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End of software updates?!

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43 replies

  • 13501 replies
  • January 22, 2020
user2009 wrote:

What other brands do you all recommend?  I’m done with Sonos and have learned my lesson with “smart speakers”.

I’m thinking a high quality “dumb” all-in-one speaker or split amp and speaker system and a cheap “smart” adapter that works well with apple.


I use Echo Dots wired to my Connect Amps and they work fine; and they would do so just as well wired to the input jacks of either of the two kinds of system you refer to. In fact one of the Echos is an Echo Show that does what Sonos still has not featured: album art for music being played.

  • 1 reply
  • January 22, 2020

Let us start a little thread where we can recommend products from other vendors to replace this fake. Sonos is leaving my house.

  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
  • January 22, 2020

The main thread for this discussion is over here, with 1100+ replies. 

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • January 22, 2020
george99 wrote:

I got an email today telling me that 11 of my 13 sonos devices were getting old and would no longer get updates.

Really Sonos?! I bought some of the Connect’s only in the past couple years. 
Now you are telling me that they will soon stop working and getting updates?!

Honestly I don’t care about the updates. My system works fine and does what I want, but I have a feeling that they will intentionally make it so that some streaming services will no longer be available.

We are taking about streaming audio. It isn’t rocket science. A windows 95 computer can stream today’s audio. 
I spent thousands of dollars on your system.  I really hope I don’t get screwed here.

Not happy and disgusted with Sonos, I purchased over £2000 worth of sonos in 2014 about 5 years ago as I thought it would last, now I am advised this is going to become obsolete, can anybody help, is this worth taking up with the fair-trade commission. Sonos What a Big Let Down. Goodbye Sonos Hello Bose

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • January 22, 2020

Not happy and disgusted with Sonos, I purchased over £2000 worth of sonos in 2014 about 5 years ago as I thought it would last, now I am advised this is going to become obsolete, can anybody help, is this worth taking up with the fair-trade commission. Sonos What a Big Let Down. Goodbye Sonos Hello Bose

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • January 22, 2020

Yes I think we need to start up something to identify alternative products and move away from Sonos, It take time to build up good reputation and I wouldn't think it will take long to lose, lets get cracking and spread the word what Sonos are planning and hopefully save lots of people lots of money and misery. Ill start with face book  

  • 27663 replies
  • January 22, 2020
Norfolk wrote:

Not happy and disgusted with Sonos, I purchased over £2000 worth of sonos in 2014 about 5 years ago as I thought it would last, now I am advised this is going to become obsolete, can anybody help, is this worth taking up with the fair-trade commission. Sonos What a Big Let Down. Goodbye Sonos Hello Bose

Careful what you wish for.  Bose recently abandoned their entire multi-room speaker lineup, even units that were sold up to that day.  

  • Contributor I
  • 2 replies
  • January 22, 2020


When I bought my first Sonos product in 2005 they were a Hi-Fi faced company who enabled you to play stored music throughout the house. Increasingly, oven the past few years that have moved away from their original aims to a gimmicky company moving todays todays obsession with (mostly poor resolution) streaming and ‘voice activated’ systems turning their backs on their loyal customer base. I have recommended Sonos to friends and neighbours, who like me have now been abandoned to our own devices with ‘legacy’ systems. I’m sad that the trend is this way and will fix my system as now and forget abut the plans I had for expanding into sound bars and sub. I’m sure the they won’t be worried by loosing my custom but I am sure I’m only one of many who feel betrayed by this move and looking for an alternative.



  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • January 22, 2020

This is RIDICULOUS.  I’m so frustrated, I don’t even know where to start.  I want to scream from every chat room, “DON’T BUY SONOS!!!”.

This is a huge strike two.  First, the shift to subscription-only streaming, cutting down the freedom and choice of how I use my Sonos system.  And now this…  

30% is a slap in the face.  Try an 80% credit.  Paying even 20% for new hardware to replace components purchased 6-7 years ago; to do exactly the same thing as it’s doing today.  This is a CRIME!

Sonos, you should be ashamed of yourself.  Stand behind your product.  If you’re hardware cannot support your updated software, you should replace the hardware FOR FREE!

I’m not sure what my next step will be.  I just received “the e-mail” this morning.  But I tell you, I am not impressed.  SHAME ON YOU, Sonos.

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • January 22, 2020

I agree with you Sonos is bad and it will also be leaving my house, thanks to all for good advice on a replacement system. When the Sonos fall over its going in the bin can’t be bothered with it 

I cannot describe how disappointed I am.


I own 7 Sonos devices and I have always been a great supporter of the brand. Several of my friends have, in fact, invested in Sonos after my recommendations. Now I learn that 2 of my devices are “legacy products” and that I need to rethink my system. The Tradeup offers are so ridiculous: the replacement devices suggested are not even aligned with the needs of the corresponding initial devices.


And you dare to mention about an environmental-orientated decision when it is clearly a push on your behalf for your customers to throw away some perfectly fine devices in order to buy some new ones to increase your business.


This is sad Sonos. Shame on you. Take care of your customers instead of trying to find an elegant way to get more money out of them.


  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • January 22, 2020

Like so many other people here and on other media, I am disgusted with Sonos over the way they have failed to support their customers. A 30% discount to replace a perfectly good system is a travesty, why do they believe people would want to spend further good money on another product from a company that has so little regard for them. It’s all very well saying that 92% of their units are not effected but people not effected now should be very concerned about what the future holds.

Sonos should now be putting a warning on every product - WARNING this product will turn into a brick at a time of our choosing!

Sonos have lost my goodwill, I only hope they realise the damage they have done to their business, I don’t wish anything unpleasant on anybody but their handling of this is crass.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • January 22, 2020

Over time I have purchased a total of 9 Sonos Components.  I checked my receipts and I have spent $6000 on these components.

I was an early Adopter, finding Sonos offering compelling and fit for my needs.  I have a large purchased music library that is resident in my iTunes account and I listen to radio and some limited streaming.  My system functions flawlessly, it always has.

Now Sonos has informed me that 4 of my 9 (operating perfectly) components are going to be pronounced obsolete by Sonos.  To replace these 4 components will cost $2500, even with the 30% discount offer.

When I purchased the components, I was not made aware of a limit to the useful life of the components, nor was it a question that I would have considered.  The components are high quality - I only invest in this kind of quality if I believe that it will be durable, having comparably a long life.  Sonos now informs me that I was wrong when I made my purchase decision, their quality components have a limited life - shorter than their competitors that are priced more favorably.  This is a bizarre outcome, the speakers clearly have a much longer life but Sonos has unilaterally declared them dead in the face of strengthening competition.

Now I am a more informed customer.  These quality components do not have a longer life as result of the better build quality.  Why would I then pay the premium for the improved build quality?  I won’t, it has no value.  This is glaringly obvious to me, it should also be glaringly obvious to the sales and marketing group at Sonos.

So, It appears that Sonos is forcing me to purchase new equipment.  When I compare their offering to others, I will compare the price and the anticipated life.  As I look at it now, there is no compelling reason to purchase from Sonos, they are overpriced and don’t last as long as the others - this was an obvious outcome from their announcement.

Further, I do anticipate that there may be cause here for a class action lawsuit - I believe that it may be inevitable in the US, I won’t initiate it, however I will join it, I want my money back for the component life they have just stolen from me.

I am fortunate in that most of the items that will be made obsolete are simply the amp/receivers.  I purchased quality speakers separately.  This will greatly lessen the cost and interruption impact of moving to a competitive manufacturer.

Sonos - this reaction and push back was obvious.  I can only believe that you anticipated it an you like it.  This does seem to be a matter for the board of directors of Sonos to consider as they ponder the future of the company.

Sonos - thank you for the years of quality sound and functionality, I am sorry that I can’t stick around.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • January 22, 2020

I too was an early Sonos adopter, as a high end Building Contractor I have sold tens of extensive Sonos systems to my clients as the best thing since sliced bread. Now the 12 plus devices I have currently online in my own home are soon to be obsolete and unsupported and so are those of my clients who’ve also received the email.

We all have a right to be outraged, disgusted and terribly disappointed by this action and should all consider both a Class Action Suit against Sonos and vigorous vocal public action to discourage new users to sign on with this company.

THE 30% upgrade rebate is a token joke and an insult to all of us loyal customers who have purchased and pushed their expensive products to others since they first came to market. Again this is terribly disappointing to learn that this formerly good company has sold out on its old customers assuming we’ll just say yeah sure no problem, ‘end of life’ right! Like others I hope this Terribly Stupid and Short Sighted decision will lead to the downfall of this formerly good company.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • January 22, 2020


I wonder if this change is due more to the economic pressure on Sonos of needing to keep old equipment updated. This wouldn’t be surprising given how mobile phone companies seriously struggle to keep phones updated with security patches because of cost.

If this is the case, I would rather Sonos consider some sort of update subscription package which applies once equipment gets beyond a certain age. I would rather pay a small continual subscription than see Sonos go bankrupt and lose support for everything.

  • Contributor I
  • 5 replies
  • January 22, 2020
jgatie wrote:
Heavy User in SF Bay Area wrote:


What are folks replacing with, instead?  I have three AMPs and four various speakers.



Amps, or Connect:Amps?  Amps are unaffected, as are Connect:Amps sold since 2016.  


If you have Connect:Amps purchased before 2016, the replacement would be the Amp.


I think he means, what unit can he replace it with that has an acceptable level of hardware support and some consideration of the brand towards their customers? That’s not another Sonos unit.  

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • January 22, 2020
jgatie wrote:
Heavy User in SF Bay Area wrote:


What are folks replacing with, instead?  I have three AMPs and four various speakers.



Amps, or Connect:Amps?  Amps are unaffected, as are Connect:Amps sold since 2016.  


If you have Connect:Amps purchased before 2016, the replacement would be the Amp.


Seriously?! What idiot could recommend a Sonos product now. Drop this brand like a hot snot. 

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • January 23, 2020
george99 wrote:

I got an email today telling me that 11 of my 13 sonos devices were getting old and would no longer get updates.

Really Sonos?! I bought some of the Connect’s only in the past couple years. 
Now you are telling me that they will soon stop working and getting updates?!

Honestly I don’t care about the updates. My system works fine and does what I want, but I have a feeling that they will intentionally make it so that some streaming services will no longer be available.

We are taking about streaming audio. It isn’t rocket science. A windows 95 computer can stream today’s audio. 
I spent thousands of dollars on your system.  I really hope I don’t get screwed here.

3 of my 5 units will be end of life. I championed SONOS at the start, great product, but now, seriously, they are going to brick devices unless you upgrade! 

if my phone breaks, I’ll buy another one.

if my phone is deliberately broken by the vendor, I’ll by another brand.  


unless there is good cause, resolution, and BTW 30% isn't enough, R.I.P  SONOS

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