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Any problems with new app or latets update and Sonos Boost?


On the Dutch language community I’ve seen a few posts about people having to pull the Boost because it is not visible anymore in the app and the speakers will not connect to it. Strangely I’ve not come across a mention of this on the (more populated) English language community.

Since I own a Boost and have been able to stall any updates of firmware and app, I would like to know if anyone has seen problems with the Boost caused by the latest software or related to the new app.

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33 replies

  • Prodigy III
  • 566 replies
  • May 16, 2024

From what i have read boost is not supported on the new app

i would stay on the old one if I were you 😊

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 16, 2024

Yeah, I was stupid enough to update (it forced me to) and my boost is gone now. Oddly enough I was forced to buy the boost a few years ago to keep my system functioning ugh

  • Headliner III
  • 432 replies
  • May 16, 2024
AhhhhhKD wrote:

Yeah, I was stupid enough to update (it forced me to) and my boost is gone now. Oddly enough I was forced to buy the boost a few years ago to keep my system functioning ugh were you forced to update ? Are you talking about the app? I’m still on the old app and hopefully will be able to keep it.

  • Author
  • 6138 replies
  • May 17, 2024

Does anyone know if Sonos has published anything about this? If not it might just be one of the glitches in the app?

skullc wrote:

From what i have read boost is not supported on the new app

i would stay on the old one if I were you 😊


  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • May 19, 2024

Same issue with Boost not showing up in new app. I also was forced to upgrade to new app, I needed a system update for my Port and was forced to upgrade to access the Port update. 

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • May 19, 2024

Hmmm, I see Boost has disappeared from the Sonos store in Spain, I think maybe they are trying to see us something, maybe Boost is no longer needed. Mr or Miss or Mx Sonos is this true?

  • Contributor I
  • 9 replies
  • May 19, 2024

I can no longer see the boost in my setup. Does this mean I can just unplug it and not use it?  Alternatively can I go back to the previous version?

I too would like clarity around the boost.

The notes above reference a workaround, but is just removing the boost really the same as switch to wireless and this is the supported answer considering the boost will not be supported going forward and we should just bin the boost??


“No products found” error on systems with a Sonos Boost wired to the router

  • Lead Maestro
  • 11223 replies
  • May 20, 2024

I’d wire a Sonos to Ethernet as my first step. Once that is working try setting up WiFi and pulling the Ethernet. If that works you are on the path it looks like Sonos is forcing us to take.

If it doesn’t work plug the Ethernet back in and hope for app updates and fixes.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • May 20, 2024

I have a Boost wired to my router, I updated the app before checking the community about the carnage Sonos has created and all hell has broken loose. The only way I can get anything to work is if I use the web app ion my laptop. The IOS app is the biggest piece of garbage, I know some android users have managed to downgrade 

I saw an update somewhere that if you have a boost to disconnect it and go wireless. I needed a boost a few years ago for signal strength so who knows. I haven’t tried this yet as I’m too annoyed at this whole debacle and I might torch my entire Sonos  setup if it fails lol 

my advice is DO NOT UPGRADE unless you’re willing to risk turning your entire system into a piece of useless junk 

  • Contributor I
  • 9 replies
  • May 20, 2024

I have tried removing the boost from the system but doesn’t seem work with out it. It is not practical the use the Ethernet all my components are in other rooms

  • Enthusiast II
  • 29 replies
  • May 20, 2024

I can see my boost in my system, listed with other speakers under "About my system".


Now I can see the name of it:


Boost: Boost

Status: Connected 


Before last 80.xx app update (with alarm fix) I could see "Not available" as name (and not "Boost" like now).


But my boost was always here, I am sure.


We can also see that the firmware match the speakers one.

Meaning for me that boost is always supported.


I would not understand it is not, it is only a separate dedicated Sonos Wifi that separate your Sonos System from your other wifi home Network.


Something here that was always robust versus the sh* app we have…


The list of hardware (About my system) can be visible via the mobile app, the windows app, and the web app.


Possible that the list differ between the platform... Would not be surprised.


My system "works" and all my speakers are only wireless connected to my boost. If I take the boost out, all speakers are out too …


So, definitely, boost is working.



For sure, all wifi settings is missing in the app. I could imagine that it is right know impossible to install a new boost/Sonosnet... But existing one before new app release are working







  • Author
  • 6138 replies
  • May 21, 2024

Sonos mentioned the Boost problem here earlier: Now it does not seem to be mentioned at all, only in the comments.

Release notes for today’s update mention the Boost: “Improved system connectivity for Boost and portable products in sleep mode.”

I’ll see about updating my system and app in the next couple of weeks. It will be good to hear any of your experiences.

  • Contributor II
  • 9 replies
  • May 21, 2024

I installed today’s update hoping it would recognize my Boosts now, no luck. Not only that, but before today’s update, at least my non-ERA speakers showed that they were connected to SonosNet (the Boost), while the ERA300s showed that they were connected locally to my Arc (as they should be), despite the Boosts being invisible. Now, all my speakers only show their IP addresses in the “About My System” page (WM settings are gone), suggesting that SonosNet is also gone, and that the ERA300s are no longer connected locally to the Arc.

However, and when I go into the settings for my Arcs on the room settings pages, it shows that the Arc network statuses are unavailable, despite Wifi being enabled (everything is working nonetheless). But when I click on the “unavailable” tab, it shows that they’re connected to channel 6, but with SNRs that are zero. So this suggests that SonosNet is active but no longer reflecting so in the app. All my subs and play:3/play:5s show WiFi is active but nothing else at all. 

Meanwhile, my ERA300s show that they’re connected to the Arc via WiFi in the network settings and give an SNR, instead of being connected to the Arc locally as before. 

i was better off yesterday. None of this seems to be affecting performance, but the settings are an utter mess. 

  • Enthusiast II
  • 29 replies
  • May 22, 2024

I did some tests and discoveries yesterday.

In my system, I have a Boost, a home wifi (accesspoint), a Sonos Roam and a connected wired speaker (Playbar) via RJ45.

All other speakers (many) are only wifi.

You can see information about Network State on speeakers by connecting to a speaker from a PC.

For example:



Scenario 1 - The wired Speaker is disconnected


A: Boost is on and home wifi is on.

Output of status:

Mode: INFRA (sonosnet)
Operating on channel 2437 IEEE channel: 6
Home channel is 2437 IEEE channel: 6
RF Chains: RX:2 TX:2


Home Channel is 2437 (IEE Channel: 6) is always the Boost
Operating on channel 2437 (IEE Channel: 6) is here even the Boost too.

Meaning the Boost is working here as Wifi Master for sonos speakers.


B. If I turn off the Boost, but home wifi is still on, everything continues to work, without any interruption.

System is operated by home wifi. Roam continues to work too. 
(The roam can only connect via the home wifi...)

Output of status:

Mode: INFRA (sonosnet)
Operating on channel 2472 IEEE channel: 13
Home channel is 2437 IEEE channel: 6
RF Chains: RX:2 TX:2



Home Channel is 2437 (IEE Channel: 6) is always the Boost
Operating on channel 2472 (IEE Channel: 13) is here the home wifi network.

C. If I turn off the home wifi, but the Boost is on, everything works, no interruption, except the Roam
(The roam can only connect via the home wifi...)

Output of status:

Mode: INFRA (sonosnet)
Operating on channel 2437 IEEE channel: 6
Home channel is 2437 IEEE channel: 6
RF Chains: RX:2 TX:2


D. If I turn off the home wifi and Boost, everything is cut off.

→ No output possible, no more wireless access.


Scenario 2 - The connected wired speaker is on

A. If I turn off the home wifi and the Boost, everything works too, no interruption, except the Roam. 

The connected speaker acts as a wifi Interface for all the other wireless speakers.


B. If I shut off the wired speaker (domestic home wifi and Boost both off) then everything is cut off.


We already knows that every wirless speakers are working as “wifi RX/TX”

You can chain speakers, it is auto done.


In "About System" in the Android  app it is always displayed:

Boost: Unknow


In Windows PC App and Sonos Web App it is still displayed:

Boost: Boost


In iOS app (i have iPad) i can’t found any information about the Boost...


Source information here:

(my) Conclusions:

- Boost works (very) well
- If the Boost is on, it is the "master", otherwise the home wifi or wired connected speaker takes over.

  • Contributor II
  • 3 replies
  • May 22, 2024

I have just bought a Boost and tried to add it into my system.  Unfortunately Sonos have disabled adding components in the S2 app, forcing you to update to the new app.  And in the new app you simply go around in circles trying to add the component.  It just won’t recognise it.  Three screenshots which you just cycle through to no avail attached.  

I asked for assistance with this yesterday in the forum, but didn’t get any answers.

How dispiriting that Sonos has gone from a company with unparalleled customer support and a flawless user experience to this absolute shambles.


  • Lyricist III
  • 8 replies
  • May 22, 2024

I’m seeing the exact same issue with the Boost I’m trying to add right now.  It’s pretty embarrassing how bad Sonos is handling this update.  They never should have released this.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 25, 2024
106rallye wrote:

On the Dutch language community I’ve seen a few posts about people having to pull the Boost because it is not visible anymore in the app and the speakers will not connect to it. Strangely I’ve not come across a mention of this on the (more populated) English language community.

Since I own a Boost and have been able to stall any updates of firmware and app, I would like to know if anyone has seen problems with the Boost caused by the latest software or related to the new app.

Same problem !!

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • May 28, 2024

I am new to this, but so angry with Sonos.
I have had a Sonos system for some years and it has been good except when they force you to upgrade.

It happened to me previously when I mistakenly upgraded and my system would not work. All Sonos said at the time is to offer a discount on new equipment. I found an alternative app, which I still use today, when Sonos is playing up (or upgrading!)

They eventually decided to support old euipment like  mine. I added a Sonos Boost to solve my wifi range problems and allowed me to run a wifi extended at the same time for use of pc’s etc in the rest of my home.

Worked fine until recently and another upgrade. I tried to avoid it but for whatever reason was forced on my iPad to upgrade.

What an absolutely appalling event. I now seem to have my Sonos working most times after days of trying. I loose the speakers at the weakest wifi signal area.

However, I cannot under any circumstances use my wifi extender as it all falls apart if I change the Sonos system in any way. I have to switch off the extended to charge radio stations etc. A work round but absolutely appalling. It does unreliably work. Why does it not work now?

Then we get to the Sonos Boost, which I believed helped my use Sonos where the wifi was not too good and also the use of the wifi extender.

It has disappeared and no one will tell me why. It is still needed and apart from that how can Sonos decided suddenly without any information or notice let users it is not only being discontinued but also not supported, WITHOUT TELLING US HOW TO MAKE OUR SYSTEMS WORK.

Do they not care about their customers and users.

Not all of us can afford to keep on replacing what is working equipment.

I do understand there is a need for progress but assuming everyone can afford to change their equipment, which looks well built, still works (except for the software upgrades) I am dumbfounded.

I am absolutely appalled. I can use computers, but am no expert, so some of the technical jargon is a little confusing. It should all be “plug and play”. Did no one try this upgrade first before launching it on its existing customers?

Even computers are made obsolete as we all know and are not upgradeable after a certain time, but they are still left to the user to decide if they should be replaced.

If my equipment fails, Sonos will not be a supplier I consider.

Enough of my rant!

  • Enthusiast II
  • 29 replies
  • May 29, 2024
Old Fellah wrote:


It has disappeared and no one will tell me why. It is still needed and apart from that how can Sonos decided suddenly without any information or notice let users it is not only being discontinued but also not supported, WITHOUT TELLING US HOW TO MAKE OUR SYSTEMS WORK.


The Boost works

Sonos continues to support it, there is no information to the contrary anywhere.

Have you looked in your system info? What is the Boost firmware version? (It seems that we don't see Boost in the list within the app on iOS, but it exists, we see it on Android, Windows App and Web app).

If your HW is up to date, the Boost has the same firmware as the other elements of your system.

You can also check the version here:


contents of /VERSION

79.0-52294 is the last FW Version (May 2024)


Why update firmware for something no longer supported?

I can only confirm (and reassure you) that the Boost works, this is the case for me.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 29 replies
  • May 29, 2024

  • Improved system connectivity for Boost and portable products in sleep mode.

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • May 29, 2024

Thank you for your help.

Before the upgrade my Sonos app not only showed my speakers, but also the Boost. It does not now after the upgrade. I have just switched it on to see if it reappears.

I also checked and the system is apparently up to date.

When I look at the speakers they are connected to my home wifi network hence the problem and there is no sign of the Boost in the configuration.

I have not tried the Sonos Connect I also have to connect other music devices. Boost is first priority.

The work around I have to use is to set up the system without my Wi-Fi extender and it works, as signal is just sufficient. When the system is working I can switch on my extender to use the iPad etc. If at any time I pause the system I have to switch the extender off otherwise I loose two of my speakers with the weakest Wi-Fi signal.

With the extender on before the app Sonos only sees the one speaker nearest the hub.

All I want is to find the boost which I purchased in good faith to solve problem for anyone with a week wifi signal.

Any ideas how I can get the app to find the Boost?

I just do not know what to do, except try and “boost” my Wi-Fi power and hopefully have no need for a Wi-Fi extender. Needs a new hub I am told but my suppliers technical support were no at all helpful.

Thank you again. I am just disappointed with the support from Sonos. I could not talk to a human and my emails etc. get no response.

A lesson learned. No upgrades! This latest one seems to provide some changes on how to use the system, but seemingly nothing else.

Take care and thank you again.


  • Enthusiast II
  • 29 replies
  • May 29, 2024
Old Fellah wrote:

Thank you for your help.

Before the upgrade my Sonos app not only showed my speakers, but also the Boost. It does not now after the upgrade. I have just switched it on to see if it reappears.




You’re welcome.


Wich app do you use to list your system ? iOS? Android?
With iOS, you will not see your Boost.


What i think is that your extender extend your network with an other subnet.
You should use your extender as simple Bridge.
Or is it a real wifi extender within the same network?

If not, in this case, it is clear, you will loose your Sonos System if no routing betweens.


First thing to do is to fix your Boost issue without your extender/wifi Network.
See somes hints i did post before.
Use ip adresses of your Speakers to checks some points.

Best way would be:

  • Switch off all your domestic wifi 
  • Install Sonos for Windows as controller
  • Wired your Computer with your Router and your Boost
  • No wire at all the rest of your Sonos Speaker (Only wifi mode)

If it works, your Sonos Boost works too.

If not, you have an issue with your Boost.

Trust me, by me, Boost Works fine. But it was the case before uprade too.

I could see some posts where it is for now impossible to install a new Boost with the new app.

But i don^t know really, it was not my case, Boost was already into my system before upgrade.

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • May 29, 2024

Thank you again.

Will start tomorrow and I am sure a lot is me not being knowledgeable enough, but they seem to assume everyone is an expert.

However I do have patience.

My Mac runs Sonoma 14.5 and my iPad’s IOS 17.5.1 - all are up to date.


Interesting IOS will not see the Boost.


Take care.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 29 replies
  • May 29, 2024
Old Fellah wrote:

My Mac runs Sonoma 14.5 and my iPad’s IOS 17.5.1 - all are up to date.

Interesting IOS will not see the Boost.

Take care.



If you have only iOS as Controller, then use Sonos Web App:

(Cloud based, you need an internet connection).

Wired your iMac to your router and check your system with Sonos Web App.

You should see your Boost under the settins page (gear wheel top right at the corner).


Note then if you are not able to control your Sonos with your iMac/iiPad wirelessly connected to your extender, but you access internet, it could be a solution to control your Sonos Speakers within the Sonos (Cloud) Web app...





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