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The past couple of months when playing music from Spotify on any of the sonos speakers the music skips to the next song or stops playing at random points. It can be after 2 songs or half a day. The controller reports connection to spotify lost. Sometimes i can immediately click play again and it starts over but sometimes it takes 1-10 min before i can resume. Meanwhile i can play from other sources just fine so it seems like a Spotify specific issue. If i try to play using spotify connect then as i select the speaker, it changes it back to the previous target.

Hi @John G ,

Appreciate the mass response. 

My setup means I may be an easy, simple case study for this. I’ve also just done testing and replicated the error too, with images.


  • After the initial issue, I googled it, and followed the Best Answer steps here. I reset and reconnected my Wifi, all Sonos speakers, and gave all three of my wireless SONOS One SLs static IP addresses as it said. It did not help.
  • DON’T use a Wifi mesh, I use a combined modem/router, 70mb internet, within 5 meters to all speakers.
  • DON’T use Enterprise grade network equipment.
  • Prior diagnostics after song skips (Sonos app playing Spotify): #1308531946 , #1081712937 & #1419116587.

Troubleshooting/ Error Recreation, 19th May:
I’ve just done the same as user @storebatfar did this morning.

Test #1: Spotify native app (iOS), set the devices to play through my Sonos speakers.
Time: 40 minutes
Result: Perfect playback, no errors. Stopped testing at 40 minutes.

Test #2: Sonos native app (iOS), playing the same Spotify playlist as Test #1.
Time: 15 mins into playback the
error occurred.
Result: Skipped from song e.g 1 to song 3. Error message appears (see screenshot)


I recorded my Sonos Controller screen in realtime. I have added screenshots of the error happening.

Song ‘1’ = Mess. 
Song ‘2’ = People Ain’t No Good. 
Song ‘3’ = Flight of Fancy




Having the same issue. Random skipping of 1 or more tracks often mid-track. Tried different channels. Hasn’t made much of a difference. 
diagnostics ID 253805899


So I have the same problem than everyone here, with my spotify stopping now and then and switching to the next song.


  • What devices do you have? Sonos Play:1 and :5 and a Brifge (which I disconnected as a test to no avail)
  • Has anything changed on the network? No.
  • Which service(s) are you trying to listen to? Spotify
  • Is the behaviour always the same? Yes, connection was lost
  • Can you recreate it with ease, or is it random? No, random

Confirmation number 1796105774

@Jamanda @MaxAV8R @adionortega Thank you for the follow up information and diagnostic reports. @Jamanda I would advise that you test while one of our products are wired to the router for Sonosnet. We are still seeing performance issues for Sonos on your wifi network with underflow errors. You may want to speak with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) about this, as well as, have you gathered your network topology with the model names and numbers of the products that are wired or wirelessly connected on your network for any modem, router(s), extenders, access points or switches (managed or unmanaged). When you do wire one product into the router then power re-boot the other Sonos units for 15 seconds so they re-boot into Sonosnet for testing. if you are still having the issue I would recommend that you call in and speak with our agents along with a diagnostic report number while testing it in Sonosnet and your topology information.

@MaxAV8R and @adionortega I would advised that you please attempt the steps provided in the Best Answer, as well as from my recent post as your diagnostic reports are showing the same underflow errors but with no re-booting being completed. After you have completed those steps and gathered your network topology I would advise that you call in as well if the issues are still ongoing after the testing steps.

As far as I am aware, starting the stream from within the Spotify app uses a different server than starting it from within the Sonos app. So it’s entirely possible the issue is at the server side, which is owned by Spotify. All Sonos does is point to the server stream that Spotify built in to the interface. 

I am getting the same problem, tracks skipping, stopping and also volume control isn't sync across.

WIFI around the home.




I am getting the same problem, tracks skipping, stopping and also volume control isn't sync across.

WIFI around the home.

diag summited - Your confirmation number is: 2081387114.



I will do these steps, however I can tell you, that if I start playback from the Spotify app and set to play through my Sonos devices, everything works perfectly. If I start the exact same playlist through the Sonos app, the skipping issue starts.


Something must be wrong in the Sonos app, when playing Spotify. 




I’m almost sure that the problem doesn’t come from our wifi, systems, or anything else. The problem is either with Spotify way of streaming or Sonos app. There wasn’t any problem and suddenly since some days it occurs… So please don’t tell us to check our installation when there is 99% chance the bug is related to Sonos app or way of streaming or I don’t know what else that shouldn’t concern us...

And soon there is the big new update with Sonos software… Perhaps it’s only chance, but I suspect something. I hope we won’t have to wait the Sonos update in June to have this problem fixed!



We all seem to have started to experience the specific skipping issue within a very recent timeframe. So it’s likely not interference from all of our separate WiFi’s, all simultaneously… it’s likely a Spotify or Sonos app/server issue that they need to acknowledge and then rectify.

My WiFi has been the same for 5 months. Perfectly stable, strong connection. I’ve only had issues since last week. Therefore the underflow errors were probably always present and have had no real-world effect on my Sonos’ performance at all, as I would have noticed their impact ages ago.

If there is a way to escalate the issue internally, whilst we all troubleshoot, can you do that @John G ?

Will upgrading from 1st gen play 5 to 2nd gen fix this ?

@Gwenddoleu @Jamanda @Carrow1 Thank you for the follow up and the feedback. @Gwenddoleu and @Jamanda As previously asked, after you have completed the Best Answer steps as well as the steps in my previous post that if you are still having the issue to then please call in for phone support as they will have more tools available to them.

@Carrow1 I see that you have an ongoing phone case and our agents will assist you further from there moving forward.

Thank you for reaching out us here in the Sonos Community. If you are still having the issues with the Spotify music service with your Sonos system then please confirm for us if anything changed after doing the steps provided in the Best Answer for this post thread? I ask as the diagnostic reports that most of you have submitted show you are being hit with wifi interference and network equipment performance issues for Sonos.

If you have not followed the Best Answer steps then please do and follow up with a new diagnostic report number here along with those testing results. If you have followed those steps and are still having the issues with Spotify then we will need your full network topology with the model names and numbers of the products that are wired or wirelessly connected on your network for any modem, router(s), extenders, access points or switches (managed or unmanaged). The reason for this is some of your diagnostic reports indicate that you are using more than one network router from your Internet Service Provider and have added another router like a mesh system to your network adding to network interference, as well as some of you are using Enterprise grade network equipment and may need the settings corrected for them.

Before I would ask you to call in for live agent phone support I would strongly recommend that you at the very least you please power re-boot off your wifi equipment for 30 seconds with no lights on it, meaning no battery backup, then power it back up. While this equipment is powering back on then power re-boot off your Sonos units for the same time with no lights and plug them back in to power, no button pressing is needed. While Sonos products are powering on then re-boot the device(s) running the Sonos app. When you are re-connected then test your Spotify playback for 30+ minutes. You can follow up here with the testing results and a new diagnostic report number for us to compare.

Lastly, if after you have gathered your network topology, adjusted any network settings, completed a full wifi network and Sonos product(s) re-boot and are still having the audio issues then I would recommend you call in to our agents for further troubleshooting as they will have more tools available to them.


So now you ask for more details via email and I respond to a unmonitored account, great.

Bose here I come

This is for Paul in the escalation team  ref:_00D1N2JMtd._5002Kmcmy0

I use a ethernet cable to connect my Sonos, the router Is 6 inches away. None of your options make any difference. My router is made by Sky And only has my Sky box plugged in, no change for 10+ years apart from router upgrade a couple of years back. I have tried everything I’ve been asked to, nothing in my setup has changed for years and as this is a new problem and the amount of people complaining about this, may I suggest the problem is at your end not mine.

Mine has started doing this from last week.

worked fine for 8 years, all of a sudden Spotify plays for 5-6 songs then mid song skips 2 along, always 2 along. Been through different t set ups with different twitter chats nothing changes! 

Mine has started doing this from last week.

worked fine for 8 years, all of a sudden Spotify plays for 5-6 songs then mid song skips 2 along, always 2 along. Been through different t set ups with different twitter chats nothing changes! 

Same here

Mine has started doing this from last week.

worked fine for 8 years, all of a sudden Spotify plays for 5-6 songs then mid song skips 2 along, always 2 along. Been through different t set ups with different twitter chats nothing changes! 

Same here

It’s highly irritating. Can hardly play mine now.

the last twitter solution they had was to “connect my move to through Apple airplay, via the Spotify app, turn volume down and then group to my living room play 5 ”!!!

great but my  phone runs out of battery after a little while streaming to Sonos! And the Spotify app on. Plus using airplay one through the Spotify app makes Sonos as responsive as a Wet turd…..or is that the whole

of my Sonos set up at the mo?

I get this too lately.  I don't think Sonos have a clue of the cause to be honest (it started quite suddenly in a particular update quite some time back) and you will go through the usual diagnostics and troubleshooting.

My Sonos playlists tend to be a mix of NAS and Spotify tracks and you know which are Spotify by when it just skips to the next track - even if that is another Spotify one.  When my daughter plays playlists from the Spotify app directly (I hate that App!), it never (as far as I can recall) skips.

It makes shelling out £1500 a little sour, plus expected to shell out another £500 soon for a new 5

@Carrow1 @paddy11 @marksc Thank you for the follow up information and the feedback. @Carrow1 as you have an open case with our agents I again advise that you follow up with them with any requested information or testing that you are doing with them.

@paddy11 @marksc @sjw Please confirm the testing steps from my previous post. If the issues are still on going after the testing them please call in to speak with our phone agents to take further troubleshooting steps with you.

Thank you for reaching out us here in the Sonos Community. If you are still having the issues with the Spotify music service with your Sonos system then please confirm for us if anything changed after doing the steps provided in the Best Answer for this post thread? I ask as the diagnostic reports that most of you have submitted show you are being hit with wifi interference and network equipment performance issues for Sonos.

If you have not followed the Best Answer steps then please do and follow up with a new diagnostic report number here along with those testing results. If you have followed those steps and are still having the issues with Spotify then we will need your full network topology with the model names and numbers of the products that are wired or wirelessly connected on your network for any modem, router(s), extenders, access points or switches (managed or unmanaged). The reason for this is some of your diagnostic reports indicate that you are using more than one network router from your Internet Service Provider and have added another router like a mesh system to your network adding to network interference, as well as some of you are using Enterprise grade network equipment and may need the settings corrected for them.

Before I would ask you to call in for live agent phone support I would strongly recommend that you at the very least you please power re-boot off your wifi equipment for 30 seconds with no lights on it, meaning no battery backup, then power it back up. While this equipment is powering back on then power re-boot off your Sonos units for the same time with no lights and plug them back in to power, no button pressing is needed. While Sonos products are powering on then re-boot the device(s) running the Sonos app. When you are re-connected then test your Spotify playback for 30+ minutes. You can follow up here with the testing results and a new diagnostic report number for us to compare.

Lastly, if after you have gathered your network topology, adjusted any network settings, completed a full wifi network and Sonos product(s) re-boot and are still having the audio issues then I would recommend you call in to our agents for further troubleshooting as they will have more tools available to them.




Hi @John G ,


thanks for the mass response. 


Did as you suggested and power-off rebooted my setup in the suggested order: ​​​​​Router - Sonos products - divice running the Sonos App.


However, 10 to 15 minutes into playing music from the sonos app song skipped again. Got the same error report on the Sonos App like @Jamanda: “Connection to Spotify was lost”.


Ran a new diagnostics report: #1602959704


@LukasOnTheRun Thank you for the follow up with the diagnostic report number, but we still need your network topology with the model names and numbers of the products that are wired or wirelessly connected on your network for any modem, router(s), extenders, access points or switches (managed or unmanaged). Your report is indicating issues tied into router performance and wifi interference. Please read through that article to adjust for anything in the environment with where you have Sonos placed on or near that you can make adjustments with.

You are also running Sonos in Station Mode, meaning wirelessly on your routers 2.4 G connection. I would ask that you next test in Sonosnet by removing the surround setup. You can then look in the rooms tab and confirm your Sonos One SL’s are setup in their own room names. You would then Ethernet wire one of your Sonos One SL’s to the router. You would then do one more full network and Sonos equipment power re-boot off/on for 30 seconds. When you are reconnected to your Sonos system then test the music playback once more for 30+ minutes. You will also want to take one more diagnostic report number while playing and hold on to it.

If you are no longer running into the issues you may need to keep a Sonos product wire to the router for Sonosnet. If you cannot keep your current product(s) wired you would then want to look into getting the Sonos Boost as the product to stay wired to the router. If the issues are continuing then you will want to call in and speak with our phone agents along with having your network topology and diagnostic report number(s).

I'm having the same issue as described in the original thread. My diagnostics I'd is 598051342


3 Sonos play 1s. Two are on 2.4 GHz WiFi, one is plugged into a homeplug wired port. 

@Mediaguy5876 Thank you for bringing your concerns to use here and welcome to the Sonos Community. I do not see any threads or posts made by you other than this one. Have you read and competed the steps in this threads marked Best Answer? Have you read and followed up on my previous post? Please confirm that information and testing. As previously mentioned, if the issues are happening after the testing steps then please call in for live agent support. Your submitted diagnostic report number shows your Sonos products have not been re-booted in 30+ days.



Thank you for reaching out us here in the Sonos Community. If you are still having the issues with the Spotify music service with your Sonos system then please confirm for us if anything changed after doing the steps provided in the Best Answer for this post thread? I ask as the diagnostic reports that most of you have submitted show you are being hit with wifi interference and network equipment performance issues for Sonos.

If you have not followed the Best Answer steps then please do and follow up with a new diagnostic report number here along with those testing results. If you have followed those steps and are still having the issues with Spotify then we will need your full network topology with the model names and numbers of the products that are wired or wirelessly connected on your network for any modem, router(s), extenders, access points or switches (managed or unmanaged). The reason for this is some of your diagnostic reports indicate that you are using more than one network router from your Internet Service Provider and have added another router like a mesh system to your network adding to network interference, as well as some of you are using Enterprise grade network equipment and may need the settings corrected for them.

Before I would ask you to call in for live agent phone support I would strongly recommend that you at the very least you please power re-boot off your wifi equipment for 30 seconds with no lights on it, meaning no battery backup, then power it back up. While this equipment is powering back on then power re-boot off your Sonos units for the same time with no lights and plug them back in to power, no button pressing is needed. While Sonos products are powering on then re-boot the device(s) running the Sonos app. When you are re-connected then test your Spotify playback for 30+ minutes. You can follow up here with the testing results and a new diagnostic report number for us to compare.

Lastly, if after you have gathered your network topology, adjusted any network settings, completed a full wifi network and Sonos product(s) re-boot and are still having the audio issues then I would recommend you call in to our agents for further troubleshooting as they will have more tools available to them.





Hi @John G , 

so I took all the steps you suggested:

  1. Tried all kinds of different channels on my router for the 2.4 G network, error still occured
  2. Removed the surround set-up, had a separate room for each of my speakers, tried all of them separately, still skipped songs no matter which speaker I selected to play music.
  3. Connected one of my One SL to the router directly via ethernet cable. Played music only on this speaker, still songs were skipped. Additionally switched channels in the SonosNet settings (making sure channel of SonosNet is not the same like the router channel as suggested in this post Change your Sonos system’s wireless channel. No improvement.


Eventually after having tried all of the above without seeing any improvement, I called in with a phone agent. We went thru all different kind of analysis of my Sonos setup, he saw some causes for network interference and worked on solving them. He also said general connectivity for my system is good and should not cause an issue. He also told me, that the skipping of spotify songs via the sonos app is a known issue, due to problems in the interface sonos has in place for third party streaming platforms. However this seems to affect Spotify only. According to his information, Sonos is working together with Spotify in order to solve this issue in the next big software update which will be released in beginning of June. 

I really hope you guys will be able present the solution with the new update, I won’t be liking to play my music through the spotify app the whole time…




This is what my matrix looks like when the skips are happening. To me my connectivity and interference looks fine, can’t see why any drop outs should occur. Spotify has now also started  saying certain songs aren’t encoded properly and it skips these entirely, and saying connection lost for the ones it skips mid song. Spotify connect plays a lot lot stabler but I have had skips with it also.