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Sonos Arc isn't compatible with 2020 Panasonic HZ OLED Series with eARC


I have had my Panasonic HZ1000 since Christmas and updated from a Playbar to an Arc a week ago. No matter what I try I am unable to get the native tv apps to output Dolby sound. PCM in stereo yes no cut out, nothing wrong but as soon as I switch to Dolby output no sound or it is constantly breaking up. I had no problem at all with the playbar outputting 5:1. It wasn’t Atmos but at least I could get some form of surround sound.

I think I have no choice but to return the Arc as it seems its a common fault with all kinds of new TV’s and at £800 I might as well get something else that actually works with my TV!! Really poor from Sonos!!


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connecting by wifi? A big no no.
My, albeit lg, tv is connected via the arc hdmi and set to pcm. It works fine. All apps output the appropriate sound. Are the apps settings correct.

If this doesn’t work then the Panasonic tv HDMI ARC isn’t working as it should, thus making the TV not compatible rather than the other way round.

your connection to the Arc is from your tv HDMI ARC (or eARC)? You have the hdmi lead properly pushed into the Arc - it clicks into place?

  • Trending Lyricist I
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  • January 11, 2021

I have HZ1000 and Arc

just tested with internal Netflix app (The Midnight Sky) and i get Atmos (DD+).

no problem at all

Makes sure the Arc has latest firmware!

@johnjo569 The HZ1000 is capable of playing Dolby Digital Plus/Dolby Atmos audio from your TV’s native apps like Netflix. If you are using Netflix, be sure you have the Netflix premium account. Also be sure your Sonos Arc is connected to the HDMI eARC port on your TV.

And make sure your TV settings are set to this:

Speaker Selection - Home Cinema
Dolby Atmos - ON
HDMI Audio Format - Auto

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  • January 11, 2021

Latest firmware i have is 12.2.2 on the Arc.

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  • January 11, 2021


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  • January 11, 2021

I have Mode 2 selected here


  • Trending Lyricist I
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  • January 11, 2021

….and i have Software version 3.653 on telly..



sorry.. many posts but hope they help.

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  • January 11, 2021

Thanks for all the time and help guys, its much appreciated.

All the suggestions you have mentioned I have already done. 

The Sonos and TV software is bang up to date as well.

Tried alternative HDMI lead and get the same result, audio breaking up upon start then it disappears completely but it is in Dolby then at least.

All the settings are as suggested and I do have a Netflix Premium account.

K.Tryggeseth - Have you tried watching the native Netflix for longer than 5 mins? The first time it happened it was a gradual deterioration rather than straight away… were you on Apple 4K tv for the HDMI Auto settings (mode2) you showed me on the photo as this doesn’t appear with the native app?

Boedofbalham - When I set the tv to PCM it only outputs in stereo not Dolby, is yours showing dolly for PCM?

The actual power lead on my arc is very loose fitting, it doesn’t fit snugly into the Soundbar, it kind of easily wobbles about as if the socket is too big or there should be a piece of rubber or something in there, Is anybody else’s like that? Just wondering if that could have anything to do with it.  

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  • January 11, 2021

Used nativ Netflix many times, but mostly before Sonos fixed LPCM from ATV 4K, since i only got stereo from there.

now i use ATV 4K only.

Mode 2 setting is in TV settings menu, not on the ATV4K menu.

You using the HDMI cable that came with the Arc?

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  • January 11, 2021

Yes using the supplied HDMI cable. I did try it with a new 2:0 HDMI cable I got but its still the same.


Sorry I meant the mode 2 setting is on on the tv menu>set up but only appears when on Apple TV. If you go onto the native Netflix tv app then press menu > set up the option isn’t there?

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  • January 11, 2021

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  • January 11, 2021
johnjo569 wrote:

Yes using the supplied HDMI cable. I did try it with a new 2:0 HDMI cable I got but its still the same.


Sorry I meant the mode 2 setting is on on the tv menu>set up but only appears when on Apple TV. If you go onto the native Netflix tv app then press menu > set up the option isn’t there?

It appears when you choose any of the HDMI inputs.

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  • January 11, 2021

Thanks, I have my Apple TV set up using that. The only reason I’m trying to get my native apps to play 5:1 is for the calibrated Netflix and the extra BBC IPlayer options available on the native app that are missing on the Apple TV. I also prefer the picture. It is also bugging me big time as to why I just cannot get them to work properly when I have everything set up for it do so!! 


I think I read somewhere the Apple TV uses a different digital signal than native apps and I’m wondering if the tv cannot convert the signal to something the Sonos can use… but they work for you so that doesn’t add up!


Just done a factory reset but still the same. I will have to get in touch with support and do a diagnostic and see if they can find anything… I’m expecting them to say its the tv!!

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  • January 11, 2021 to say, regardless of the teething problems with the Arc I’m loving the HZ1000 though, the picture quality is just exceptional!!


...and thanks for all your help!!

  • Trending Lyricist I
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  • January 12, 2021

Let us know once you figure it out :-)


for me everything worked out of the box right away 👍

dolby vision IQ works good. Sometimes i switch to Dolby Vision Dark but cannot see much difference in low light conditions.

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  • January 12, 2021

Soooooo I think I have finally found out the problem. It’s the viera link on the TV isn’t communicating with the Sonos. For some reason when I switch viera link off then turn my earc setting off then back to on again the tv gets perfect audio and its in full Dolby atmos (I tried this out using the TV’s Netflix app)

The problem I now have is that with viera link switched off my TV remote cant control the sound on the Sonos, it is effect disabled.

Any ideas how to fix this? 

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  • January 13, 2021

I got his turned on.

can adjust Arc volum with tv remote.

I’ll have another look in my tv settings..! 👍

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  • January 20, 2021

Hi, Its been a week or so since I was last on as I have been in touch with both Sonos and Panasonic regarding my sound dropout issues when using the TV’s native apps like Netflix.

Trust me when I say this its walking through treacle trying to sort anything out with Panasonic, its nigh on diabolical customer service, all I have been getting is one line ‘Tech support answers at best’. Sonos have been fantastic in comparison!


Anyway, my latest reply from Panasonic in response to the lack of sound through native Netflix etc is this:

"The sound bar is a 2.1 which is the same output when using PCM, the issue is the audio codec that Netflix uses, PCM fixes this issue"


I have already told them that it is a 3:1 system as I have surround speakers!! 


Can anybody clarify if this Panasonic statement is true or false please?


Honestly this whole situation has become a complete mess!!



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  • January 20, 2021

...I also don't get any Netflix Audio Codec problems when using 4K Apple TV either it comes out in Dolby Atmos 

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  • January 20, 2021


i have same equipment (tv and soundsystem)

no issue

atmos through nativ app and ATV4K


do a video of your tv settings and post?

can compare to mine.

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  • January 20, 2021

Here’s my settings when on the native Netfix app:


It does work fine, in full dolby...for about 10 mins then the sound just degrades and breaks up until its no longer possible to hear anything and the Sonos app says no signal.



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  • January 20, 2021

sorry wrong link

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  • January 20, 2021

I cant work out how to upload a video so here’s some photos;


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  • January 21, 2021

These settings are when on the native netflix app. If on ATV you get different settings options through the Tv menu including Mode settings etc. Mine is set to mode 2 when on ATV… it works fine on ATV though its just a native app issue.


Thanks for your help with this mate its much appreciated.


I spoke to a Panasonic engineer today who said the Tv might only be seeing the soundbar as a 2:1 system so its only sending a 2:1 signal but it does send a full dolby signal it kust degrades. I want them to just swap the Tv for a replacement as something isnt right but they wont as they are kind of saying it is a soundbar problem yet sonos say its a Tv problem...and im stuck in the middle with a tv that doesnt work properly!


All these first world issues eh!

  • Trending Lyricist I
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  • January 21, 2021

I have same settings as you have.

Using wifi or cabled internet for tv? A buffering issue ? poor wifi signal maybe? I know it is a stretch.. 😋

i saw your info when using nativ Netflix.

you only run 1080p though you have a 4K tv.

i am watching The Midnight Sky now

Info shows: Video:15.25Mbps / Audio: Atmos

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