I have a new Acer Aspire computer. I have 2 x sonos 1 and 1 sonos 5 speakers, I have downloaded a new controller. I have updated my music collection and Sonos WILL NOT recognise it. I have treid for 1 x week.
Quite simply IT & related should make my life easier. Please do not patronise me by sending me some banal list of instructions - I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO DO THIS WHEN SONOS ISSUE AN UPDATE.
I have emailed the CEO and i’d like the courtesy of a response.
For the avoidance of doubt I am in the UK and have an MSc & two professional qualifications. I have used ChatGPT extensively to try and sort this out and even this has failed, so I am done.
I will be spending all of my days explaining to people what has happened as many of my friends are serious music lovers too.
This service/system of yours is a bloody disgrace, you should be out of business, You couldn’t run a bath let alone somthing this technical.
Simon, Cambridge, United Kingdom