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What is the latest version of Sonos 1 Controller for Mac, and what are the minimum system requirements?


My High Sierra Mac Pro crashes every time when it attempts to update from 11.5, could that be because the latest version does not work on High Sierra?

Astounding that Sonos does not seem to provide basic info like this on their site.

Best answer by Robert_63

After exhaustive testing of standard upgrade options and nstall/uninstall upgrades of fresh installations, I believe the information in the second link, “app requirements” link is wrong as to the Mac OS.

For the Mac OS, the minimum requirement for the current Sonos S1 Controller (11.6.1) is really System 10.14., not 10.11.  System 10.13.6 is missing a necessary component so the Controller crashes, but that does not occur on 10.14.  

If it is useful to Sonos I can send some of the various crash reports that were generated by System 10.13.6.  My own problems have resolved with the 10.14 update. If there is anyone who is successfully running Sonos 11.6.1 on Mac OS 13.6 or below, I would like to hear more.

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24 replies

  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 8 replies
  • November 19, 2022

Update - Downloading the latest version of the S1 Controller directly from Sonos leads to an immediate crash on opening.  Dialog box says one possible reason for the crash is incompatibility with my version of the OS (10.13 High Sierra) and that I should check with the developer on minimum system requirements.

Absent the developer, does anyone else have any information on minimum system requirements?

  • 23899 replies
  • November 19, 2022

Uninstall the controller, then download the App Store version. If you have any S2 units on the network, power them down while installing the S1 controller. If asked, make the correct choice of controlling a new or existing system.



Subject to change, the Sonos System and Controller Requirements are available via these links below:

When issues arise and the ‘requirements’ are met, often uninstalling the old Sonos App and installing the new updated App from HERE usually resolves the issue. Remember to connect back to the ‘existing’ Sonos System, rather than creating a new system.

edit: buzz beat me to it.

  • Author
  • Contributor I
  • 8 replies
  • Answer
  • November 20, 2022

After exhaustive testing of standard upgrade options and nstall/uninstall upgrades of fresh installations, I believe the information in the second link, “app requirements” link is wrong as to the Mac OS.

For the Mac OS, the minimum requirement for the current Sonos S1 Controller (11.6.1) is really System 10.14., not 10.11.  System 10.13.6 is missing a necessary component so the Controller crashes, but that does not occur on 10.14.  

If it is useful to Sonos I can send some of the various crash reports that were generated by System 10.13.6.  My own problems have resolved with the 10.14 update. If there is anyone who is successfully running Sonos 11.6.1 on Mac OS 13.6 or below, I would like to hear more.

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • December 2, 2022

“...crashes generated by System 10.13.6.  My own problems have resolved with the 10.14 update...”

I run OS High Sierra v10.13.6 which is the latest version I can access here in Australia. How do I get v10.14? I’m going crazy trying to reconnect my Sonos system that I have had for 10 years. My Sonos S1 desktop app is also up to date.


All available Sonos Apps are listed here:

The App requirements are shown here:

Hope that assists.

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • December 5, 2022

Hi Ken,

My system requirements are all good:

Mac OS v10.13.6

iPhone iOS v16.1.2


I decided to download the S1 Desktop Controller to my Mac from the link you sent. I selected “Replace” and attempted to run it.  Fail. Got an error report that I sent to Apple.  Tried again and now it won’t even attempt to load the desktop Controller! 

Now what? Can you send me an earlier version?


Maybe try again, but rather than replacing the App, uninstall the App you have already and start from a fresh install.

During setup, when prompted by the App, choose to connect to the ‘existing’ Sonos system, rather than creating a new one and see if that works for you.

  • 42594 replies
  • December 5, 2022

Note that @Ken_Griffiths is not a Sonos employee, they are always marked as such when posting in these forums. Ken is merely a very helpful member of this community. 



Yes, it’s perhaps important to take note of Bruce’s comment above, I’m not an employee of Sonos - Like many others (including Bruce), I merely loiter here in the community from time to time, just as another Sonos user and attempt to assist other Sonos users who maybe experiencing some difficulties with their system/software etc. You need not heed any of my suggestions, that’s if you prefer not to and just to add, if you would rather speak/chat with Sonos Support Staff, they can always be contacted direct via this LINK.

Hope that clears up any possible misunderstanding here. As Bruce also mentions, the Staff are clearly identified here in the community forum.

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • December 5, 2022

Hi Ken,

I didn't think that you were a SONOS employee  I appreciate your suggestions. I will contact SONOS directly by following the link you Kindly sent. 

PS - never having had any trouble before I have had no need to get on this forum so I am rather naive about how this all works. 

  • 42594 replies
  • December 6, 2022

I made the assumption, when you asked him to send you a file. I’m of the opinion that using a file sent to you by a random person on the internet (sorry, Ken) is a bad idea. ;)

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • December 6, 2022

You are probably right but I judged Ken to be an honest bloke. I mean why would someone with knowledge of the system but also with bad intentions hang around on the Sonos Community website? Anyway, in principle I agree with you.

  • 42594 replies
  • December 7, 2022

I respect Ken a great deal, but have never met him ;) I’d trust him to point at an official location for me to download a file, but not to send me one. 

Airgetlam wrote:

I respect Ken a great deal, but have never met him 😉 . 

Here I am… (just so you’ll recognise me when we meet). ha ha


  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 13 replies
  • December 23, 2022

This is a known problem.

I am running MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6 on an older Mac, that has my music library.

Having finally escalated the problem at Sonos, I received the following replies:

”Thank you for the information provided regarding your issue. Actually, there is an ongoing issue with the Sonos S1 application on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6, we are aware of it and looking into a future resolution.”  “(T)he Sonos S2 application works, the issue is related just to the S1 Application.”

I can in fact install the S2 Controller on my Mac, with no issues, but I don’t want a split system, so I am waiting on a “future resolution”.

I am still running Sonos S1 Controller for Mac version 11.5 on my Mac, so my system can access my music library.  All of our iPhones and iPads are now running the latest Sonos S1 app version 11.6.2 and they work fine.

If you are currently running version 11.5 on your Mac, DO NOT uninstall it, as it is the last functioning version available. If you have uninstalled it, the only remedy is for you to try and restore S1 version 11.5 on your Mac, if you are able, through a backup (which I did) or otherwise.

  • Contributor I
  • 9 replies
  • January 1, 2023
Robert_63 wrote:

After exhaustive testing of standard upgrade options and nstall/uninstall upgrades of fresh installations, I believe the information in the second link, “app requirements” link is wrong as to the Mac OS.

For the Mac OS, the minimum requirement for the current Sonos S1 Controller (11.6.1) is really System 10.14., not 10.11.  System 10.13.6 is missing a necessary component so the Controller crashes, but that does not occur on 10.14.  

If it is useful to Sonos I can send some of the various crash reports that were generated by System 10.13.6.  My own problems have resolved with the 10.14 update. If there is anyone who is successfully running Sonos 11.6.1 on Mac OS 13.6 or below, I would like to hear more.

Is it confirmed S1 requires 10.14? Seems incredibly lme for an app that’s only job is to connect to some music services and send some network comnmands to peripheral to require such high OS. I have a perfectly working Minima with 10.13 has highest possible macOS. This machine can run all sorts of advanced applications still, but not Sonos?


It still states 10.11 as macOS requirement but my update failed.

T-S2 wrote:

Is it confirmed S1 requires 10.14? Seems incredibly lme for an app that’s only job is to connect to some music services and send some network comnmands to peripheral to require such high OS. I have a perfectly working Minima with 10.13 has highest possible macOS. This machine can run all sorts of advanced applications still, but not Sonos?


It still states 10.11 as macOS requirement but my update failed.

Did you try @buzz’s suggestion of uninstalling the controller App and then installing the latest version and connecting it back to the existing Sonos System? That usually resolves installation issues. The S1 Controller requirements are shown here FYI:

  • 23899 replies
  • January 1, 2023

If an iOS App uses certain features and hasn’t updated to use the current API version, the App will be dropped from the App Store. This leaves the App developer with two unpleasant options, stop offering the latest new features, or force some legacy users to upgrade their hardware. In general, the legacy user base is shrinking and does not generated much, if any, cash. New users, seeking the latest features, generate the cash.

  • Contributor I
  • 9 replies
  • January 1, 2023

@buzz and @Ken_Griffiths:

Sorry, I don’t get it. I’m talking about macOS not iOS and the Sonos Controller is not shown in AppStore on this computer. I had an old controller version from a previous installation that updated itself but failed. The only solution for me would be if there was a downloadable version that runs on macOS 10.13.6 but as far as I can see there isn’t although my computer and OS meet the system requirements.


It’s 2023, but this feels like 2003.



T-S2 wrote:

@buzz and @Ken_Griffiths:

Sorry, I don’t get it. I’m talking about macOS not iOS and the Sonos Controller is not shown in AppStore on this computer. I had an old controller version from a previous installation that updated itself but failed. The only solution for me would be if there was a downloadable version that runs on macOS 10.13.6 but as far as I can see there isn’t although my computer and OS meet the system requirements.


It’s 2023, but this feels like 2003.

I wasn’t talking about iOS - I was talking about macOS and unininstalling/reinstalling the App.

The search/location for the App is the same as last year 😂.

Anyhow to assist you further, just go here to download it (for macOS 10.11, or higher.):

Hope it resolves your issue - Happy New Year.👍

  • Contributor II
  • 4 replies
  • January 16, 2023

10.13.6 and the S1 download from the link you send  I think that is what some of these posters are saying. 

Doug C. wrote:

10.13.6 and the S1 download from the link you send  I think that is what some of these posters are saying. 

Maybe someone has fixed it, but I was able to download the file from the link - sadly I don’t use MAC, so cannot test it but the .dmg file seems to be okay.

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 13 replies
  • February 7, 2023

Just a quick note for anyone that still has this problem:

The latest version of the S1 Controller App for macOS (Sonos_57.14-37030.dmg) has fixed the problem and installs and runs normally.

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