Please reply with answers to the questions below about your internet situation and how it works with your wireless Sonos set-up.
Feel free to skip the next few paragraphs. Its just me explaining why I need the info, and complaining a bit.
I am based in the UK but feel free to reply with your answers even if you are not. Lets save as many people as much heartache as possible.
I am going to change internet providers, without going into why, I got a month to month contract and my Roam & Roam 2 promptly started disconnecting from my brand new wifi every 20ish minutes. This is a new problem, they worked fine before I moved.
I’m also looking into setting up a NAS - so adding that into the questions.
So now I have the opportunity to be picky with my internet provider, I want to be able to lay the blame of whatever speaker issues I have squarely at Sonos’s feet.
Ok here are the questions.
So please let me know:
- Where you are (so that people know what providers are available to them)
- Who your internet provider is
- What router you have
- How much time you had to spend changing settings to get the speakers working
- What speakers you have
- How well your speakers work - What issues do you face?
- Are you using a NAS or something similar to play your own music - hows that going?