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Music Library Compilations Issue Under 16.3.

Today I successfully updated to the latest 16.3 Firmware and Windows Desktop Controller.
I subsequently performed an “Update Music Library Now” from the 16.3 Windows Desktop Controller.
Now any Sonos Controller (including SonoPhone, SonoPad) show multiple entries for each compilation album when viewing Albums.
Just an example shown below...

Does anyone else have this issue?

116 replies

Userlevel 1

Yes, I just updated today and ALL of my compilation albums across Genres now have multiple entries with tracks completely out of order or missing.  Sonos is just a cluster of crap.  So disappointed. We’ve invested in speakers across our home and can’t use the vast music collection in any easy way.  They’ve trashed the system and don’t seem to care what users think.

Userlevel 1

I have hundreds of compilations, now after the 16.3 update i have multiple editions of every one, some with content some without!

What is going wrong with Sonos, after 13 years of singing your praises and recommending to friends you appear to have lost it completely! Still waiting for the Music Library features to be reinstalled and now this shambles. 

Userlevel 1

This guy just won’t quit with the mealy-mouthed, dishonest updates.

It is by now well established that the app update was so they could meet their deadline for selling the new headphones, and had nothing to do with improved performance, which is what is claimed in the letter.

The employees aren’t pained at our frustration, they’re pained because they got dropped in it by the CEO and engineering colleagues, who engineered one of the greatest foul-ups in product development history. This will be being taught in business school for decades, as a case study in how not to do things.

How this guy has not yet resigned is beyond me - it clearly needs someone else in charge to rebuild brand loyalty.

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

I'm so sick of hearing "well, the work around is ..." That should not be a common thing! I get it if it's for one thing for a temporary time. They've turned workarounds into an operational philosophy! 



Userlevel 2

yes, just now - updated, and same issue is up for me.  
it appears on desktop app, android app, web app
for each compilation album, I’m seeing it appear the same number of times as there are tracks on it
but the songs aren’t there at all - in that when I click on one of the ‘albums’ I see a blank screen with ‘no selections are available’ instead of the track
my data sits on a NAS, and is all good, exactly as it should be

Userlevel 2

I appreciate the suggestion anorakus, thank you

but is it really too much to ask that Sonos test the code before they turn our muti-thousand-dollar systems into bricks - repeatedly.  I’m sure Sonos will eventually ‘fix’ it, but would we accept this with any other kit we have?   Imagine if our cars peridodically stopped working, or our fridges, or watches, or phones……. 
I think I’ve reached the end of my patience, and time to dump more than a decade of Sonos and move onto new hardware.  

Userlevel 1

Still no ETA on fixes for this issue? Could you roll it back to the previous release when it was still working and push that out for now? I think further communication from Sonos would help alleviate the frustration.


Userlevel 1

It’s unbelievable and treating us with total contempt to release this update 

now my music library is largely unusable 

They need to take it back a version and try again

Userlevel 2

Mistakes happen, but the lack of an ETA  for restoration or even very much of an acknowledgement of the problem is intolerable. And, we are dealing with restoration of functionality that was part of the original offering rather than an addition. In other words, Sonos is not delivering the described product, but has collected the money. 

Userlevel 1

Hi @GNP 

There will be nothing you can do to improve the situation reported here with Music Library albums showing one entry for each artist involved in the album - this will be up to us to fix with a software update. As @Rhonny mentioned, the issue only manifested late last week, and identified some time after that, so it will take more time yet to fix.

“The issue only manifested late last week.” Seriously?!

The issue was there all the time that you were developing the software. It is super basic/fundamental and in any decent operation would have been found and fixed by your QA process. The idea that you just chuck out shoddy untested software and expect your customers to do the QA for you is a certain route to a very bad place.

And while you continue to pursue this approach, you could at least try to sound a bit sympathetic and appreciative when your customers point out issues like this.

You have temporarliy(?) trashed an important part of my life and that of many others on this forum. The lack of empathy shown here is quite extraordinary. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @GNP 

There will be nothing you can do to improve the situation reported here with Music Library albums showing one entry for each artist involved in the album - this will be up to us to fix with a software update. As @Rhonny mentioned, the issue only manifested late last week, and identified some time after that, so it will take more time yet to fix.

Userlevel 3
Badge +4

I was shocked when this issue hadn’t been sorted after two weeks. The fact is still a live issue is unbelievable to me.

Userlevel 6
Badge +10

This issue would appear to expose a complete lack of suitable regression testing for speaker firmware with regard to indexing. This is not some esoteric edge case, as I’d venture compilation albums are quite popular amongst users of local libraries. In 15 years of using Sonos, I don’t recall them ever having messed up such a basic part of indexing before. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +4

Another broken thing. It’s exhausting keeping up with this nonsense. I hate Sonos.

Has anyone from Sonos acknowledged these issues or resolved to fix them?

I was forced to download this update and now can’t use my music library as the majority of it is in compilation albums. Seems a pretty obvious error and presumably easy enough to fix.

Was the update not tested before release?

Userlevel 3

Aside from the compilation album problem (which makes my extensive music library way too cluttered and makes it prohibitively time-consuming to try to listen to albums I want to listen to), there is also the need for the alphabetical index we used to get on the right side of the screen, which enables the user to jump to albums (or artists, or genres, etc.) that start with a certain letter.  That is enormously useful, and wouldn’t seem to be complicated.  No plans that I have seen to fix it.  Oh, well . . .

Userlevel 1

When are we going to get a fix for the compilation album issue, do Sonos even consider that there is a problem?

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Definitely a poorly planned/managed project and release. The time it is taking to get everything where it needs to be provides an indication of how far apart the hardware, cloud and app teams were in terms of being ready for release in May.

Eventually things will get there, but I think it’s still actually unknown how much longer it will take, so it’s safer for Sonos not to keep over-promising on fixed public delivery dates as that is how they ended up in the current situation in the first place.

It doesn’t help existing owners with issues and the longer it keeps dragging on the more likely an increasing number of existing users will find alternatives that do what they actually need. An advantage of Sonos, was buyers didn't need  to think about which services/features they actually used or needed, because Sonos supports so many.

Userlevel 2

The few acknowledgments from Sonos do indicate that waiting for them to fix this is the best course of action. Given that, it would seem that a minimal regard for customers would require some estimate of the time frame for resolution.

I read an article where the CEO was lamenting the current state and touting the hard working staff. I admire hard work, but I paid to be able to listen to my music. The amount of hard work is irrelevant. I would be happier with less hard work and better results.

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Your previous tagging for a compilation was correct, as mentioned a few comments above it looks like the new firmware has messed up tag extraction/referencing/searching or they have changed the tag name they use to identify album artists, so instead of being able to using the current album artist tag if it exists it is falling back to using artist.

This is then causing merry chaos in the app because it has entries using album artists for the previously correct view, but can’t reference back to the tracks anymore, so shows them as empty albums. The tracks previously shown correctly are now showing up as 1 track albums based on the artist tag of the track (assuming every artist for is different per track).

For things like OST where an artist might have appeared a few times in a movie you get multiple albums with a few tracks in them.

For albums where the artist tag on some tracks is the same as the album artist a few tracks with show, but artist tags of X featuring Y will missing and in a duplicate album under the X featuring Y artist.

It’s a case of wait for Sonos to fix. I wouldn’t start messing with your tags up to try and get it to show correctly because you’ll just end up with messed up tags

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Sadly another problem. This time Sonos have messed with the library, getting it to group on Track Artist rather than Album Artist. Worse still where a track artist appears more than once in an album then it seems to duplicate the album (with the same tracks in each album, but all the others missing) by the number of tracks in the album.  I have seen the suggestion to use the Folder option which because my albums are neatly stored in Folder (Album Name) seems to keep the tracks grouped together. However the track order is not numerical, not a major problem as I often use random playback of this type of album. Without the search feature on Android & IOS if you don’t select Folder it means you have to scroll through a huge number of false albums making the search even more painful. And on top of that still no album art for Android!

It annoys me that up to very recently I was still able you use the old S2 App on my Android phone (which worked perfectly), but now Sonos have forced me to update to the failed new S2 App. How many more things are Sonos going to get wrong?

As far as Patrick Spence and his so called apology, its too little & too late Mr Spence.

I shall continue to struggle with the new S2 app, luckily I do have an iPad & a Windows PC so have more features available to me than on Android alone, but on all devices it seems that library scanning has been messed up. One step forward, two steps back.

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Are they actually fixing ANYTHING at this point?

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Honestly Rhonny - I appreciate your detail, but honestly don’t care

I’m not sending you any more Christmas cards, Scoott. 

Userlevel 5

I appreciate the suggestion anorakus, thank you

but is it really too much to ask that Sonos test the code before they turn our muti-thousand-dollar systems into bricks - repeatedly.  I’m sure Sonos will eventually ‘fix’ it, but would we accept this with any other kit we have?   Imagine if our cars peridodically stopped working, or our fridges, or watches, or phones……. 
I think I’ve reached the end of my patience, and time to dump more than a decade of Sonos and move onto new hardware.  

Hi - completely agree it sucks that album view is broken and we have to resort to folder view.

I suspect that someone mistakenly referenced the 'Artist' rather than 'Album Artist' tag in the latest firmware update..?



Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Still broken over a week later 😭


It would be. App updates are being rolled out fortnightly, so I wouldn't expect the next update until next Monday. And even then there is no guarantee this issue will be covered by this update as it was only reported/acknowledged relatively, but it will be somewhere on the list and will be in a future update...

Will be interesting to see if it is a firmware update or an app update that fixes it. They are different teams who develop and can release independently and firmware broke it.

Digging bit deeper and looking at tags on my files, it could be the firmware update stopped presenting the ‘compilation’ tag in the catalogue server on the devices, so the app no longer correctly groups album artist tags under the same album.

I have Jeff Wayne’s war of the worlds tagged as a compilation due to multiple artists on it, with Jeff Wayne as the Album artist and the artist on multiple tracks with the actual track artists. Disabling the ‘Group Compilations by’ in 16.1 app/firmware so there is no grouping recreates the behaviour even though the compilation tag exists.

It is a while ago but when I moved from SlimServer to Sonos way back when, I had to change some of my tagging to make it Sonos friendly with various artists albums. The range of tags available back then in the standards were far fewer than current versions and it wasn’t uncommon to find different behaviour between systems.
