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I have a Sonos 5.1 setup consisting of a beam, sonos one x2, and sub. Recently when listening to Spotify on my iPhone XS (the only controller I have active in my household), the volume on the system raises to max volume when going to change the volume in the sonos app, or from the lock screen. I have only had the system for a few weeks and it seems to only do this when Spotify is active, not Pandora or while using the TV. Currently my system is on version 10.1.2, and my iPhone controller states the version is also 10.1.2. My system is currently connected via wireless, and not through Sonosnet.

I have seen in other forums that the work around is to disable hardware volume control and lock screen controls in the Sonos settings in the native iPhone settings app. But my question is, has this issue been permanently addressed yet in a sonos update/will it be in the future? Or does this have to do with possibly having a faulty system?

Really annoying. Please fix this.

Aye, might start doing it every time it happens as well… it’s happening less, though. Because I listen to music less, especially in the evenings. Not sure whether that counts as a solution.

This issue is definitely getting worse.


I’ve got the sonos on pretty much all day, and it will happen between 5-10 times.


I will submit the diagnostics after each instance and add it to this thread. It’s happened twice in the last hour annoyingly.


That didn’t take long:

09:31GMT - 143635502 - On a laptop, spotify and sonos app’s open, multi screen set up and working on the other screen, volume went to max in spotify.

Diagnostic id 794708529, although I've got the max volume set to around 50% but it still jumps up to that!

Same thing has been happening to me as well! I went ahead and submitted diagnostics to Sonos. Gives me jump scares when it decides to jump to 100 %.

I’m not a spotify subscriber, so I don’t seem to be having this issue, but I’m wondering if you delete the Spotify app from your device, and only use the Sonos controller to access Spotify, does this issue still happen?

Done. 1275438742


Took about 20 minutes from pressing play to the volume jumping up. I’ve got the max level set to 20% or something, so it won’t show in diagnostics as 100% or anywhere near (I think, I don’t know how the logs work).

It would be helpful if users would submit a Diagnostic immediately after one of these events, then post the confirmation number here.

I signed up to Spotify today and am getting the same issue referred to above when playing from Spotify, not from the Sonos app. Mine is jumping to around 50%, not great when the kids are in bed. Will be monitoring this thread. 

Same here. Happened a couple of times with my Samsung Tab S3. I am concerned that this will damage my Sono speakers. So loud. All the way to the max randomly.

Same thing.  Three times in the last five minutes.  2 x play:5 speakers grouped with a sub.  Im going to have a heart attack!

+1. It started happening about 10 days ago, give or take. This is especially irritating as a week earlier I told the neighbour off for blasting music REALLY loud during the day. Then I suddenly found myself blasting music at super high volume (Play:1s might be small but boy they’re powerful) around midnight. (You’d be surprised how shocking it can be when Enya suddenly ROARS at you...) It’s been happening during the day as well. I just started this account, because the volume jumped up twice during one song. (Not Enya’s. 😉 )


Streaming from Spotify, of course, via Spotify Connect. I’m so glad there is a volume limit in the Sonos app, now when it jumps to 100% it’s actually 25%.


I like the advice someone got given by Spotify, to delete the app. I think I might do exactly that.

Same happening with my system. Submitted diagnostic to Sonos. 

Has happened now last two nights at nidmight. Playing from Spotify but not through the app. Using alexa to start the music on Sonos so don't think it has anything to do with mobile apps more the Sonos / Spotify service. 


When you submit a diagnostic, you must contact Sonos and give the reference #, either in this thread or directly.  A diagnostic without a reference # is going to be ignored. 

Terrifying when this happens and it happens to me all too often.  Random.  I may not even be in the room.  For god’s sake don’t leave the room with it playing unless you live alone and in the country or you may very well be living alone soon enough.



Same happening with my system. Submitted diagnostic to Sonos. 

Has happened now last two nights at nidmight. Playing from Spotify but not through the app. Using alexa to start the music on Sonos so don't think it has anything to do with mobile apps more the Sonos / Spotify service. 

For what it's worth, it keeps happening to me too. I've not been able to work out any pattern, but it is quite frustrating. 

Perhaps try logging out and back into your Sonos Controller(s) in Settings/Accounts and do the same for the Spotify Service in Settings/Services and see if that perhaps fixes the issue. 

I've started getting it this past 2 weeks on my phone when using Spotify and either my beam or play 1.


I've had it happen when going back into the Spotify application as well as when I've been using another.


Just done a little test where the apixation had been background for 15 minutes, switched applications back to it and the volume switcher in the Spotify application jumped to max and then back down to where it was before visually but the volume didn't change.


Android version 9.  Patch PPWS29.116-20-11 from 1st September 2019.


Spotify app version installed 29th October.

Had the same issue when using Spotify Connect to control my Sonos. Seemed to happen when Spotify had lost the connection to Sonos (maybe the app having been put to sleep by Android to save battery) and then reconnected.

I set up volume limits to 25-30%, and so far it does not seem to have happened again.


I have the same problem here since some weeks.

The Spotify app is changing Sonos volume.

This was not happening before.

I filed also an issue on Spotify community here but no answer yet:


Same thing happening to me.  I think it’s triggered when my phone restarts the Spotify app from the background.  It’s an older phone running Android 6 Marshmallow and for whatever reason, as of earlier this year it will close out Spotify when the phone display shuts off and then restart it when I wake it up.  That’s annoying itself, but the volume blasting problem only started happening in the last few weeks.  I have to bolt up from wherever I am and literally run to hit the pause button on one of the units. 

I unplugged my two Play 5s and plugged them back in, made sure both Spotify and Sonos were updated on both my phone and laptop, but for now I’m avoiding the Spotify app when playing on the Sonos because it feels like one of my ears that’s pretty close to the speaker when I sit at my desk has diminished hearing like when you go to a concert without earplugs….  Max volume seems like just an annoyance but it’s actually a health risk, please try to address ASAP!

I am having a similar problem playing Spotify to my 2x IKEA Sonos speakers (grouped) from my iPad and pc with volume normalisation between tracks - it’s very random but I will set volume at 50% and the next song will drop volume to 30%, so I turn it up then the next song will blast at 80% and so on. 

I have tried all the suggestions I’ve seen. Control volume thru Spotify, disable hardware/lock screen controls etc to no avail.



I didn't have this problem over the weekend but I didn't use my Sonos very much. I did set volume limits to 60% as a work around. This is very annoying and if it isn't fixed I will probably switch to Apple Misic. 


I contacted Spotify and they just told me to delete my app and reinstall. Not very helpful, I had just done that after wiping my iPhone and iPad. 

I also have the same problems with volumes goes to max. Very annoying!

Hi everyone, we’re looking into this with Spotify as there may be an issue that can come up irregularly that causes the volume to change unexpectedly when using the Spotify app to control Sonos. If you notice this happening when you’re playing from a service other than Spotify, or when you’re using Spotify through the Sonos app, it may not be related to what we’re looking into. I’ll let you know when we hear more on that investigation.