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CONNECT:AMP won't connect on new wifi


I recently moved my Sonos system to a new home, and new wifi network.  All products working except for the Connect:Amp which is not recognized by the Sonos controller on my iPhone or iPad.  Tried resetting - got the green light - then the connect:amp shows up as setting up but never gets through the full process.  I then tried connecting to my router over ethernet. Failed. Reset again and this time the controller sees the connect:amp.  Goes through set-up then says needs a software update.  Go through the software update process and looks like I am in business.  Then get a message saying that the connect:amp is not registered.  I attempt to register and that fails. Still shows as connected so I unplug from ethernet.  Reboot the connect:amp and now it does not show up in the controller.  Tried to set up again and the system is not recognizing the connect:amp.  Arggh.  One possibly important note - in the height of frustration I decided to take advantage of the upgrade program and ordered a new Sonos Amp only to find out that won’t ship until Nov12 at the earliest.

Any ideas on how to resolve this?

Best answer by PETER_236

Solved at last - by going to networks and removing my wifi network from the list. 3 hours work to get to that point - I appreciate the patience of the support staff who kept working the problem.

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11 replies

Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8516 replies
  • August 6, 2021

Hi @PETER_236 

Thanks for your post!

Your description is quite typical of symptoms seen when the router is not doing all of it’s jobs properly (it may well get your other devices online but that only depends on some jobs, not all). I recommend you power-off your router for at least 30 seconds. If you have a Boost in use, please power it off too. Turn on the router and wait for it to boot up before turning on the Boost.

If you have any WiFi boosters or extenders, please power them off for the duration in case your iPhone is connected to one.

You should then be able to register the unit successfully. If it doesn’t show in the app, first try an ethernet connection again, and if that doesn’t help then attempt one more factory reset. Note that a unit that doesn’t go to a steady, white light after one minute or so of power is not likely to appear in the app (unless you’ve disabled the status light, but that doesn’t seem likely in your case).

I hope this helps.

  • Author
  • Avid Contributor II
  • 6 replies
  • August 6, 2021

thanks for your reply.  I went through the steps you suggested.  After powering down router and boost, resetting Connect:Amp 2x and connecting to router with ethernet I was able to get the unit recognized. However it was still unregistered. I went through the registration process twice, and while I got a message back saying it was registered, when I unplugged the ethernet cable the controller said it was not registered, and then lost visibility of the product.

Is this because I just did an upgrade order for the new Amp (i.e. did selecting it for upgrade remove it from being usable on my account)?  The Amp is not due to ship until mid-Nov so I’d really like to get this working to have music in the interim!


  • 42508 replies
  • August 6, 2021

No, using an “upgrade” has no effect on the current use case of the device “used” to upgrade. It continues to function as it always has. 

There may be other issues, though. I’d recommend that you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes getting that message about not being registered, and call Sonos Support to discuss it. And ideally, I’d do that after reconnecting the CONNECT: AMP with the ethernet cable, so it’s showing up in the controller. If it is unwired, and “not connected”, it’s likely that there won’t be any data about it in the diagnostic. 

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and network.

  • 23881 replies
  • August 7, 2021

I would not rule out a hardware issue with CONNECT:AMP. The Diagnostic will help proving or disproving this.

One possibility to try would be to power down all of the SONOS units except CONNECT:AMP and wire it to your network.

Are you able to check if CONNECT:AMP is visible to your router? 

  • Lead Maestro
  • 7530 replies
  • August 8, 2021

“New wifi network” - so which router specifically?

  • Author
  • Avid Contributor II
  • 6 replies
  • August 9, 2021

Linksys Velop router

Strange - this morning I powered up the Connect:Amp with it connected via ethernet to my ethernet hub. The connect:amp was visible in the controller on my iPad, but this time instead of saying it was not registered it said it was not configured.  I went through that process 2 or 3 times - each time at the end of the process I got a message saying it had been configured yet it showed up on my device list as not. Tried twice to submit a diagnostic and controller responded not possible.

 I unplugged the ethernet cable and the connect:amp remained visible in the controller (yay) but still showed as not configured.  Finally I rebooted my iPad and now the connect:amp shows up as usable in the controller.  All good.

So I returned the connect:amp to the desired location and hooked it up with speakers. Started up the controller on my iPad, where the connect:amp still appeared on the list of rooms. I selected a playlist from Spotify, told it to play and got a message saying unable to connect, and then the connect:amp disappeared from the room list.  I tried adding the connect:amp back onto the controller and got “product not found”.

This time I was able to submit a diagnostic - next step will call Sonos support

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  • 6 replies
  • August 9, 2021

Support not much help. Tried a number of things and connect:amp vanished again when not connected by ethernet to router.  Showed up at first but as soon as it was on wifi and I tried to play music I got an error message saying it was unable to add music to the queue, and then the device dropped off of my room list.

  • 23881 replies
  • August 9, 2021

I’m more and more suspicious of a CONNECT:AMP hardware issue.

When the CONNECT:AMP is not visible to the SONOS controller, is it visible on the network as a network client? 


  • Author
  • Avid Contributor II
  • 6 replies
  • August 9, 2021

buzz - as I recall the support tech said he could see the connect:amp even though I could not see it in the controller.  Unfortunately my support call was dropped and I have not yet had the opportunity to pick this up again with support.  



This ‘might’ perhaps be relevant, try going to the Velop WiFi settings > Advanced > Turn off all (Airtime Fairness, Node Steering and Client Steering). Do a full router reboot and then see if that resolves the device discovery issue.

  • Author
  • Avid Contributor II
  • 6 replies
  • Answer
  • August 10, 2021

Solved at last - by going to networks and removing my wifi network from the list. 3 hours work to get to that point - I appreciate the patience of the support staff who kept working the problem.

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