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New SONOS App has removed Windows music library and won't let me re-add it!

I’ve updated SONOS on my Android phone. The new app is awful compared to the old one and has so many bugs, as noted by customers on this site minute-by-minute over the past week or so.

I’ve also updated my SONOS app on my Windows 11 computer. This is where I have my music library. The update removed the library. I tried to re-add it, and it came up with Error 913. I can’t access the music library…..I can’t use SONOS for what I bought it for!!!! Frustrated doesn’t go anywhere near how I feel right now. I’m not an I.T. Test Analyst. Neither have I volunteered to be a BETA tester for SONOS. But my investment in SONOS equipment has been destroyed by this update. PLEASE HELP!!!!!

Just updated the app and still get error code 913. My understanding was this would be resolved by mid-June. What is the status? 

The support article on adding local library has been updated:

Now includes instructions on creating network shares for Windows and Mac folders and then adding these to Sonos system using the networked device option. Prior references to adding Windows/Mac folders using the "my music folder" and "another folder or drive" options have been removed. It seems to me anyone with music on Win/Mac computers who were waiting for those old broken options to be fixed should really stop waiting and move to the now-documented user-created network shares method.

thanks tried this but still get the same 913 error message


In this case I would suggest contacting Sonos support and let them know you are still getting an error even after following the new support documentation involving creating and adding a network share.

Any chance you (or anyone) could post a screenshot of the 913 error? I see several people mention it but I’ve never seen it myself.

Windows 11.  Hope this helps.  It’s what I did following the instructional link to access music on my external drive:

Click “Share.”

It’s the “Network Path” you need - \\LENOVO-RICH\Music   -  Copy it.

It’s will be different on your computer.


This what “Advanced Sharing” looks like on my computer:


Open Sonos app and go to:  Manage/Music Library/Add

Enter the “Network Path.”  My computer was -  \\LENOVO-RICH\Music

Then click on “Browse” and go to where you music is stored on your hard drive.

Let me know if I left any steps out.

The problem I am having is that it now (as I reported elsewhere) is that the sonos system loses the share every night when it does its scan of the library. I can add the share, it indexes the files, the library appears in the app, music plays.  Next morning the share is missing from the desktop app and mobile app.  And the share cannot be added via the Android app at all now (confirmed with Sonos).  This is definitely not working as it should on Windows / Android...

AnonUserCA, On Shared Permissions, does it look like the one above?

The permissions are perfect and SMB1 has also been deprecated on the NAS as well recently. Waiting until next scheduled rescan to see what happens this time...

Update - The share has now lasted 36 hours. The NAS has SMB1 fully deprecated (Min = SMB2), so that may have been the issue, not sure, but it was the only change I made, why the Sonos system would care if SMB1 is there or not is unknown.  For now the share is still in the Sonos app so that good, but the handling of this by Sonos has not been good.  Shouldn’t have to do this much digging!

Update - The share has now lasted 36 hours. The NAS has SMB1 fully deprecated (Min = SMB2), so that may have been the issue, not sure, but it was the only change I made, why the Sonos system would care if SMB1 is there or not is unknown.  For now the share is still in the Sonos app so that good, but the handling of this by Sonos has not been good.  Shouldn’t have to do this much digging!

To clarify: Are you saying when when the autoupdater was triggering the library connection to break the NAS was configured to use min SMB = 1 and max SMB = 2 or 3. Then when you changed min SMB to 2 the autoupdater seems to be working ok (no longer triggering connection to break)?

If yes, I have seen one or two others mention the same.

Yes, that's what I believe...

Two MONTHS since we lost functionality for our music on a Mac. The last software update is two weeks old and we still do not have a fix to be able to play OUR OWN MUSC. I could call Sonos tech incompetent, but it would be an insult to the incompetent software developers out there.

Having decided to sit out the lack of access to my music library (for almost three months), I hoped that the latest update of today would allow the reinstatement what had been removed. Unfortunately that has not been the case.

I still have no access to it from a Windows pc or an Android phone, despite having followed all of the instructions many times. It could be that I do not have the necessary technical  knowledge (although I got both working with no trouble originally, until the May update) but I certainly do not have an unlimited amount of time or patience to continue trying to get what is suppose to be a piece of consumer (not IT expert) electronics to function as promised.

Additionally, as of today's update the Android app constantly crashes. Oh, and the Sonos helpline does not operate within the stated hours either. Perhaps I misunderstand, but I have always felt that products like this are bought to fit into your life, not to make you fit  your life around them.