I have seen in other forums that the work around is to disable hardware volume control and lock screen controls in the Sonos settings in the native iPhone settings app. But my question is, has this issue been permanently addressed yet in a sonos update/will it be in the future? Or does this have to do with possibly having a faulty system?
Use Alexa for rain sounds for our baby. Went to max volume in the middle of the night. Unknown how long it was on. Hope her ears are ok.
This problem was driving me crazy as well. I ended up unplugging my Ikea Tradfri home automation hub and it instantly solved the problem for me. I have the Ikea Symfonisk which is a volume dial designed to control Sonos speakers. My *guess* is that the batteries were running low and it's causing some erratic behavior.
This may or may not be the solution for others but isolate the cause by disconnecting any physical device that has the ability to control the volume of your speakers.
This was reported months ago. Why hasn’t it been resolved? This is SONOS’s Tesla-randomly-veering-off-the-freeway moment. It completely saps confidence In the product and makes SONOS look like every other Internet of Sh^t product out there.
My ears are still hurting from the blast we got 2 hours ago. Running SONOS and Spotify via an iPhone.
This was reported months ago. Why hasn’t it been resolved? This is SONOS’s Tesla-randomly-veering-off-the-freeway moment. It completely saps confidence In the product and makes SONOS look like every other Internet of Sh^t product out there.
My ears are still hurting from the blast we got 2 hours ago. Running SONOS and Spotify via an iPhone.
Sounds to me like a Spotify mobile app connection to the Sonos MAPI interface was not ended correctly and the audio 'restored' to the mobile device and that volume was adjusted to Max with the phone hardware buttons … perhaps ensure the audio is redirected back to the mobile device at the end of playing from Spotify and that should stop this happening in the future.
This is a Spotify issue surely, rather than a Sonos issue? ... as the session connection to the API continues after their App has closed and even after the device has left the home LAN, which means this can occur whilst positioned at a remote location. I would just ensure you end the playback session appropriately, or perhaps speak with Spotify Support about the matter to get them to resolve this issue at their end.
Could be unrelated, but I have the same issue all services from my Apple TV (Hulu, Apple Movies, Netflix, Plex -- it doesn’t matter.
Sonos Beam, and 2x Play:1’s. We use the Apple TV remote for everything as it’s the only input device.
Any insight?
I have a Sonos 5.1 setup consisting of a beam, sonos one x2, and sub. Recently when listening to Spotify on my iPhone XS (the only controller I have active in my household), the volume on the system raises to max volume when going to change the volume in the sonos app, or from the lock screen. I have only had the system for a few weeks and it seems to only do this when Spotify is active, not Pandora or while using the TV. Currently my system is on version 10.1.2, and my iPhone controller states the version is also 10.1.2. My system is currently connected via wireless, and not through Sonosnet.
I have seen in other forums that the work around is to disable hardware volume control and lock screen controls in the Sonos settings in the native iPhone settings app. But my question is, has this issue been permanently addressed yet in a sonos update/will it be in the future? Or does this have to do with possibly having a faulty system?
I have an XS, whether relevant or not, as my Sonos controller, and in the last 2 days my system suddenly moved to full volume for no apparent reason. For the last year or so before this, it’s been completely stable!?
I’ve been experiencing this too over the last couple of months when watching TV. I bought my Playbase in the fall of 2018, and haven’t had this problem before. Seems like a serious bug that needs top priority!
I am having exactly the same problem as reported by many others before: Playing music via Spotify, switching to the iOS Sonos App to group my rooms and after grouping suddenly the volume increases until it reaches the maximum. Toggling it back down does not help as it increases back to maximum right after. This problem is serious, especially when you are living in an apartment complex with neighbours all around.
Therefore I am asking: What’s the status of this issue? When will there be a fix?
my wife is having the same issue BUT with Iheart radio.. sonos is playing fine in one room she launches iheart radio on iPhone X (not connecting to Sonos) and the volume on what was playing on the sonos maxes out.. I do not think this is a “spotify” issue
Exactly the same - if I open Spotify and connect to Sonos speaker from in Spotify volume goes to max in whole house - is there a fix for this?
At the moment it means I can’t connect to Sonos speakers through Spotify which is really annoying.
Exactly the same - if I open Spotify and connect to Sonos speaker from in Spotify volume goes to max in whole house - is there a fix for this?
At the moment it means I can’t connect to Sonos speakers through Spotify which is really annoying.
Not sure if this will work, but perhaps worth a try .... goto ‘Settings/App Preferences’ in the Sonos App and switch off the ‘Hardware Control‘ toggle switch and then after turning down the volume, fully close and reopen both the Sonos & Spotify Apps, then maybe try again and see if that works?
Same issue here. Spotify on an iPhone X with 2x play 3s, sub and soundbar. Volumes will be uncontrollable and goes to max on its own. I will fight with the volume in the Sonos app but it will keep going up to max on its own even when I pull the slider down. Horrible bug and with this many people complaining, how has this not been fixed yet???
Like many others. Issue driving me crazy. Iphone XS and a bunch of SONOS Play 1.
This is really ridiculous, and it seems it’s nothing new, with reports going back a number of years.
In every case that I’ve seen a resolution posted by someone who worked with Sonos to diagnose the issue, it’s always been an external cause, most frequently a stuck volume button on a phone, although one time, it was a remote under a couch cushion.
If you can submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and contact Sonos Support to discuss it, I’m sure they would be most happy to work with you to figure out the issue….even if it does turn out to be a Sonos software issue, which they could then fix in the code and roll out to everyone.
I usually suggest the phone folks, they have more tools available, and are available Monday through Friday during business hours. Twitter support folks are available 24/7.
There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.
This is happening for my girlfriend when she is using snapchat on the phone that is currently playing Spotify on Sonos.
It is happening for me as well when I get a warning from my glucose app “Dexcom” (diabetic).
Add us to the list! Our volume randomly jumps to max whilst listening to local radio through Tune in radio. Today it has just turned itself on at full blast! The radio wasn’t even on!
Any help gratefully accepted!

Did you read my post, two above yours?
This has been happening to me for years when listening to Spotify through Sonos. Different speakers different iPhones… And Bruce I like your optimistic view of the world but it's not a remote under the couch cushion. At this point I have just gotten good at pausing the music very quickly so I can close and reopen the apps. USUALLY that fixes. In my experience Sonos support is a bunch of know it all tools with suggestions like Bruces that everything is user error. I don't think they are going to worry about fixing it. It's been happening since at least 2018 for me.
Happening to me, as well. Didn’t start until I updated to Sonos 2 controller. So annoying! Again, why has this not been permanently fixed?
And me. I’m fairly new to Sonos products but it’s happened a couple of times now when using Spotify.
Problems such as this just prove Sonos don’t care about its customers, have incapable support & engineering staff or both. This thread provides a simple reproducer yet Sonos have failed (for years) to act. To busy deprecating products they said they’d never deprecate I guess..
I am experiencing this same problem. What a shock at 9.30pm. My neighbors are angry. I am upset. Playing music in Spotify. Set from Spotify to play in Sonos. Went to sonos and volume was on very low and the switches shot up to 100% without touching them. I tried to reduce it and it kept shooting up to 100% volume. I think this is utterly pathetic that this issue has been going on for a year according to this board. Each of my iPad, sonos and Spotify are fully up to date apps wise. Sonos sucks sometimes
As a guess, you gave someone access to your system earlier, and the continued to use the ‘Spotify Connect’ system that was connected to your speakers, and initiated a playback. Since the playback was on your system, and not local to them, they couldn’t hear it, and turned it up on their phone, trying to figure out why they couldn’t hear it.
This is an unfortunate side affect of the way the whole Spotify Connect system was set up by Spotify. Unless you ‘break’ other user’s connections to your Sonos by playing a non-Spotify source on your speakers, their Spotify will remain connected to your system, even though they’re not still on your Wi-Fi.
Er, no, Airgetium. That is not the case, as I live alone and it is a closed system. But thanks for your thoughts all the same.
This was a true repeated error with the sliders rocketing up, even when I repeatedly turned them down they went straight back up: I saw as much and the volume went to maximum a few times in succession. Nothing to do with a competing user.
This is some kind of conflict between spotify and Sonos 2. And again I am very upset by Sonos. I have had a number of problems over the years and wished I had bought a different system now.
I found this on the Spotify forums. May be of help for some, but I don’t think it’s going to help me as I use my TV remote to control TV volume on the Sonos Amp and don’t want to lose that.
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