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Sonos stops playing Spotify commercials

I’ve had my system set up for over a year now. This past weekend, when a Spotify commercial comes on, the system goes silent. Both Spotify and Sonos look like the ad is playing but there is no sound and it doesn’t actually play down and start playing again (the ad or music). I have to pause Sonos then hit play again. Any idea what is causing this? It's annoying to have to stop and start whenever a commercial comes on. 

Best answer by Kevin107

Acknowledged by Sonos on another thread


Sotiris C.Sonos Staff:

We’ve identified this issue and currently working on a fix. Unfortunately I don’t have an ETA for this.

As you mentioned, pause and play is the available workaround.

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  • Lyricist I
  • April 24, 2023

Yep same - the silence followed by the need to open sonos and hit pause play is frustrating 


any solution would be great 


While I suspect this is an issue with the source, I.e. Spotify’s stream, it might be helpful if you were to submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and network.

Once they’ve made a determination as to where the issue is, it would be nice if you were to report back here. 

  • Lyricist I
  • April 24, 2023

Same here. It began a few days ago. I hope Sonos & Spotify fix this soon.


What did Sonos support say when you submitted that diagnostic, and called in?

  • Lyricist I
  • April 25, 2023

Same issue - commercial comes on, sonos stops and requires manually hitting pause / unpause to get speaker to play again. Note, I also just updated Spotify ap within the same timeframe that the speaker started having issues.


Same so annoying… tried running it off the app on phones and desktops etc nothing helps. please help us!!!

  • Lyricist I
  • April 25, 2023

Same. I can report that this happens with google assistant and Alexa. Both will not play the commercials and any music. Then manually needs to press the play button on the speaker to continue playing. Not having this issue with google nest mini using Spotify.


Remember, the Spotify server that serves the Sonos application (and other streams) is a different one than serves the Spotify app. Sonos doesn’t have any control over that server, it’s managed by Spotify. 

Airgetlam wrote:

What did Sonos support say when you submitted that diagnostic, and called in?

Reporting a problem directly to Sonos makes Sonos more aware of it, so can contribute to getting a solution. This is a user forum.

  • Contributor I
  • April 30, 2023

I'm also having this issue and reported it to Sonos customer support,  but they were no help at all. They said to contact Spotify.

Are you all experiencing this on Android OS? Because my teen could play Spotify from their iPhone, and we didn't have this issue. 

Also, Sonos had me reaurhorize my Spotify account, and now the work around (hitting pause then play) no longer works. When the commercial break starts, it just freezes.



Same problem here, happens on both my Android phone and iPad.  Not sure exactly when this started happening but I’d say probably about two weeks ago.

  • Lyricist I
  • May 1, 2023

Same problem...started approx two weeks ago...everything plays until a commercial..then have to hit pause and play...really annoying...reported to sonos..they stated, problem with interference. I have never had a problem and nothing on my system has changed. Can also play spotify on other, other speakers (not sonos) with no stoppages.  


Much of ‘interference’ comes from outside the network. Things like new neighbors with a new wifi router have altered my own network use in the past, please don’t assume ‘nothing has changed’. 

  • Contributor I
  • May 1, 2023
Spudss wrote:

Same problem...started approx two weeks ago...everything plays until a commercial..then have to hit pause and play...really annoying...reported to sonos..they stated, problem with interference. I have never had a problem and nothing on my system has changed. Can also play spotify on other, other speakers (not sonos) with no stoppages.  


After sending my message, I tested using the Spotify app with my Sonos Move - it did the same thing.  So, maybe Sonos is right, it’s a Spotify thing.  I have no motivation or time to report this to and deal with Spotify, I’ll just play the other apps.


same here. Its getting boring deleting apps, resetting routers etc etc. Do these companies not talk to one another if they purport to support each others services? Its a real downer to have bought just another great speaker not one that is smart enough do the same thing each day. YAWN

I spent some time on chat with Spotify yesterday. Logged out of my phone, deleted & reinstalled the app, tried on a laptop. Same thing. 

I spent more time on the Spotify chat last week. The stop happened in their test account on my speakers, from both my iPhone app (which I deleted & redownloaded) & the browser on a ThinkPad. It didn’t happen using their test account in my iPhone app. Why do these two not communicate about this? Why am I spending hours trying to troubleshoot this for them? It’s really disappointing that this keeps happening. Don’t tell me about outside interference. We didn’t all have neighbors with new routers in the past two weeks. 🙄

  • Lyricist III
  • May 8, 2023

Same here, which is how I found this thread.  My expeirence is if I am listening to Spotify on my iPhone, no issue, so the commerical pause/play seems to only happen when connected to Sonos. Today I noticed, when the commerical is playing on my iPhone, if you try to “select a device” to play it on, during the commerical, all of my speakers are grayed out and state “unavailable for listening on.”  To me it seems to be a Spotify issue, that when it goes to commerical, for some reason it is blocking the casting ability and gets hung-up, unless you do the pause/play solution.  Sounds like a bug to me.

Same problem here, on different systems, started about same time, have reinstalled everything multiple times and tried all kids of fixes, and it just keeps happening. Can't be my end, clearly a Sonos/Spotify issue.



This morning the Sonos One played an advert when playing a playlist from Spotify( using Alexa voice to command ) first time it’s done this in a few weeks. The only thing I did yesterday was re log in on my iPhone to our router for other reasons like a Wi-Fi connect plug etc. Minefield to work back these issues. AI will sort it cos it’s got time. Humans don’t. 

  • Contributor I
  • May 17, 2023

Not sure why the answer by Airgetlam was marked as the answer - if you read the rest of the thread, you can see that other contributors DID contact Sonos customer service, and they could not help us with that.  The best answer is that you have to contact Spotify and spend multiple hours of your life trying to figure it out.

Airgetlam wrote:

What did Sonos support say when you submitted that diagnostic, and called in?

I just submitted the diagnostic, chatted in to Sonos support, there response is “We are investigating this issue, and do not currently have an ETA. The only workaround for the free Spotify account playback issue is to pause and then to start again.”




“I will flag your problem, my colleagues are investigating the problem and it should be resolved.”


I referenced this forum, so they can see that several people are having the same problem, similarly around the same time.


Hope this helps others to know that “it’s not just you!” and that they are supposedly working on a fix.

  • Lyricist II
  • May 19, 2023

Same problem so frustrating. 

  • Lyricist II
  • May 19, 2023

Is this a way for Spotify to make one pay Premium ????


PattiA wrote:

Is this a way for Spotify to make one pay Premium ????


Maybe... I have just switched Sonos to play Amazon Music for now.

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