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Let’s cut to the chase. I paid a LOT of money on several SONOS products. When it works its great! BUT THIS IS ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!!

I know no other company of hi-end product that periodically issues updates that F something up - seriously.

SONOS…. GET your act together. This is NOT good. In fact it highlights the fact that something is really WRONG with your update procedures and/or testing.

I, like many others, use the library every day on a secondary HDD in my computer. Now, suddenly, it’s all gone. How incredibly frustrating this is. It’s not the fact that this is so bad (which it is...) but that this isn’t the first time a major screw-up has happened, and the worst is the WAIT until you decide to get your techs off their assess and issue a FIX - real quick! 

No, I’m not being overly harsh,…. I’m just a customer who wants some decent stability and QUICK resolutions when something goes bad…. is THAT too much to ask???

No being computer coding literate shouldn’t be a necessary thing. Sonos has really lost its way in ease. If it’s difficult for me it’s difficult for 80% of users I reckon. Shame but maybe Sonos should be more helpful .. If Apple make things more secure that’s a good thing and Sonos should explain their software and how to get where you need to be.  Don’t just roll out stuff. 

Thanks for the response. Now I'm not particularly knowledgeable in data (which I don't think should be a requirement for a regular Sonos customer) Ref. screenshot of the GUI. I've tried looking for this option in my Sonos GUI, but can't find it.  What I (think) I have found is that my NAS (Apple AirPort Captule) probably has SMB1.  The new requirements are SMB 2 or 3. If that is the case, my HW no longer works.

SMBv1 is not supported (as you rightly mention) for local libraries within the new Sonos App (and same goes for the recent ‘other’ systems like Windows or MAC PC’s these days), but it’s not relevant for the Apple iCloud ‘matched’ library,  as that’s part of thd Apple service and subscription. That is still available separately in the Sonos App in my case I’ve just added the library ’Artists’ etc to my Sonos Home Screen.

I’ve had all these problems as well, nothing works, all solutions mentioned have been attempted and I am ditching this system, their software sucks.  Almost two hours on a call three weeks ago.  Scheduled w level 2, they missed the call but rescheduled for same day.  Could not fix.  Was told level 3 is next and there isn’t a long wait.  Two weeks is earliest.  Out of the 4+ years I’ve had this system, I’ve probably gotten a couple years of use marked with long non use periods between support issues, and simply giving up.  I’ve devoted enough of my life to this.  Your software sucks and your support is lacking, doesn’t matter how well intended someone is.  For this single issue it’s been over a month for me and no solution.  This is just the final issue in a long string of them for a system that is completely unreliable. 

OK - i found the fix.  Ken’s answer below is the start.  But there is a second step.  This is for Windows PC (I don’t know about Apple products).  Follow Ken’s steps then after you add the Sonos to share, go back to the properties sharing tab.  Don’t do his step 3 yet.  Then click on the “Advanced Sharing” button in the middle of the dialog box.  Then in the upper left corner, check the box for advanced sharing.  Click Apply and close.  Then go to the Sonos app on your PC and add the My Music library.    It worked for me. 


I am VERY disappointed in Sonos’ tech help.  I even sent an email to the CEO (since they don’t give any other email addresses for help).  No one responded to calls, chats or email.  But I am glad we ca figure this out.


Good luck…let me know if this works for you.


A quick search around the forum shows the following as the fix for error 913 - it’s  just a folder permission error on the PC…

  1. Right click on the Music folder and click on PROPERTIES at the bottom of the menu.

Click on the SHARE tab and then click on the first SHARE button…

  1. A new window opens and you click on the ‘v’ drop-down list option next to the ADD button.
  2. Click on "Sonos Wireless HiFi System" then click on the ADD button and finally click on SHARE.
  3. Open your Sonos app on your PC and add your music library.

Also see this earlier thread with screenshots…


THANK YOU SO MUCH. This worked for me, sharing and then advanced sharing. So stupid. I regret buying Sonos. Would never recommend

OK - i found the fix.  Ken’s answer below is the start.  But there is a second step.  This is for Windows PC (I don’t know about Apple products).  Follow Ken’s steps then after you add the Sonos to share, go back to the properties sharing tab.  Don’t do his step 3 yet.  Then click on the “Advanced Sharing” button in the middle of the dialog box.  Then in the upper left corner, check the box for advanced sharing.  Click Apply and close.  Then go to the Sonos app on your PC and add the My Music library.    It worked for me. 


I am VERY disappointed in Sonos’ tech help.  I even sent an email to the CEO (since they don’t give any other email addresses for help).  No one responded to calls, chats or email.  But I am glad we ca figure this out.


Good luck…let me know if this works for you.


A quick search around the forum shows the following as the fix for error 913 - it’s  just a folder permission error on the PC…

  1. Right click on the Music folder and click on PROPERTIES at the bottom of the menu.

Click on the SHARE tab and then click on the first SHARE button…

  1. A new window opens and you click on the ‘v’ drop-down list option next to the ADD button.
  2. Click on "Sonos Wireless HiFi System" then click on the ADD button and finally click on SHARE.
  3. Open your Sonos app on your PC and add your music library.

Also see this earlier thread with screenshots…


THANK YOU SO MUCH. This worked for me, sharing and then advanced sharing. So stupid. I regret buying Sonos. Would never recommend

I tried all this and even went into command prompt to enable SMBv2 sharing. I still get error 913. Not sure how to proceed now. I don’t know why (router problem?). Regret updating. Would be grateful if someone has advice.

tNB am a computer n00b; I’m a culture person job-wise, so instructions, if any, would be helpful]

I tried all this and even went into command prompt to enable SMBv2 sharing. I still get error 913. Not sure how to proceed now. I don’t know why (router problem?). Regret updating. Would be grateful if someone has advice.

pNB am a computer n00b; I’m a culture person job-wise, so instructions, if any, would be helpful]

Hi @frustrated_inc, if your local library is on a Windows machine, this post may be helpful …


I tried all this and even went into command prompt to enable SMBv2 sharing. I still get error 913. Not sure how to proceed now. I don’t know why (router problem?). Regret updating. Would be grateful if someone has advice.

pNB am a computer n00b; I’m a culture person job-wise, so instructions, if any, would be helpful]

Hi @frustrated_inc, if your local library is on a Windows machine, this post may be helpful …


not sure how to create local account just for music sharing (step 3). The link you gave me says that it is optional? I tried googling but don’t seem to be able to find answer..

Ed: I’ve managed everything, but in the last bit they tell me the access denied to the sharing 😞 Check my password, username, etc. But I HAVE! I’m totally at sea here. Still can’t share it, wth.

I have ten thousand dollars worth of Sonos. I spent two hours on the phone with customer support and my library still does not work. The customer service rep clearly did not know what she was doing. I watched her try the same thing six times to no avail. What am I to do with ten thousand dollars worth of unusable product. I have spent an unreasonable amount of time trying to get this resolved and all I have learned is that Sonos does not care. I am so disappointed and frustrated I don't know what to do??? Any help PLEASE!

I have ten thousand dollars worth of Sonos. I spent two hours on the phone with customer support and my library still does not work. The customer service rep clearly did not know what she was doing. I watched her try the same thing six times to no avail. What am I to do with ten thousand dollars worth of unusable product. I have spent an unreasonable amount of time trying to get this resolved and all I have learned is that Sonos does not care. I am so disappointed and frustrated I don't know what to do??? Any help PLEASE!

What type of device are you using for the library folder share and have you confirmed it’s definitely using the SMB v2.0, or higher, protocol? 

Have you setup a user for the ‘share’ (username and password credentials) with ‘read only’ permissions? Have you checked the path and credentials in the new Sonos App are correct too? 

Have you tried another separate temporary library shared folder from scratch aswell, in case there is an issue with the original shared folder?  

The fact that my elderly Netgear ReadyNas Duo will only go up to SMB dialect 1.5, is a matter for me and my home network … until the update, everything was hunky-dory. Now the only thing on my home network which cannot access the music on my NAS, is Sonos. Our 2 PCs, our phones, our TVs, our Ipad, are all fine. But not anything with Sonos in its name.

Spent a couple of hours with a tech guy trying to sort the problem. He eventually had to give up but said  “there should be an option in the Windows app to downgrade the Sonos One from S2 to S1 (which would solve the SMB issue) - er,  but  currently, that option doen’t actually work. Possibly be ready in a couple of months”.


The fact that my elderly Netgear ReadyNas Duo will only go up to SMB dialect 1.5, is a matter for me and my home network … until the update, everything was hunky-dory. Now the only thing on my home network which cannot access the music on my NAS, is Sonos. Our 2 PCs, our phones, our TVs, our Ipad, are all fine. But not anything with Sonos in its name.

Spent a couple of hours with a tech guy trying to sort the problem. He eventually had to give up but said  “there should be an option in the Windows app to downgrade the Sonos One from S2 to S1 (which would solve the SMB issue) - er,  but  currently, that option doen’t actually work. Possibly be ready in a couple of months”.


Maybe see this link in the Netgear community how to get that NAS using SMBv2 or higher ,,,

There are lots of other links too if you do a Google search.

@Ken_Griffiths thanks for the link, which is one I’ve already come across.

Had a quick play and ended up with a NAS with no accessible shares! It might be down to the fact that my Linux knowledge is pitiful.

But my main gripe is that is it completely unnecessary, and all my problems are due to the fact the the upgrade (sic) was forced and apparently has no roll-back mechanism. I fail to see why, in order to keep Mr Spence and his crew happy, I have to possibly invest a fairly substantial bit of dosh to replace a perfectly function piece of kit, in order to be able to play the music I have purchased over the years. Or pay for premium streaming service instead.

@Ken_Griffiths thanks for the link, which is one I’ve already come across.

Had a quick play and ended up with a NAS with no accessible shares! It might be down to the fact that my Linux knowledge is pitiful.

But my main gripe is that is it completely unnecessary, and all my problems are due to the fact the the upgrade (sic) was forced and apparently has no roll-back mechanism. I fail to see why, in order to keep Mr Spence and his crew happy, I have to possibly invest a fairly substantial bit of dosh to replace a perfectly function piece of kit, in order to be able to play the music I have purchased over the years. Or pay for premium streaming service instead.

SMBv1 is no longer supported by Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon etc. I personally struggle to find an App in the App stores that still supports that insecure protocol - Sonos were always likely to follow suit and not include it their new Sonos App because of the vulnerabilities mentioned online - it was back in 2019/2020 (and before that) that I recall people were being told to not use SMBv1 - see this link:

SMB is no longer supported by Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon etc.

Typo: SMBv1 is no longer supported by Sonos, et al.

SMB is no longer supported by Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon etc.

Typo: SMBv1 is no longer supported by Sonos, et al.

Thankyou  @press250 - I have corrected my post. 👍

Thanks for the response. Now I'm not particularly knowledgeable in data (which I don't think should be a requirement for a regular Sonos customer) Ref. screenshot of the GUI. I've tried looking for this option in my Sonos GUI, but can't find it.  What I (think) I have found is that my NAS (Apple AirPort Captule) probably has SMB1.  The new requirements are SMB 2 or 3. If that is the case, my HW no longer works.

SMBv1 is not supported (as you rightly mention) for local libraries within the new Sonos App (and same goes for the recent ‘other’ systems like Windows or MAC PC’s these days), but it’s not relevant for the Apple iCloud ‘matched’ library,  as that’s part of thd Apple service and subscription. That is still available separately in the Sonos App in my case I’ve just added the library ’Artists’ etc to my Sonos Home Screen.

I am very curious how to access iTunes Match in Sonos. I can't find the icon in my interface that you showed in the screenshot. I've looked online for a description but can't find anything. (Also looking for NAS that has SMB2/3, but can't find anyone that has this in technical descriptions. I'm not particularly good at computers - I just like music...) Have a lot of music myself that is digitized, so I don´t use any music-streaming services.   I have spent a lot of money on Sonos, - which right now is just reduced to a music system that only has radio stations. (With the exception of the work-around that I have described - for the purpose of sharing with others)

Thanks for the response. Now I'm not particularly knowledgeable in data (which I don't think should be a requirement for a regular Sonos customer) Ref. screenshot of the GUI. I've tried looking for this option in my Sonos GUI, but can't find it.  What I (think) I have found is that my NAS (Apple AirPort Captule) probably has SMB1.  The new requirements are SMB 2 or 3. If that is the case, my HW no longer works.

SMBv1 is not supported (as you rightly mention) for local libraries within the new Sonos App (and same goes for the recent ‘other’ systems like Windows or MAC PC’s these days), but it’s not relevant for the Apple iCloud ‘matched’ library,  as that’s part of thd Apple service and subscription. That is still available separately in the Sonos App in my case I’ve just added the library ’Artists’ etc to my Sonos Home Screen.

I am very curious how to access iTunes Match in Sonos. I can't find the icon in my interface that you showed in the screenshot. I've looked online for a description but can't find anything. (Also looking for NAS that has SMB2/3, but can't find anyone that has this in technical descriptions. I'm not particularly good at computers - I just like music...) Have a lot of music myself that is digitized, so I don´t use any music-streaming services.   I have spent a lot of money on Sonos, - which right now is just reduced to a music system that only has radio stations. (With the exception of the work-around that I have described - for the purpose of sharing with others)

See attached for the Apple service iTunes matched/uploaded library. You need to subscribe to Apple Music to see it - it’s not the same as the Sonos local library service, which is shared using the SMBv2 protocol (or higher) from a NAS Box or PC over the LAN. That’s a free service with no subscription required. See second screenshot attached.

Does that help answer your questions here?


If you’re looking to share your local music library and have it visible to your Sonos devices, then perhaps see this Sonos support link:

Hope that assists too.