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Issues with external music library running on Windows Server after S2 upgrade

  • October 23, 2024
  • 0 replies


My SONOS setup is as follows;

1 * Play 1 (not hard wired)

1 * One SL (not hard wired)

1 * SONOS Boost (hardwired)

1 * TP Link router (no range extenders) - stable and excellent WIFI 

All running S2

SONOS app on IOS and Windows 10

1 * Music Library of "ripped" MP3 CDs residing on a windows share of a Windows Server 2012 box (using SMB2 - SMB1 not enabled). Share / NTFS permissions on Windows have been checked and are correct. Windows 2012 firewall rules conform to the SONOS documentation.

I purchased my SONOS speakers so that I could play music from my "relatively small" (approx. 6000 tracks), music library. I don't use subscription music services. My SONOS content servers comprise various radio stations and BBC Sounds.

All worked well until the S2 upgrade. Now I can access my music library from the SONOS IOS app but get inconsistent results when trying to play tracks. Sometimes a selected track will play fine - sometimes from IOS I get a "content unavailable" error or from Windows get an "access denied" type error. If I try later, tracks that didn't play before will play ok. No pattern or consistency to any of it.

After spending 45 minutes on a call with SONOS support, they have told me that my configuration is not supported with S2. My Windows 2012 Music Library is classed by them as a "media server" which is not supported apparently. They say that only "dedicated" NAS servers are supported as external music libraries. The support guy was getting this information from "internal" documents - has anyone seen anything in the public domain that states this is not a supported configuration? - I cannot find anything.

I have asked SONOS for a list of "supported" NAS servers that they have tested and certified with S2 - surely this must exist? They have told me there isn't one - does anyone in the community know? Their response was "as long as the NAS supports SMB2 then it should be ok!" - seems a bit of a "vague" response!

Obviously before I splash the cash and purchase a dedicated NAS, I want some confidence that it will work and satisfy my use case. If SONOS cannot supply this what are other people using that works with S2? Advice / experience / recommendations please?

I don't really want to go down the PLEX route - seems overkill for what I need. I just want a simple external audio library.

As a workaround I have downloaded and installed SonoPhone. First impressions of this are excellent - it seems to just work - maybe I will stick with this and not use the "official" SONOS app.

SONOS support suggested I could "downgrade" to S1 - seems like a backward step which I would prefer not to do.

Does anyone know if the issue with compilation albums in the Music Library are on a SONOS development backlog? At the moment "Music Library - Albums" displays one album per individual artist on the compilation. Other posts have suggested "tinkering" with the tagging - not sure I want to do this. Also not seeing album / track artwork

FYI - this is the second time I have posted this - the first attempt didn't seem to get past the moderators for some reason.

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