Old story by now but here it is: in the Sonos app (latest) on iOS (v18) was (finally) able to add my MacOS Music library hosted on a Mac Mini. However, I noticed that a new album I had added to the Music library was not appearing in the Sonos app. The default setting, I believe, is to update the library every night. Clearly not happening. I tried to manually update the library (“scan for new content”) but that did not help. I deleted the library but the app became stuck on scanning even though I had deleted the library. So I deleted and reinstalled the Sonos app and it still showed that that it was scanning (which is weird as deleting an app on the iPhone removes all of its files; maybe the Sonos app is pulling some setting from the Sonos servers?). Anyway, after much force-quiting and restarting the iPhone the scanning stopped. Now I cannot add my Music library back. I keep getting the “access denied” message. Nothing has changed on the Mac Mini in terms of sharing, etc.. I verified that I can mount the Music library as an smb share from another Mac (tried a couple actually).
I am out of ideas (and patience with Sonos) but thought I would ping the community for any obvious things (or even off the wall ideas).