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As I’ve seen more and more apps adopt Live Activities, I have begun noticing their absence for the Sonos app on iOS. 

There are a few simple use cases that I think would be better achieved through a Live Activity vs having to do a heavy load of the app as is required today:

  1. Quick playback controls: play/pause/next/previous of current playing content
  2. Volume controls for the currently playing group
  3. Playing track information, including playback progress and album art. 

To keep things simple, I would suggest the Live Activity would only provide the above for the last selected and active (playing) speaker group from within the app. This avoids over designing the live activity to have to have a group picker which I think start to over complicate the experience. 

This would make it incredibly simple to perform some of the most basic and essential functions of my Sonos experience from my device’s Lock Screen and even on my Apple Watch. 

Thanks for the consideration!

Hi ​@Mattyv123 

Thank you - I've marked this thread as a feature request and it will be seen by the relevant teams for consideration. Keep the ideas coming!

I noticed something curious in the Apple TV live activity integration yesterday, which - I should note - seems to only show when it is “close” to the source.

With the YouTube app playing a video, audio routed via AirPlay to the Beam, I could adjust the volume via the slider and with my phone’s physical volume keys.

That would be a great feature to have with a Sonos live activity!

This could be a great way to replace the Lock Screen controls that disappeared years ago when Apple enhanced AirPlay. I suspect this would be a massively used feature