How does the app keep getting worse and worse over time. It's too bad, I've had some of my Sonos speakers for around 10 years now. Even on a brand new phone the current app is not user friendly, missing functionality that it used to have. And removed the playlists I had. So disappointing given how great the whole experience used to be. The new update is much worse, missing basic functionality now, So irritated.
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- Why is the new Sonos App crap?
Why is the new Sonos App crap?
- May 10, 2024
- 268 replies
- Contributor I
- 8 replies
- dtohmatsu
- marook
- carln1960
- robokitty
- muddyone
- x2bate
- jscherer26
- jhayd11
- stein067
- Nearly Clueless
- admaawe
- scott_73
- User229840
- Spen074
- User474392
- Erik Friis
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- Christof Specker
- jdill711
- arw
- Keithsco
- moof
- pmm
- green53
- pddenson
- fraolim
- Lobstonicus
- madd
- GmanC
- inopinatus
- Emence
- roemeren
- fablhof
- mcri
- InHome Media
- DML2
- Innes
- Flattliner
- barry_stannard
- Robincolo
- Cracks
- Mr.Nacho
- sanmarko
- IMEaudiovideo
- ianjones
- Haroldwilly
- Gregouik
- havetoregisteryetagain
- seriousfunk
- Michael Luddington
- Rob7109
- Toshido
- dmtraynor
- swboulder
- Demotape
- JonA1
- Jase79
- Bob_D
- major268
- Veeper
- Neil Chapman
- hgarrett
- Rick Thompson
- Phil Sh
- dvpriem
- Marcosss
- Paul-Michael
- dgs2001
- isaaclaughter
- ledeutsch
- Triphonos
- Sonosornottosonos
- Snaggle
- garybw
- ThomasD1974
- Tbirdwill
- AMattyG
- Tavaruas
- studiosauve
- ricardland
- Primal
- Hazzy37
- drewm83
- David49
- cubberla
- Flibity
- Flux33
- rdamani
- John Kelly
- DGreen
- Pilsman
- kottbullar
- Andryea
- rshea
- Gblack8665
- bnilsson56
- SVlovesmusic
- Stusurrey
- SteveLilley
- ASH2000
- derekww
- verivali
- ChillYWL
- Herbwitt
- jprin
- Jambongris
- XandaFish
- BaldyDave
- wbrproductions
- Sewnoss
- TermiDK
- Yorkshire-Jim
- Sailhome
- JP32
- Jens Reuning
- Brian Barnes
- ScottK93002
- l-cubed
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- azzydudu
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- Evil duck
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- Ron les page
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- HuuH
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- FritzOfFranz
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- Nanto7
- Melomaniak
- Ant1969
- Petch
- Victor976
- A Guy Named Joe
- Dobby77
- Paul Robbie
- yaknak
- Djmatterhorm
- Steamed
- Paul123456
- Thisappsucks
- Fuck all
- Seli
- MCalifornia
- Bartik
- portandstarboard
- Matt t333
- jimbjimb
- OzGazza
- Pe2er
- Bretonj
- DannyBH
- Nicolson
- VikingPeter
- Squiggles.Hearts
- Chops88
- Pschwenk
- Dhulcoop
- Diegol
- Goditsobad
- JayZee1968
- Red Thag
- Garboni
- whydidipayforthis
- Babsi
- Phantomkd23
- J13
- valsha
- Mr W Squirrel
- Doolalli
- Gmorker
- RobRyan
- Sononsense
- Briarcliff
- Carlos Albuja
- peter.holland
- turdy8408
- Steven12813
- Roisin
- Jkos
- Studiosmith
- Az sequinn
- Captain of Hog
- Funboysparepants
- Unhappy with the appy chappie
- Bjksmort
- GCinNC
- Twavo
- Jabba133
- Bamatex1979
- Jehdhdjdjdjd
- Swirbs
- Mr I can't add to my play list
- Jakuke
- Brcotten
- So Nose Sucks
- DowNow
- LittleDanDoggy
- JohnBlake
- Carl.Miiller
- FijiBob
- The Alster
- ssdfsdfq3245432q5sdfa
- Constantappissues
- Rik2188
- dimsumcaptain
- Msagharbor
- The 9th Island
- Iamtower
- Debmcmenamy
- kfeltsyouasshole
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- SD67
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- Stef4art
- Fredup
- Clive257
- I Hate This Thing
- Donmac12
- angry steve
- Lewiskieron
- BeesDontFly
- R.sumsar
- StDupont
- Z Plau
- Dobbscr
- Goodbeer
- apbV0LT
- Drdrdr
- Colonel2
- New app is terrible
- TheTVDan
- Sdowunc
- bmcdaddy
- MoeShem
- Hamletbarkstoomuch
- tm77354
- Ocean Phoenix
- JR44
- MikeTod
- David1234567890
- Norway80
- mgpretz
- rtbiscuits
- MikeP16
- ppevets
- gshar
- JohnFG
- Irishape
- Sigma1914FSU
- dstick
- Njd7364
- HalloPaulus
- MikyTB
- Patster
- dpassarella
- brimi
- Brickky1965
- MaryElizabethO
- cjca
- Ymalecki
- GeneralQ
- 26pablo11
- Sleipe
- Schroder7
- Manafran
- Alp-j
- Podgern
- Grealis
- sherrie bass
- Jofro
- Charlie Brown 943
- Afenchorman
- lkpp
- Classe
- Papa dragon
- JG89384938493489
- Aprlab
- JB 5
- unhappy camper
- nauch
- ggannell
- usethis
- Harpist
- Frankr9388
- Emjr
- Lester LeVert
- 1920.1080p
- thetunes
- Alpo3064
- gsz
- FrustratedAppUser
- EricPhilpott
- Spiritof94
- Tony4233
- Iansand
- simonhmorris
- Derk_Knight
- Uklcg1
- Mattb1808
- tcsrockers
268 replies
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 12, 2024
Agreed it's really a terrible update. Android and Apple house here. Can no longer see the numeric volume. Cannot removing upcoming songs from the queue. More difficult to look at all the speakers and what they are playing. Harder to scroll to see the different music providers.
It's like they are trying to make it harder to use the app. We are considering getting speakers from a different company, we are just so tired of the bad app updates.
Sonos, you need to spend more on the software people use for your speakers, or lose consumers.
- jreddaway
- richardh9935
- jscherer26
- jhayd11
- rsellers001
- User229840
- Spen074
- User891157
- User939760
- Bob_17
- User641947
- izi0
- Bob_22
- jdill711
- arw
- Keithsco
- moof
- pmm
- GmanC
- mcri
- barry_stannard
- sanmarko
- IMEaudiovideo
- Haroldwilly
- seriousfunk
- Demotape
- JonA1
- Jase79
- Phil Sh
- dvpriem
- robin sound
- dgs2001
- isaaclaughter
- ThomasD1974
- yellowkid49
- Tbirdwill
- Tavaruas
- studiosauve
- ricardland
- Primal
- rdamani
- John Kelly
- DGreen
- kottbullar
- Gblack8665
- Basia Basia
- txeyevet
- Melophile
- Alegrove
- Jivenburk
- Jambongris
- Sailhome
- Brian Barnes
- l-cubed
- fair
- phillydog
- azzydudu
- dpalmer63
- Twistyhair
- Ron les page
- Notbigonsxoxnxoxs
- FritzOfFranz
- GadgetLover
- Bluemeanies
- Nanto7
- Phil.Top
- Victor976
- Paul Robbie
- yaknak
- MCalifornia
- Bartik
- Matt t333
- DannyBH
- Pschwenk
- Goditsobad
- JayZee1968
- Garboni
- loopmode
- Babsi
- J13
- Mr W Squirrel
- Doolalli
- RobRyan
- Briarcliff
- Carlos Albuja
- Lcasey
- Roisin
- Captain of Hog
- Funboysparepants
- Bjksmort
- Jehdhdjdjdjd
- Mr I can't add to my play list
- Brcotten
- Philc777
- ssdfsdfq3245432q5sdfa
- Constantappissues
- Rik2188
- The 9th Island
- Mookeythewonderbus
- Kamillalala
- Jeffeng1
- timberrrr24
- MarkDerry
- JeremyNYC
- SD67
- Sam and Fran
- JonTitlow
- Fredup
- Donmac12
- Lewiskieron
- Dave Towse
- Z Plau
- Goodbeer
- New app is terrible
- bmcdaddy
- Hamletbarkstoomuch
- Ocean Phoenix
- MikeTod
- rtbiscuits
- Irishape
- Sigma1914FSU
- dstick
- DerekSP1962
- Njd7364
- MikyTB
- Patster
- brimi
- MaryElizabethO
- cjca
- GeneralQ
- Podgern
- Astropoon
- lkpp
- Papa dragon
- Marlon6464
- JB 5
- nauch
- usethis
- Harpist
- 1920.1080p
- Alpo3064
- FrustratedAppUser
- Spiritof94
- Tony4233
- Iansand
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 13, 2024
Can I get the old app back as the new one is almost unusable?
- carln1960
- jscherer26
- jhayd11
- rsellers001
- User891157
- User939760
- Bob_17
- Alex_17
- User641947
- User368696
- izi0
- Bob_22
- Richard_96
- jdill711
- Keithsco
- GmanC
- Emence
- mcri
- DML2
- Mr.Nacho
- sanmarko
- IMEaudiovideo
- trickydee
- Haroldwilly
- Toshido
- Demotape
- JonA1
- Jase79
- ATXSass
- Neil Chapman
- Rick Thompson
- Phil Sh
- robin sound
- dgs2001
- isaaclaughter
- yellowkid49
- Tbirdwill
- AMattyG
- ricardland
- Hazzy37
- Flux33
- John Kelly
- Talkien
- Andryea
- Gblack8665
- bnilsson56
- Basia Basia
- txeyevet
- derekww
- Clivetownsend555
- Herbwitt
- Jambongris
- Lucy Q
- P131
- Sailhome
- Brian Barnes
- l-cubed
- phillydog
- azzydudu
- ddbroon
- Ron les page
- Notbigonsxoxnxoxs
- FidelityQuest
- HuuH
- FritzOfFranz
- Bluemeanies
- Mr White
- Nanto7
- Phil.Top
- Petch
- Victor976
- A Guy Named Joe
- Paul Robbie
- yaknak
- parberg
- Paul123456
- MCalifornia
- Matt t333
- DannyBH
- Chops88
- Pschwenk
- Goditsobad
- whydidipayforthis
- Babsi
- RKBrown
- J13
- Mr W Squirrel
- RobRyan
- Sononsense
- Carlos Albuja
- Lcasey
- peter.holland
- turdy8408
- Roisin
- Jkos
- Az sequinn
- Captain of Hog
- Funboysparepants
- Bjksmort
- GCinNC
- mandobrit
- Jehdhdjdjdjd
- iantergalactic
- Brcotten
- FijiBob
- ssdfsdfq3245432q5sdfa
- Constantappissues
- HoustonDan
- ClewDog
- Mookeythewonderbus
- Kamillalala
- Jeffeng1
- MarkDerry
- JeremyNYC
- SD67
- 3john
- angry steve
- Z Plau
- Goodbeer
- New app is terrible
- Hamletbarkstoomuch
- Ocean Phoenix
- MikeTod
- Norway80
- rtbiscuits
- gshar
- Irishape
- dstick
- DerekSP1962
- Njd7364
- MikyTB
- MaryElizabethO
- GeoffBC
- GeneralQ
- Astropoon
- Jofro
- Marlon6464
- Jimnibob33
- JB 5
- nauch
- Harpist
- Daetony
- Alpo3064
- FrustratedAppUser
- Tony4233
- tcsrockers
- Lyricist II
- 4 replies
- May 13, 2024
Been waiting on hold for an hour when I was quoted a 20 minute wait. I have a dozen speakers that are completely unusable due to the update as the system became unrecognized and now I’m stuck in a “update, sign in as owner, your not the owner” loop.
very frustrating.
- richardh9935
- jhayd11
- rsellers001
- admaawe
- User939760
- izi0
- jdill711
- GmanC
- Emence
- mcri
- Kahorn
- IMEaudiovideo
- Phil Sh
- robin sound
- isaaclaughter
- ThomasD1974
- yellowkid49
- Primal
- Gblack8665
- SteveLilley
- Basia Basia
- txeyevet
- Jambongris
- Jens Reuning
- Brian Barnes
- l-cubed
- Ron les page
- GadgetLover
- Bluemeanies
- Nanto7
- Seli
- MCalifornia
- Gary007
- Matt t333
- DannyBH
- Pschwenk
- Goditsobad
- Garboni
- Babsi
- J13
- Lcasey
- Studiosmith
- Bjksmort
- AC74
- Brcotten
- Constantappissues
- SD67
- Donmac12
- Z Plau
- Goodbeer
- Ocean Phoenix
- MikeTod
- Norway80
- rtbiscuits
- MikyTB
- GeneralQ
- Papa dragon
- Marlon6464
- nauch
- Harpist
- Tony4233
- Iansand
- 6 replies
- May 13, 2024
Shocking. The latest update has rendered a houseful of speaker completely useless. I tell everyone I know not to buy anything from this company. The app itself - which used to at least make some sense - has been redesigned in a way that makes everything harder: searching, volume control, reaching playlists, ALL of it. But that’s irrelevant… Because it can’t connect with the system, so I can’t play music anyway. And god help me if I do successfully start a song, I’d better commit… Because I won’t be able to turn the music off!
- jreddaway
- richardh9935
- jscherer26
- jhayd11
- rsellers001
- User641947
- User368696
- izi0
- jdill711
- pmm
- GmanC
- Emence
- mcri
- Kahorn
- sanmarko
- IMEaudiovideo
- Rob7109
- Demotape
- Jase79
- Phil Sh
- Marcosss
- isaaclaughter
- ThomasD1974
- yellowkid49
- Tbirdwill
- Tavaruas
- Hazzy37
- Flux33
- rdamani
- John Kelly
- Gblack8665
- txeyevet
- Clivetownsend555
- Jambongris
- Lucy Q
- Sailhome
- Jens Reuning
- Brian Barnes
- l-cubed
- azzydudu
- Ron les page
- Notbigonsxoxnxoxs
- Bluemeanies
- Nanto7
- Phil.Top
- yaknak
- parberg
- Seli
- MCalifornia
- Bartik
- Matt t333
- DannyBH
- Pschwenk
- loopmode
- Babsi
- J13
- valsha
- RobRyan
- Sononsense
- Lcasey
- turdy8408
- NewAppSx1791
- Captain of Hog
- Funboysparepants
- Bjksmort
- mandobrit
- Bamatex1979
- Jehdhdjdjdjd
- Brcotten
- LittleDanDoggy
- Abastos03
- Constantappissues
- Mookeythewonderbus
- JeremyNYC
- SD67
- Sam and Fran
- Dkhoover
- Davo Baz
- Z Plau
- Goodbeer
- Hamletbarkstoomuch
- MikeTod
- FormerFanboy
- Norway80
- rtbiscuits
- Irishape
- dstick
- Njd7364
- MikyTB
- GeoffBC
- GeneralQ
- Jofro
- Papa dragon
- Marlon6464
- JB 5
- nauch
- Harpist
- Dekay
- Alpo3064
- FrustratedAppUser
- Tony4233
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 13, 2024
The old app was a bit crap but the ‘updated’ app is even crapper 🚽
Crashes all the time
Alarm feature gone (one of the reasons I got Sonos speakers in the first place!)
Really cluttered interface
I have to search for my system ever time I open the app (which is every day)
The only improvement is that the app icon looks better in black than the diarrhoea colour it used to be.
Sonos, please try again. Please. But keep the app icon black.
- User939760
- Bob_17
- Alex_17
- izi0
- GmanC
- Emence
- IMEaudiovideo
- Toshido
- Demotape
- robin sound
- Snaggle
- ThomasD1974
- Tbirdwill
- Tavaruas
- MacDoobie
- Primal
- Flux33
- kottbullar
- bnilsson56
- txeyevet
- Jambongris
- l-cubed
- Ron les page
- Bluemeanies
- Nanto7
- Bartik
- Matt t333
- DannyBH
- Chops88
- Pschwenk
- SimonJParker788
- Goditsobad
- J13
- Doolalli
- RobRyan
- Lcasey
- turdy8408
- Captain of Hog
- Funboysparepants
- Jehdhdjdjdjd
- Abastos03
- Mookeythewonderbus
- SD67
- JonTitlow
- Z Plau
- TheTVDan
- Hamletbarkstoomuch
- Ocean Phoenix
- MikeTod
- rtbiscuits
- Irishape
- dstick
- Njd7364
- Brickky1965
- GeoffBC
- GeneralQ
- Jofro
- Marlon6464
- JB 5
- nauch
- 1920.1080p
- Dekay
- Alpo3064
- Contributor II
- 9 replies
- May 13, 2024
I just Wonder Who decide to fuck up all users.
- Spen074
- Erik Friis
- User939760
- User368696
- izi0
- Keithsco
- GmanC
- Emence
- Arjaypee
- sanmarko
- DaveOzric
- Rob7109
- Jase79
- ATXSass
- robin sound
- Marcosss
- Sonosornottosonos
- Tbirdwill
- Tavaruas
- Hazzy37
- Flux33
- broondog
- Basia Basia
- txeyevet
- Jambongris
- l-cubed
- fair
- phillydog
- azzydudu
- Ron les page
- Bluemeanies
- Mr White
- Nanto7
- Phil.Top
- Ant1969
- yaknak
- Bartik
- Matt t333
- DannyBH
- Pschwenk
- SimonJParker788
- Diegol
- Goditsobad
- Garboni
- Babsi
- Stretch100
- J13
- RobRyan
- Lcasey
- Funboysparepants
- GCinNC
- mandobrit
- Jehdhdjdjdjd
- Brcotten
- HoustonDan
- Mookeythewonderbus
- Jeffeng1
- BeesDontFly
- Davo Baz
- Z Plau
- Uiquant
- Hamletbarkstoomuch
- Ocean Phoenix
- MikeTod
- ppevets
- gshar
- Njd7364
- Brickky1965
- GeoffBC
- GeneralQ
- Jofro
- Papa dragon
- Marlon6464
- JB 5
- nauch
- Harpist
- Dekay
- Alpo3064
- FrustratedAppUser
- Lyricist I
- 2 replies
- May 14, 2024
This update is monumentally awful. What the hell were Sonos thinking. Just opening the App induces stress, it’s near unusable & almost impossible to navigate. Sonos have near bricked my entire home sound system. Surely by providing an App that is the main gateway to interacting with the Speakers they sell, they are solely responsible to making so many people’s audio equipment defunct. Is there any way to revert back to the old App using iOS
- dtohmatsu
- jreddaway
- jscherer26
- Erik Friis
- User939760
- Alex_17
- User641947
- User368696
- izi0
- Bob_22
- Keithsco
- GmanC
- Emence
- Kahorn
- DML2
- IMEaudiovideo
- maciejm
- Rob7109
- Demotape
- Neil Chapman
- Rick Thompson
- ThomasD1974
- Tavaruas
- cubberla
- John Kelly
- DGreen
- Talkien
- duncanc993
- bnilsson56
- SVlovesmusic
- Basia Basia
- Sailhome
- l-cubed
- azzydudu
- Ron les page
- Nanto7
- A Guy Named Joe
- yaknak
- Bartik
- Matt t333
- DannyBH
- Chops88
- Pschwenk
- SimonJParker788
- Babsi
- Stretch100
- J13
- Gmorker
- RobRyan
- Lcasey
- turdy8408
- Jkos
- Funboysparepants
- Bjksmort
- GCinNC
- mandobrit
- Jehdhdjdjdjd
- Brcotten
- LittleDanDoggy
- HoustonDan
- Mookeythewonderbus
- Jeffeng1
- Dkhoover
- Davo Baz
- Z Plau
- Hamletbarkstoomuch
- Ocean Phoenix
- MikeTod
- Norway80
- ppevets
- gshar
- dstick
- Njd7364
- Brickky1965
- GeoffBC
- GeneralQ
- Jofro
- Marlon6464
- JB 5
- nauch
- Harpist
- Alpo3064
- FrustratedAppUser
- Spiritof94
- Tony4233
- tcsrockers
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 14, 2024
Really dont know who is charge of the software team. But heads need to roll... Software is crap unresponsive, slow as hell. Not finding my equipment. How can you deliver this software in production without proper testing... Or is it cost saving on the testing team... and shifted to the end users to have this experience?
The old software was stable(but clunky old feeling) but this masterpiece they have developed may return to hell and stay there.
- jreddaway
- jscherer26
- Spen074
- Erik Friis
- User939760
- User641947
- User368696
- izi0
- Scott_8
- Bob_22
- GmanC
- sanmarko
- IMEaudiovideo
- ATXSass
- Neil Chapman
- robin sound
- Snaggle
- ThomasD1974
- Tavaruas
- John Kelly
- DGreen
- SteveLilley
- Melophile
- l-cubed
- azzydudu
- dpalmer63
- Ron les page
- Bluemeanies
- Nanto7
- Ant1969
- Bartik
- Matt t333
- Chops88
- Pschwenk
- SimonJParker788
- Goditsobad
- Babsi
- J13
- Gmorker
- Lcasey
- Bjksmort
- mandobrit
- Jehdhdjdjdjd
- HoustonDan
- Mookeythewonderbus
- Jeffeng1
- Dkhoover
- Lewiskieron
- Z Plau
- Ocean Phoenix
- MikeTod
- Norway80
- ppevets
- gshar
- Njd7364
- Patster
- GeoffBC
- GeneralQ
- Tony Ro
- Jofro
- Marlon6464
- JB 5
- nauch
- 1920.1080p
- Alpo3064
- FrustratedAppUser
- Tony4233
- tcsrockers
- Contributor I
- 9 replies
- May 14, 2024
Can't update my music library on the new app.
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 14, 2024
Completely unusable. I am avoiding rude words on a public forum but I would like to meet a Sonos employee.
- jreddaway
- jscherer26
- User939760
- User641947
- Scott_8
- sanmarko
- IMEaudiovideo
- Snaggle
- Tavaruas
- Hazzy37
- Basia Basia
- P131
- l-cubed
- Ron les page
- Bluemeanies
- Bartik
- Matt t333
- Pschwenk
- SimonJParker788
- Goditsobad
- Babsi
- Lcasey
- turdy8408
- Dkhoover
- Z Plau
- Ocean Phoenix
- gshar
- Njd7364
- GeoffBC
- GeneralQ
- Marlon6464
- nauch
- usethis
- FrustratedAppUser
- tcsrockers
- Contributor I
- 9 replies
- May 14, 2024
Deleted the new app, went into google app store to make sure all my apps don't automatically update then found a site where I downloaded the old Sonos app. Works OK again.
- Contributor I
- 9 replies
- May 14, 2024
Went to APKmirror and downloaded Sonos v16.1 - I think it only works for android users though.
- Contributor I
- 5 replies
- May 14, 2024
The new App only allows playing one track at a time. The play and shuffle buttons for an album are missing. I have to click on a single track every time to play the next song on the album. I use Adagio for classical music streaming. I updated the App on all of my devices, restarted all speakers on the system, and restarted all the apps again. I restarted my network. None of this worked for my Android devices. The computer App seems to work. Sonos is a big investment in the cost of speakers. I have 6 speakers. I was already disappointed when I learned that I could not purchase a second Sonos 5 gen 2 to make a stereo pair because the newer Sonos 5 is no longer compatible. Now they broke the App. I am waiting for a other update that restores the play button for an album. They have a lot of users. Did they test this new App first before sending it out?
- Contributor I
- 5 replies
- May 14, 2024
Another issue is that I get a System Not Found message with this new App on my Android tablet. I must start the App twice, then it opens without the error message.
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 15, 2024
How does the app keep getting worse and worse over time. It's too bad, I've had some of my Sonos speakers for around 10 years now. Even on a brand new phone the current app is not user friendly, missing functionality that it used to have. And removed the playlists I had. So disappointing given how great the whole experience used to be. The new update is much worse, missing basic functionality now, So irritated.
I completely agree, I used my own music music library on my NAS, now is impossible to play a list of songs a gente or an way to go forward or back this is terrible, If they want to experiment something new, they should keep the old S2 controller and launch a beta versión for testing, this is ridiculous.
- Lyricist II
- 3 replies
- May 15, 2024
Spent two and a half hours on the phone to Sonos customer service trying to update one Sonos roam and connect another after updating the Sonos app on my iPhone. Have even tried fixing it myself for another 2 hours. I give up! I have decided to wait until the next update which, fingers firmly crossed, might fix the issues. Until then the speakers are going to be very expensive paper weights. Frustrating doesn’t come near to how I feel after that experience. It doesn’t seem that Sonos customer service can help as they were getting the same errors I had, and believe me we tried everything several times over without a solution. I was getting 1,002 and 1,000 errors and app crashes at the last step when setting up one roam in particular. The app won't update either roam but says update is required. It’s a shame because they are great little speakers, made useless by a poor rollout of an app update. Software developers for Sonos must be shaking in my boots...if they are still employed.
- Lyricist III
- 5 replies
- May 15, 2024
Another issue is that I get a System Not Found message with this new App on my Android tablet. I must start the App twice, then it opens without the error message.
Exactly the same for me on a Galaxy S23 Ultra running Android 14 - the latest version. Also lost my saved YouTube channels. However, I consider myself fortunate compared to the other issues I see here. Maybe someone at Sonos really appreciates dark irony - the app that was supposed to fix its increasing unreliability ended up being the worst of all. I really love the meaningless error messages, too - "Something went wrong!" It sure did - the day I took out my credit card and decided to take the Sonos plunge.
- Lyricist I
- 1 reply
- May 15, 2024
Similar to the comments above, I had no choice but to update to the latest version which is utterly unusable. I have lost radio stations that were on the former version —all of which is inexplicable. As well, I can no longer use TIDAL which is bizarre, nor listen to the podcasts as before; the drop down menu is incomplete. Is there any plan to correct these deficiencies by Sonos? I can’t be the only one who finds this update to appear to have been done by amateurs. At first I thought Sonos had been hacked.
- Lyricist III
- 7 replies
- May 15, 2024
I've come here to find out why I've got issues with the new app, only to join a long que.
A message to one of the smart Americans out there, put together a petition for a class action against Sonos for devaluation of everyone's systems in to worthless junk. Nothing talks louder than a law suit.
- Lyricist I
- 2 replies
- May 15, 2024
It’s utterly rubbish! I get that apps need updates and not everyone’s going to like it when apps change from something that they once felt comfortable and familiar with.
But, and it’s a pretty sizable BUT, when the app’s ability to perform its basic functions are impaired and its non-functional abilities are shot to shit, then you have to wonder how this ever saw the light of day. Agree with everything above.
Hey Sonos, pull your finger out, this is embarrassing!!
- Lyricist III
- 8 replies
- May 15, 2024
Sonos gates their customers. They can't work on things that customers ask for, but they have time to ruin what works.
- Anonymous
- 0 replies
- May 15, 2024
I now I’m going against the grain here, but I think the design overall is good. I appreciate that if the missing items are important to you then you would feel differently (and bear in mind that most of those are coming in pending updates).
But I have always hated the old app, to me it felt bland, boring and a bit like a toy. The new app has most things on one screen, and I’m not going to get upset about things like volume numbers and mute buttons when I know they will arrive soon.
Again the criticisms about the bugs and missing functionality are valid ones. The rest is subjective and if you hated the old app as much as I did, I think the new app is moving in the right direction.
- Lyricist III
- 6 replies
- May 15, 2024
If you hate the new app as much as I do, I think giving us back the old app is moving in the right direction.
It’s all a matter of perspective.
- Lyricist III
- 5 replies
- May 15, 2024
I now I’m going against the grain here, but I think the design overall is good. I appreciate that if the missing items are important to you then you would feel differently (and bear in mind that most of those are coming in pending updates).
But I have always hated the old app, to me it felt bland, boring and a bit like a toy. The new app has most things on one screen, and I’m not going to get upset about things like volume numbers and mute buttons when I know they will arrive soon.
Again the criticisms about the bugs and missing functionality are valid ones. The rest is subjective and if you hated the old app as much as I did, I think the new app is moving in the right direction.
Fair comment, however, it doesn't really matter how aesthetically pleasing the app is if it doesn't work. I found I didn't pay much attention to the design of the S2 app because the app often did not recognize certain speakers in my system, the music would drop out or items were unavailable.
- Lyricist III
- 7 replies
- May 15, 2024
I now I’m going against the grain here, but I think the design overall is good. I appreciate that if the missing items are important to you then you would feel differently (and bear in mind that most of those are coming in pending updates).
But I have always hated the old app, to me it felt bland, boring and a bit like a toy. The new app has most things on one screen, and I’m not going to get upset about things like volume numbers and mute buttons when I know they will arrive soon.
Again the criticisms about the bugs and missing functionality are valid ones. The rest is subjective and if you hated the old app as much as I did, I think the new app is moving in the right direction.
The issue is not how the app looks, if you bother to read the dozens of threads they all basically have one common issue, the app does not work. In my case I cannot search my music library, volume control is unacceptabley laggy, album art is not displayed & there's probably more but using the app is such a crap experience I uses the S2 on the laptop, at the least that still works. The idiots who are responsible for developing the app basically f***ed up, instead of releasing the app to the general public they should have sent it to a group of volontary beta testers. Instead they have just trashed the brand.
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