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Why is the new Sonos App crap?

How does the app keep getting worse and worse over time. It's too bad, I've had some of my Sonos speakers for around 10 years now. Even on a brand new phone the current app is not user friendly, missing functionality that it used to have. And removed the playlists I had. So disappointing given how great the whole experience used to be. The new update is much worse, missing basic functionality now,  So irritated. 

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268 replies

Userlevel 1

FML! I had auto updates on and woke up and noticed my sonos app was updated :/ I used to be able to recommend sonos to everyone but that’s not the case anymore. After using for over ten years with quite a bit of money invested into sonos i am now considering looking into other options.

Userlevel 1

New app is horrible. Reinstate your old app and fire the engineers who developed this piece of garbage!

Did you even bother beta testing this???

Shocking.  The latest update has rendered a houseful of speaker completely useless.  I tell everyone I know not to buy anything from this company.  The app itself - which used to at least make some sense - has been redesigned in a way that makes everything harder: searching, volume control, reaching playlists, ALL of it.  But that’s irrelevant… Because it can’t connect with the system, so I can’t play music anyway.  And god help me if I do successfully start a song, I’d better commit…  Because I won’t be able to turn the music off!

Newest update completely bricked my 6g investment. And as you eluded to, I had to walk around my multi level home to one-by-one manually turn off speakers which for some reason where playing at full volume while app was not functioning at all. I have not yet seen a SONOS response to ANYONE’s request for answers. Just references to 2-3 hr Helpdesk fiascos.


Userlevel 6
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Userlevel 2

No problem, I’ll adapt to that change and stop buying SONOS products and warn everyone I can. Seems like falling share prices are the only language a CEO understands.

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

No problem, I’ll adapt to that change and stop buying SONOS products and warn everyone I can. Seems like falling share prices are the only language a CEO understands.

Hahaha. Me too

Userlevel 5
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Userlevel 2

Fix it. Seriously.  You’re a responsible serious company. Do better. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +5

Every picture… Can anyone spot the app release date on this Sonos share price graph?


How low will it go I wonder? If Sonos won’t listen to its customers, maybe it will listen to its shareholders?


Userlevel 1

I invented my own sleep timer. How? Use a HUE wall plug or similar and connect your Sonos speaker. Now you can set when to break electricity power, from 1 minute up to days through the HUE app.

Fantastic, if it was year 1970 not 2024. Really bad release, what is the ulterior motive?

Maybe you will come with an upgrade with all disappeared functions and force us to pay monthly fee to get them back!

I invented my own sleep timer. How? Use a HUE wall plug or similar and connect your Sonos speaker. Now you can set when to break electricity power, from 1 minute up to days through the HUE app.

Fantastic, if it was year 1970 not 2024. Really bad release, what is the ulterior motive?

Maybe you will come with an upgrade with all disappeared functions and force us to pay monthly fee to get them back!


Just stop.  Sonos isn’t going to charge you a monthly fee just to use the app.  It’s obvious to anyone who wants to look just below the surface that this app was rushed out in order to facilitate the release of the headphones and new Roam hardware in time for the end of the fiscal year.  That decision is bad enough without slapping conspiracy crap on top of it. 

Userlevel 1

What a “goat show” this new app is.  You say “courage”???  You wanna SHOW “courage”??  Admit what a f*** up this update is; reverse it and give back the service that THOUSANDS OF US have paid for and are using.  I’ll just be watching as Sonos sinks in the quicksand without a helping hand.  Shame on YOU!


The old app was crap, and i was looking forward to the update, but this is a downgrade, not an update.. Like people have said before, everything is more difficult, and there are problems with basic functions like volume, and in what room music will play… Not much fun in opening a beer on the porch to play your favorite tunes (if you find it) and it plays at 11 in your children’s (who just fell asleep) room.. It is CRAP. 

Userlevel 1

I have never posted to this forum, but the ‘improved’ Sonos app is so awful I have to vent my anger somewhere  -  to think I thought the old version was bad …….. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Userlevel 1

No problem, I’ll adapt to that change and stop buying SONOS products and warn everyone I can. Seems like falling share prices are the only language a CEO understands.

Hahaha. Me too

If only, but I’ve invested heavily in this 💩💩💩

Userlevel 2

I remember those halcyon days of 2014 when the volume control was responsive, it didn’t take 10 minutes to load a radio station, when you could link speakers. 10 years ago this was the most amazing music network ever. Those were the days. Trouble is no new customers actually read the posts in this community until it’s too late…

Userlevel 2

This ring bells?

Disgraceful how Sonos could get this so wrong.  It’s not like they don’t have access to thousands of customers to do some Beta testing / consumer feedback before landing such a dramatic change.  UX is awful, harder to use - even teenagers give up.  Really ruins the whole experience and joy of streaming and certainly like at parties it won’t be the same


SONOS YOU HAVE TO DO A 180 AND SORT THIS OUT.  Mistakes happen it’s about how you deal with it.    

Disgraceful how Sonos could get this so wrong.  It’s not like they don’t have access to thousands of customers to do some Beta testing / consumer feedback before landing such a dramatic change.  UX is awful, harder to use - even teenagers give up.  Really ruins the whole experience and joy of streaming and certainly like at parties it won’t be the same


SONOS YOU HAVE TO DO A 180 AND SORT THIS OUT.  Mistakes happen it’s about how you deal with it.    


It was beta tested.  Many have reported that the concerns about the app were all mentioned during beta testing and were ignored.  They obviously released it half-baked to keep the headphones and new Roam launch on schedule.  More than likely looking for a bump in sales at the close of the fiscal year (end of June).  This fiasco has beancounter decision written all over it. 

The new app has rendered my system completely useless. Won’t recognize the TV or play music on the mangled system now missing lots of components to begin with. New is not always better.

This should be embarrassing.  Support is as bad as the app.  I won’t buy another Sonos product if they paid me to take it.  They wasted my money and my time trying to us their app.

Did anyone at Sonos beta test this app? I love my Sonos system but it’s basically a brick with the new app. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +4


New IOS app is terrible. Pls sort and/or provide option to use legacy version.

New app so crap! Clearly there wasn’t a lot of testing with actual Sonos System owners. I lost features and gained no benefit from the new UI. Bring back the old version ASAP.