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Everything was working fine, until I had to switch off the electrical supply to the house to solve a power point issue. Power goes back on, my Sonos App shows my system in all three rooms is working. Until, that is, I try to get it to play anything. I find Tune In for a radio programme, and nothing. I tried music from my Tidal streaming account. Again, nothing. Help please! 

Probably the place to start is powereing down all your Sonos and then rebooting your router. That will clear a common issue with issues at power fails and updates.

Once the router is up power up a primary (not Sub or Surround) Sonos and then your other primary Sonos, then Subs and Surrounds.


If this fixes the issue you can likely prevent it in the future by assigning static/reserved IP addresses to your Sonos from the router’s DHCP page. 

Many thanks, I’ll give that a try. I did re-boot the router yesterday, but didnt disconnect the Sonos speakers around the house before doing it………


Much appreciate your help. 
