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Fixing the library error code 913 for Windows users!

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91 replies

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • June 28, 2024

GSatt, this one, my library is on the same pc as the Sonos controller. 



Pregunto a GreginVail qué solución es a la que usted se refiere?

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 30, 2024

All the answers (that I understand) here are not working for me - very frustrating. I am running Windows 7  with two Play 1s and a SONOS Move, all was fine, now I get the 913 error. I have shared ‘My Music’ (and just about every other directory) as read/write to SONOS and still get knocked back with the 913 issue.

Am I missing something fundamental here?

Surely my sonos system cannot be redundant or dead.

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 27 replies
  • June 30, 2024

I added music to a new sub-folder (under the music folder) today and Eror 913 came back to haunt me. The re-arrangement of the content of my music folder, for my Windows 11 operating system, somehow voided the previously enabled file sharing. I had to re-activate the file sharing permission for the music folder AS WELL AS the first sub-folder -- otherwise the indexing stops. Don’t ask me why.

In the meantime, Sonos has the audacity to send email to try their “seamless” new headphones.




I have also tried the many “solutions” listed previously and the various small changes that some have found worked. None have worked for me, and I’ve still no access to my music library which is on a music sub-folder. I have 7 SONOS products including a couple of ERA 100, but the whole thing is now useless, and although I am very angry about the situation, I’ve decided to scrap my SONOS and move to another company’s product. I am now in discussion with a number of friends who have SONOS, and we are planning to have a live stream of a SONOS bonfire. We are currently working hard to get the media interested so that the plight of SONOS users can be highlighted. I’ll keep you posted. 


Al igual que Numbercruncherdavid he probado las muchas "soluciones" compartidas por diversos usuarios de SONOS, y ninguno me ha funcionado, y todavía no tengo acceso a mi biblioteca de música, que está en una subcarpeta de música. En verdad estoy muy molesto por esto y por la actitud de SONOS que ha guardado al respecto un silencio que raya en el delito de estafa. Para mi NO es posible por $$$$ arrojar a la basura los 5 productos SONOS que tengo, aunque en verdad quisiera hacerlo. Estoy de acuerdo con hacer denuncia a nivel de medios de comunicación para hacer pública la situación de los usuarios de SONOS y la mala fe de SONOS.

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Like Numbercruncherdavid I have tried the many "solutions" shared by various SONOS users, and none have worked for me, and I still don't have access to my music library, which is in a music subfolder. I am really very upset by this and by the attitude of SONOS, which has maintained a silence on the matter that borders on the crime of fraud. For me it is NOT possible for $$$$ to throw away the 5 SONOS products I have, although I really would like to do so. I agree with making a complaint to the media to make public the situation of SONOS users and the bad faith of SONOS.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • July 22, 2024

i can add my music library with no errors to itunes so ive been airplaying with that

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • July 26, 2024

I’ve followed these directions over and over and could not get this to work.


Last month, when I had the SAME ERROR, the directions worked (with a little rejiggering). This month, NOTHING.


Why is this happening repetitively?????


SONOS y su CEO definitivamente y sin lugar a duda actúan de mala fe.


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SONOS and its CEO are definitely and without a doubt acting in bad faith.


  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • July 31, 2024

When is Sonos going to work correctly again. Are they trying to get rid of customers?


La verdad es que no están tratando de hacer nada que solucione este problema. Lo que han hecho es nada más y nada menos que un fraude a los clientes que desde hace años tenemos SONOS


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The truth is that they are not trying to do anything to solve this problem. What they have done is nothing more and nothing less than a fraud to the customers who have had SONOS for years.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • August 14, 2024
tidepooler wrote:

Just sharing the iTunes folder with the Sonos system did not stop the 913 error on mine.  I had to enable folder sharing with a windows user and then add the folder to the Sonos software as a networked drive, not as the My Music folder, even though it’s just a regular folder on my computer.  This is how I did it:

Right-click the iTunes folder, click Properties. 

Click the Sharing tab. In the top section it shows a folder icon with a Network Path just below it. Click Share.  

A "Network Access" window opens with a drop-down menu. Choose the user account you want Sonos to have access to and what level of permission you want them to have. Depending on your main Windows networking settings, you might have to put the password for this user account into the Sonos software later. I made a new local user account in my main Windows settings and then shared with that user with Read-only permission, because I don't want to give Sonos owner-level permission or my administrator password. Once you've picked the user and permission, click Share.

Back at the Properties for the iTunes folder, copy the Network Path. It looks something like: 

In the Sonos desktop software, go to the Manage menu and click Music Library Settings. A window opens with a list of My Music Folders on Sonos. Click Add.

Click the third option called Networked device (ex. NAS drive).

Paste the Network Path and click Next. If it asks for a password, it wants the Windows user account name and password that you chose for sharing. 

Mine indexed and reappeared in the app once I did all this.

I am not a computer expert. I have sat patiently waiting for Sonos to reconnect me to my music library for 2.5 month, to no avail. However yesterday I followed Tidepooler’s advice absolutely to the letter and my iTunes and my playlists have appeared back in Sonos. 

I have my music in an iTunes file on my Windows 10 desktop computer, where the main Sonos controller is located. It now plays my collection as well as before, no jumps no breaks.

I also use my Android Samsung phone’s Sonos app to control the system. Once the songs were back on Sonos the Samsung app started misbehaving and the Samsung phone told me the app had a bug and needed to be upgraded. This I did through the Android Play Store and it has settled down this morning and is working well.

Thank you Tidepooler.

I dont know why Sonos aren’t pushing out these solutions for different scenarios i.e. Win 10/iTunes/ Samsung or Win10/itunes/iphone or Apple/itunes/iphone or Win 11/other music files/Samsung etc etc. It seems the key is to get you computer to think your music source is on another network drive.

Sonos is working fine but I will not be investing anymore in their products because I cannot trust them. I hope their next upgrade to help with this problem doesn’t f*** it all up again.

I hope this works for you


  • 27663 replies
  • August 14, 2024
TheTallOne wrote:

I am not a computer expert. I have sat patiently waiting for Sonos to reconnect me to my music library for 2.5 month, to no avail. However yesterday I followed Tidepooler’s advice absolutely to the letter and my iTunes and my playlists have appeared back in Sonos. 

I have my music in an iTunes file on my Windows 10 desktop computer, where the main Sonos controller is located. It now plays my collection as well as before, no jumps no breaks.

I also use my Android Samsung phone’s Sonos app to control the system. Once the songs were back on Sonos the Samsung app started misbehaving and the Samsung phone told me the app had a bug and needed to be upgraded. This I did through the Android Play Store and it has settled down this morning and is working well.

Thank you Tidepooler.

I dont know why Sonos aren’t pushing out these solutions for different scenarios i.e. Win 10/iTunes/ Samsung or Win10/itunes/iphone or Apple/itunes/iphone or Win 11/other music files/Samsung etc etc. It seems the key is to get you computer to think your music source is on another network drive.

Sonos is working fine but I will not be investing anymore in their products because I cannot trust them. I hope their next upgrade to help with this problem doesn’t f*** it all up again.

I hope this works for you



The instructions to use a shared network path instead of the first two selections on the PC/Mac app have been on the support pages for months, and recently Sonos has enabled the current mobile apps to do the same.  In addition, they put links to how to add and configure a share on Windows, MacOS, and an NAS drive in the main article on adding a local library here:


Unfortunately, these support pages are dynamic, and if you tried something one day, the instructions could’ve changed the next, and “I’ve tried everything on the support pages” becomes null and void. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • August 14, 2024


That is as maybe. Why do Sonos make the solutions pages dynamic? Surely they want them posted front and centre, unchangeable? No wonder “customers” are frantically searching for solutions

Also when I spoke with Tony on customer service back in early June, he had no idea about a possible solution and could only offer the advice that they (Sonos) would find a solution by mid June/July.

This will go down in IT teaching manuals as the best case study in how not to do an upgrade roll-out.

  • 27663 replies
  • August 14, 2024
TheTallOne wrote:


That is as maybe. Why do Sonos make the solutions pages dynamic? Surely they want them posted front and centre, unchangeable? No wonder “customers” are frantically searching for solutions

Also when I spoke with Tony on customer service back in early June, he had no idea about a possible solution and could only offer the advice that they (Sonos) would find a solution by mid June/July.

This will go down in IT teaching manuals as the best case study in how not to do an upgrade roll-out.


They are dynamic because things change.  At first they were useless.  Like everything else about this release, the support pages were out of date and even sometimes misleading.  Specifically, they contained instructions from prior to the dropping of support for SMB v1 and HTTP sharing.  As the posters here found ways to get around the app’s screwups, the workarounds were posted to the support pages.  Eventually, Sonos fixed the pages to reflect the changes in the new app and the different ways of adding a share, and they are now up to date.


Muchas Gracias a The Tall One y a tidepooler por las claras, precisas y acertadas instrucciones para lograr volver a ver mi biblioteca en la aplicación de SONOS. Por fin, luego de casi 3 meses de no poder acceder a mi biblioteca de iTunes, por culpa de una mala decisión de SONOS al cambiar su App que funcionaba por otra nueva que es un desastre. Estaba pensando hace unos meses ampliar mi sistema SONOS con otro altavoz, pero luego de lo ocurrido, creo que no lo haré hasta no tener la garantía por parte de SONODS al 100% en cuento a su compromiso de que una situación como la vivida con la App de SONOS NO VOLVERA a ocurrir.


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Many thanks to The Tall One and a tidepooler for the clear, precise and certified instructions to log back to my library in the SONOS application. At the end of the day, just 3 months before you can access my iTunes library, it's the culpa of a bad decision by SONOS to change your App to another new one that's a disaster. It is worth thinking about one of the messages being extended to my SONOS system with other speakers, but you do not need to worry about it, but you do not have to accept the 100% warranty on the part of SONODS if you compromise that a situation like vividness with the SONOS NO VOLVERA app available.

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