I continue to try to be patient, because, when they actually work, my speakers sound amazing. But good grief, Sonos! I feel like my kid could run this company better.
On going issues:
- Despite the email advertising lossless streaming directly to my speakers, when I actually try to stream to my speakers … no sound. My Apple Music ap says it is playing, but no. Nothing. The only way to listen is by using the crappy Sonos ap.
- On the crappy Sonos Ap, there are four basic flaws that simply mystify me:
- How hard it is to search. Besides the odd placement of the search bar on the landing page, after you do select a song, why the hell isn’t there a search icon on the new page! Why do you make us back out to the landing page to search?
- When we tap on the “three dot circle”, why the hell isn’t there options to go to the artist and the album RIGHT THERE. It is so damn hard to get to an album.
- Why oh why, in this day and age of technology, can’t we just tap on the image of the album and GO TO THE ALBUM?
- Why is there no Rhyme or Reason to how albums are listed? They seem neither alphabetical nor chronological. (And really, would I be so hard to give us the year the album was released right there in the listing?
No wonder the company is tanking. It’s like this ap was designed by people who don’t even listen to music!