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My sonos system keeps dropping my connection to Sonos Radio or TuneIn radio stations.  Playback will stop abruptly, and when I go to restart it, the app will display a message along the lines of “Sonos has lost the connection to tinstert station here].”  Sonos will not reconnect to these stations for a good 15-30 minutes. 


This is not because I’ve lost internet--I can play Spotify or Radio Paradise endlessly, without interruption.  Sonos never loses to the connection to those.  Even when this happens, I can switch to one immediately for instant music, but I cannot switch back to Radio/TuneIn stations.  I know from having been working simultaneously to these drops happening that my wifi/internet service is NOT simultaneously dropping--there are a lot of systems I’d be losing access to.  I also know that this is NOT some issue with bandwidth--these drops happen when Sonos is the only thing running in my apartment.


This is infuriating--do you know how hard it is to listen to This American Life when it drops out every time there’s a pivotal plot twist?! :)


I’ve had a sonos system (Two One SLs) for around 8 months.  I have never had any issues I couldn’t troubleshoot, except for this one.

The ONLY thing I wonder about is that I upgraded my modem and wifi router around the time this started happening.  But--I’ve rebooted this modem and router since they were installed, and also--my wifi isn’t cutting in and out.  My internet service hasn’t changed. I’m not losing connections to zooms, syncing servers etc, when this is happening.  Only these specific Sonos capabilities.  I’ve found at least one other post with someone describing this issue without mentioning a tech change, so I know I’m not alone in this issue, but no solutions were offered there.


Thank you!

Your testing device may not have lost its connection, but it is likely your speaker has, which is when you would be getting that error. I’d recommend  a couple of things as an initial thing, and then ask for more information. 

First, try resetting the connection your speakers have to the router. Unplug all Sonos devices from power. While they remain powered down, reboot your router. This wii, amongst other things, force reloads of software on all devices, and a new connection. 

Next, read through the wifi interference FAQ. There are a lot of good point in there, regarding issues that may be in your system, and issues that could be coming from outside your network. 

There is a high chance that one or the other of these will resolve these disconnects you’re experiencing, but if they don’t, I would recommend that you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing a disconnect, and call Sonos Support to discuss it.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, there are more options available beyond just the diagnostic analysis.