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When I first bought a Play 1 I  was delighted and added 2 more, a Play 3 and a Sonos connect to link in my original stereo equipment. I Play music a over my house and love it, I love music.

Then came Sonos 2, my Connect box is dumped - really annoying, Apple like behaviour. Then, I start having connection issues.

Dropping tracks midway through.

Missing speakers.

Playlists not present.

Unable to play tracks.

All this came with Sonos 2.  I regularly switch off speakers and my hub to reset them. Any advice ?

As suggested on other threads reporting similar experiences:


It’s most likely wifi interference issues. Try wiring one speaker, ensuring wifi is enabled on all, and run your system in SonosNet mode. Set your wifi to a fixed channel 1, 6 or 11; run your SonosNet on a different one of those three. Allocating ip addresses for your speakers can also help. Reboot all components: router first, then your wired speaker when router is fully restarted, and then the other speakers. This should eliminate the risk of duplicate ip addresses - another problem for some users. 

Thank you for your response. I'll try to follow your guidance. 

Of course I never had a problem with Sonos 1 - and I had my stereo set up included .... 


Wifi can change from day tot day. Your neighbour buying a new router can cause problems for you. Unless you used a Bridge before there should be no difference between S1 and S2.

I do have  bridge, would that improve the wifi

I do have  bridge, would that improve the wifi

You cannot use the Bridge on S2.  But if you had a wired device under S1 and don’t under S2 then that is actually a huge change in setup.  As has been said, S2 is as reliable as S1.

I am also puzzled by your comment that your Connect got dumped.  Why didn’t you just stay on S1, at least for a while?