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Alexa on Sonos Beam won't turn off my Samsung Q6 Smart TV

  • February 2, 2019
  • 5 replies

I purchased a new 2018 Samsung Q6 Smart TV and now my new Sonos Beam with Alexa won't turn the TV off but it will still turn it on. It worked with my older Samsung Smart TV. Any suggestions?
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5 replies

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • February 2, 2019
Try using the room name in front of the request. “Alexa, turn off the family room tv”. It worked for ours.

  • Contributor I
  • 2 replies
  • February 2, 2019
Try rebooting your router

  • 6537 replies
  • February 2, 2019
Hi CarolADK

This topic has been brought up in this forum more times than I can count. I've said this many times before..I believe that the ARC in TV's is impacted by the extra crap that TV manufacturers insert into the ARC programing for a more personalized experience with the products they prefer or manufacture as companion products. I have a Beam that worked perfectly with a Sony circa 2012 (i.e. TV on/off). I moved it to a Samsung circa 2013 and only the TV on command works. So IIWY, I wouldn't stress about your Beam not recognizing the off command with your current TV. However, if you find a solution please post it. :8

PS. I've tried just about every command sequence in the known cosmos :P


  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • May 10, 2019
Hi CarolADK, I believe I have found a workaround for Samsung TVs which solves the “turn off” command with Alexa on Samsung TVs.

First of all you need to install the Samsung app SmartThings and then add your TV as a Device. Then you need to add the SmartThings skill in the Alexa app and discover devices. For detailed steps on how to do that please check here:,news-29557.html

After you do that you need to rename your TV in the Alexa app to something simple like Samsung TV for example. Then if you say “Alexa turn off Samsung TV” TV turns off. To turn TV on you must use the name your TV is recognized with the Sonos Beam so avoid naming both devices as TV since this will not work. All other functions like adjusting volume work fine as before.

In essence what this trick does is that it overrides the issue with the Samsung CEC for turning off the Tv. On the other hand the SmartThings skill has the issue that it cannot turn on the TV by voice command so this is solved by the Sonos Beam feature.

In my case I have used “TV” as the name for the TV with Sonos Beam and “Samsung TV” for the SmartThings TV. So to turn tv on I say “Alexa, turn TV on” and to turn off “Alexa, turn Samsung TV off”. It works perfectly fine and the good thing is the SmartThings will enable in the future other capabilities like changing channels or source.

Hope this helps.

  • Contributor I
  • 1 reply
  • December 6, 2019

What the previous poster is saying is that you have to access the TV using Alexa and the Sonos Skill.  I stumbled on  to that option and it works fine.

I had been accessing through the SmartThings skill and it did not work. It would only turn off.

Using the Sonos Skill, it turns off and on, changes volume, and mutes and un-mutes.

To set it up, just add the Sonos skill to Alexa and use it like any other home integration skill.

Like the previous poster says, think through how you name the TV in the Sonos skill and any other Skill that sees the TV as a device.

For me, I named it “TV” in the Sonos skill and changed the name to something obscure in the SmartThings skill.  In this manner, I am always access the TV through the Sonos skill.

It works great.  

Alexa, “TV on”

Alexa, “Mute TV”



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