this. It feels like their business priorities support something different then what I purchased the speakers for. I’m glad I didn’t invest more. 

I’ve been struggling with this new app for two hours now. So many things are missing or difficult to use compared to the old app. Please, can you continue to make the old app available for people who still prefer to use that one. I was fine with that app, and would like to revert to using it. Please give us a way to do that.


What a mess put the lats S2 cope before this release back to apple and release it as a S3 so nobody has to live without music!!!!!   I can really only play music with my MacBook now that still has the old version

for example I have a playlist that stops after every 2nd song now and is silent afterward.


Di you not test this software with real people?

This has to be the WORST software upgrade I have ever seen. It's crap. Good thing I held off upgrading my Sonos speakers. If the interface does not revert/improve, I'm dumping this POS.

Veeeery slow to start

Veeery slow to apply new vol level

Veeery slow to find and apply rooms / speakers


So, slow. Front end also still doesn't help. Unsexy.


I love the brand and solutions, please keep improving.



Cannot adjust volume levels of separate speakers in a group play at all too…..

This has to be the WORST software upgrade I have ever seen. It's crap. Good thing I held off upgrading my Sonos speakers. If the interface does not revert/improve, I'm dumping this POS.

After 20 years, I am on this page too. 

Being a software developer for a long time (+ 30 years) i can guarantee you that this app upgrade would never have passed a proper is a complete disaster!

I learned something this week. Never set any systems on automatic updates. I've read about this new version that was supposed to be so much better, but I don't see improvement, I see a lot of missing features I was using. I feel Sonos cares more about trying to attract new customers than keeping the ones that been using their products for over a decade. Shame on whoever gave the go ahead on this release.

Never gonna let sonos do another update automatically again… MP1er says……
Looks like sonos is not even listening to all the comments as all they've told me features will follow in the months ahead…..
My question is “why not revert back to s2 "
Many dirreret systems…...but the apple app has not yet gave us the chance to use s2 as an alternative till they sort out this Mess……....

Being a software developer for a long time (+ 30 years) i can guarantee you that this app upgrade would never have passed a proper is a complete disaster!

good on you henkiev…...many are wondering WHY this new software has ever been released like this.…

Have they been in collaboration with others who can access s2 easy ( likes of non apple app) who can't revert back as this way locks us into the NEW disaster app….…

Lucky I've stopped the app updating on my iPhone……

Never again Sonos…...shame on my system to admit to everyone now sonos went from10/10 to a minus10/10…... 

To say I'm peeved is an understatement……. I will keep on and onto sonos whilst this issue is fully addressed……. Just wish I had a big YouTube channel or tv station to exert pressure on those at the top…....

I am so frustrated by the removal of the “play next” fuction. I cannot “DJ” anymore at all which is how i listen to music. My whole Sonos system is just kind of worthless to me now. Sorry to vent. Many of you fell the same way i think. I dont know what to do except hammer on the Sonos folks to encourage them to add it back.

After updating to the new app on my iPhone, I lost access to all but 2 of my playlists. Unfortunately, the 2 playlists I can access are the ones I want. 

The MIA playlists still exist and the metadata is stored on the SONOS speakers, or something like that  

If I run the previous controller on my PC or iPad I can see and play my playlists. 

I really hope SONOS make the previous version version available so users can choose between the previous and new version. 

What a mess!! 

Looks like sonos has given us all a Def ear on this new update…..

Shame on the premium 5* overnight going to 0* for many long term sonos products now useless to go from s1 and s2 to this shambles……


This app totally sucks this new renovation that they did they made it worse. What about the volume control It’s a real pain in the ass to use doesn’t function on iPads sometimes on the iPhone it does when you tap on it it doesn’t give you all the zones. What about the Subwoofer controls? They don’t even work. What a joke. I’ve spent thousands of dollars For myself with Sonos and I am an installer as well. This is why I use Creston. Don’t forget how a pain in the ass. It is now just to change your Subwoofer level. You have to go to like three different screens. How about the EQ? It’s a real pain in the ass to go back just to get to that now whoever undeveloped this was a child.

This update sucks, typical of most software updates in this modern world. Someone is trying to justify their bonus when nothing was required. The old app just worked, the new one is slow and is constantly refreshing itself to connect to the network - and has less features! . I really don't want to spend hours trying to figure out how to make something work that the OEM has deliberately screwed up.

I will probably end up trashing my Sonos hardware as there are other much easier ways of streaming sounds now available.

Give me the old app back....

I uninstalled the new app and installed the old Sonos 16.1 from the APK file. Guess what? Everything now works perfectly again and was beginning to think my system had crapped out. Sonos please take note - if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Software update for my Sonos products run from desktop app. Long update. Guess what, desktop app no longer working. This is just a joke Sonos! Excellent way to loose long standing loyal supporters, fighting to get this almost worthless system functioning is not what I bought into...


  1. Have over 15 devices
  2. been user for 10 years
  3. worked In technology and marketing for 25+ years


  1. after upgrade all of my devices are not working 
  2. support wait time is over 1.5 hours
  3. Complete abomination of software release; have been in tech since the 1980’s and this is definitely worst system upgrade I have ever encountered 
  4. Sonos CTO is ignoring issues saying it took “courage” to release this abortion of an upgrade.
  5. Sonos brand will be damaged permanently if they do react quick and show some remorse
  6. Loyal customers are being ignored
  7. Should immediately allow for reversion to previous version !!
  8. They need to get it stabilized and then replace tech leadership.

Total customer, PR and marketing nightmare; will loose thousands of new customers and infuriate long standing loyal brand ambassadors like myself.


File under “How to ruin a great product company in 24 hours with one upgrade! 

I uninstalled the new app and installed the old Sonos 16.1 from the APK file. Guess what? Everything now works perfectly again and was beginning to think my system had crapped out. Sonos please take note - if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Can you explain how you installed the old app?  Not sure what Apk file is.  Thanks. 

@Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C.


I NEED MY SYSTEM TO WORK. Can you please have the option to revert back to a working version of the Application?  This is sort of like me buying a car and it stuck in first gear because you launched a bad software package.


Also does your CEO care? Where is his leadership and  Voice in the user forums? Or does he think anyone that spends a few thousand on stereo equipment are just sheep and will do whatever he wants? Sonos brand is built on its loyal user base…loyalty goes both ways and your CEOs silence in the forums is deafening. Maybe the stock analysts would be more receptive to read the reviews and forums??? Would that get his attention?

I think that ship has sailed.

It really looks like Sonos had no rollback plan. I don’t think they will create one now because they will have to take developers off the project to enhance the new app to do this.

They seem to have ended up with only the option to fail forward.

The CEO once gave a heartfelt reply both here and in the press when the S1/S2 split happened.  He apologized for the bricking of units, and pledged to keep S1 running with security updates and bug fixes until it was no longer possible.  DId the posters thank him for the apology and the mea culpa?  Phhhhht!  Silly posters, that apology and mea culpa wasn’t even a speedbump to the wave of furor this forum put forth.  Matter of fact, it was nothing but another excuse to put out more FUD and disinformation.

What exactly makes one think it will be different now?

Anyone going to buy the new headphones???….. Not me… 

Q33 wrote:

I uninstalled the new app and installed the old Sonos 16.1 from the APK file. Guess what? Everything now works perfectly again and was beginning to think my system had crapped out. Sonos please take note - if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Can you explain how you installed the old app?  Not sure what Apk file is.  Thanks. 


My fix is for the android device. My Sonos app is on my android mobile. 

  1. Go to, search sonos, find and download sonos 16.1. This is the sonos android package file for the previous Sonos app.. 
  2. Uninstall your present bug-ridden Sonos app from your device. 
  3. Find the sonos.apk file (from step 1) in downloads.
  4. Click on the apk file and it will install the app and follow the instructions..
  5. Turn off wifi and mobile data, go to Play store and select do not automatically update apps.
  6. Turn on wifi and mobilr data,
  7. Run the app and set up your system. 

Hope this helps.


I don't understand why they decided to break the application when it was working. I've had nothing but trouble getting the system to stay working since this update. And removing all features is abysmal. I wish they would publish the reasons they decided to make all of these changes at once without proper testing