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Onkyo "Works with Sonos" issue - Please help

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64 replies

  • Contributor I
  • 8 replies
  • July 26, 2019
Airgetlam wrote:
Unfortunately, I don't own either of these devices, so I'm not going to be much help beyond what I've read in these forums in other user's cases.

Perhaps you may want to contact Sonos support directly, rather than relying on other user's experiences? You could reach out to Sonos Support to discuss it. I suggest the phone folks, they have more tools available because they're on the phone with you, but they are only available Monday through Friday during business hours. That might give them the opportunity to remote into your system, and see what's going on from the network level.

Both the Twitter and Facebook support folks are available 24/7.

Thanks for the reply Bruce. I appreciate it. I'm not very active on this forum. I am going to do a search, but just curious. From what you have read, did it seem like most users were able to get this resolved?

I noticed when I have the problem, if I redo the "Works with Sonos" setup again that it works for awhile, but then by the evening or next day it is flakey again.

  • 42421 replies
  • July 26, 2019
In all of the resolved cases, i.e. people who bothered to report back here, it was always a case of running a firmware update on the "works with Sonos" device. Apparently, if I remember correctly, Sonos made a change that confounded the way that these companies had implemented it. Don't really know if Sonos ignored their own standards on the API, or the companies didn't implement the API the way that Sonos said it needed to be. Been in that kind of situation on my own, where someone thinks "I can just shortcut this, I know what the API is supposed to be doing, and it's too complicated, I'll make it run faster" and then get bitten, so I'm a tad sanguine about assigning blame to Sonos. But it's possible, and I'm not in the audio business, my experience is in games.

That being said, it's always a possibility that the issue you're experiencing is not a true "works with Sonos" error, but simply a network issue which has that aspect. Hard for me to tell. I can certainly give advice about network issues, that's pretty much 99% of what this forum is about, actually, but truthfully, your best bet is that diagnostic, and then contacting Sonos directly. There's all sorts of data (I think...never seen one) in that diagnostic that shows the techs from Sonos what issues are popping up. Including some network data. But I wouldn't expect it to show anything if there was an issue inside the receiver's firmware. I doubt their diagnostics can reach into those devices and pull information.

  • 42421 replies
  • July 26, 2019
Just as a note, wikipedia tells me that both companies are essentially the same:

In March 2015, Onkyo purchased Pioneer Corporation's Home Electronics Corporation, which produces home cinema amplifiers, Blu-ray players and other AV products. In return, Pioneer took a 14.95% stake in Onkyo. The Ohtsuki family remain the largest shareholders of the company with an approximately 26% stake,[1] just above Gibson Brands, with a 16.5% stake.[3]

So it doesn't surprise me that you're having trouble with both devices simultaneously. They're probably running essentially the same firmware.

  • Contributor I
  • 7 replies
  • September 8, 2019
I have an Onkyo TX RZ830 and a Sonos Connect - both updated to the latest firmware on each. If I reboot (as in remove power cord) the Onkyo, and run through the setup menu, it will find the Sonos Connect at it's IP address and then the "works with Sonos" functionality works - for maybe 3 or 4 times, then it stops. If you return to the setup menus in Onkyo, it says no Sonos device found. It's been this way since I purchased the Onkyo in April, through multiple code upgrades on each.

Like others, the only reason I purchased the Onkyo Receiver was for this functionality.

  • 42421 replies
  • September 8, 2019
Have you contacted Onkyo for assistance? Given the lack of other complaints here in the Sonos forums, it leads me to think that it may be an issue on their side, rather than on the Sonos side. Especially as you've done what I consider to be the normal troubleshooting step of checking firmware updates.

I suppose it might be wifi interference between the two devices, since I don't know how you have them connected, or even a rarer duplicate IP address issue, since it seems intermittent.

  • Contributor I
  • 7 replies
  • September 16, 2019
Bruce -

Both devices are connected by wired Ethernet into the same switch. I've made sure the IPs do not change by setting DHCP reservations on my router. I did call Onkyo and after speaking with a tech and leaving a detailed technical description of the issue I was promised a call back, but I never heard from them. Judging by the number of posts on this issue it seems to be common and widespread.

  • 42421 replies
  • September 16, 2019
Well, given that they’re wired, it does seem hard to support any WiFi interference, doesn’t it?

I would suggest that it is not a widespread issue, given the dearth of posts about it, but then again I have no concept of how many installations that there are.

I would suggest that that your best bet at this point would be to contact Sonos Support directly to discuss it.

I suggest the phone folks, they have more tools available because they're on the phone with you, but they are only available Monday through Friday during business hours. Both the Twitter and Facebook support folks are available 24/7.

I am unsure as to whether a diagnostic would be useful, as it would only show what is going on on the Sonos side of the equation, and I still consider that to be a lower chance. But I’ve been wrong before. And will again.

If you get a resolution, I’d ask that you come back here and let us learn from your experience.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • October 29, 2019

I’m having the same issues with the Onkyo TX-NR696. I’ve found that if I re-select my Port within the “Connected Device” topic of the “Works with Sonos” setting, I temporarily regain full functionality. It’s as if the receiver forgets with which Sonos device it’s supposed to be associated after some time. For what’s it’s worth, an onkyo tech support person recommended I return the device if I expected the works with Sonos function to work consistently. She said that the functionality was never “guaranteed” to work. What a joke…..  Could not believe that was their stance. I’ve been waiting for days for a higher up tech person to call me back. I’m not holding my breath....

  • Lyricist III
  • 14 replies
  • November 10, 2019

I am having the same issue with a Pioneer VSX-934 and a Sonos Connect. 


It works initially after but not consistently with seemingly no pattern. Doing some deductions I’ve narrowed it down to a consistent way to fix the issue. Which may in turn lead to the problem. 

All streaming services direct to the amp always work and wake it up - AirPlay, Spotify Connect etc

I found the issue by switching to WiFi. When the unit stops responding to the Sonos prompt, checking the Works with Sonos setting shows no devices available.

However if you toggle WiFi off then on then the devices reappear. This leads me to believe it’s a problem in the network stack side of the Pioneer unit. 

This is extremely frustrating. As pointed out by other people. I invested in more Sonos equipment and purchased the Pioneer unit specifically for this role. 


The feature is excellent. But more effort needs be made to maintain and enhance its stability. It is very annoying and difficult to get to this AMP. 


Has as anyone else found anymore info?

  • Lyricist III
  • 7 replies
  • November 13, 2019
Sedicivalvole wrote:

I am having the same issue with a Pioneer VSX-934 and a Sonos Connect. 


It works initially after but not consistently with seemingly no pattern. Doing some deductions I’ve narrowed it down to a consistent way to fix the issue. Which may in turn lead to the problem. 

All streaming services direct to the amp always work and wake it up - AirPlay, Spotify Connect etc

I found the issue by switching to WiFi. When the unit stops responding to the Sonos prompt, checking the Works with Sonos setting shows no devices available.

However if you toggle WiFi off then on then the devices reappear. This leads me to believe it’s a problem in the network stack side of the Pioneer unit. 

This is extremely frustrating. As pointed out by other people. I invested in more Sonos equipment and purchased the Pioneer unit specifically for this role. 


The feature is excellent. But more effort needs be made to maintain and enhance its stability. It is very annoying and difficult to get to this AMP. 


Has as anyone else found anymore info?


I have just read your note and I am also seeing a couple of issues with the Sonos/VSX-934 connectivity.

When I initially set up the 934 (last Saturday!) and configured the ‘Works with Sonos’ settings the auto-switchon worked perfectly. I noticed, however, that the volume on the Amp was limited on my Sonos connection (and on the display of the Amp it did say exactly that, i.e. the volume is limited for the channel that I’m using which is CD/Coax).

I then tried to change other settings on the Amp to try to get rid of the volume limitation. I have set all (that I can find) volume limits to be ‘off’, but I am still not getting full volume from Sonos. As part of my attempts to get the volume working I may have also changed other settings, including upgrading my Sonos system to 10.5. Now the auto-switchon isn’t working either, but I don’t know if this specifically stopped working when I upgraded the Sonos version - given the earlier posts that seem to point to the upgrade to Sonos v10.0 stopping ‘Works with Sonos’, it could be something similar.

Have you got the same issue that I have with the volume limit? I am investigating this as my priority because it only just gets to the minimum acceptable volume for me and I need to get rid of the imposed limit, but I can’t see where to do it. I have tried ringing Pioneer, and they haven’t answered the phone, and my retailer who I got the Amp off, and they are going to try to re-create in the shop over the next couple of days. 

I will let you know if I get any more information.

  • Lyricist III
  • 7 replies
  • November 14, 2019

I then tried to change other settings on the Amp to try to get rid of the volume limitation. I have set all (that I can find) volume limits to be ‘off’, but I am still not getting full volume from Sonos. As part of my attempts to get the volume working I may have also changed other settings, including upgrading my Sonos system to 10.5. Now the auto-switchon isn’t working either, but I don’t know if this specifically stopped working when I upgraded the Sonos version - given the earlier posts that seem to point to the upgrade to Sonos v10.0 stopping ‘Works with Sonos’, it could be something similar.


OK, volume issue is simple user-error (and poor documentation!). There are several settings for the volume limit for the Sonos input on the amp (in Works with Sonos), I had it set for ‘Last’, and the limit inherits the last setting for volume, which was relatively low as it was late-night TV. Once that level is inherited, it cannot be increased unless the limit is reset, and this can be done as a decibel value. Setting to a decibel value starts at minus infinity (silence!), and then has to be increased slowly through a range from about -85 (still inaudible on my system). Eventually, when the volume limit setting approached -30 I started to hear something and took it through to -15, which now gives me sufficient range for most of my listening.

Still no luck with the auto-switchon, though.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • November 16, 2019
Sedicivalvole wrote:

I am having the same issue with a Pioneer VSX-934 and a Sonos Connect. 


It works initially after but not consistently with seemingly no pattern. Doing some deductions I’ve narrowed it down to a consistent way to fix the issue. Which may in turn lead to the problem. 

All streaming services direct to the amp always work and wake it up - AirPlay, Spotify Connect etc

I found the issue by switching to WiFi. When the unit stops responding to the Sonos prompt, checking the Works with Sonos setting shows no devices available.

However if you toggle WiFi off then on then the devices reappear. This leads me to believe it’s a problem in the network stack side of the Pioneer unit. 

This is extremely frustrating. As pointed out by other people. I invested in more Sonos equipment and purchased the Pioneer unit specifically for this role. 


The feature is excellent. But more effort needs be made to maintain and enhance its stability. It is very annoying and difficult to get to this AMP. 


Has as anyone else found anymore info?

The problem is identical on my Onkyo NR-585. Toggling the Wi-FI network setting makes it possible to ‘find’ the SONOS Connect again. 

For Onkyo users, here is the sequence in settings:

Setup > Hardware > Network > WI-Fi (toggle once from Off(Wired) to On or On to Off(Wired))

and then,

Setup > Hardware > Works with SONOS > Connected Device (now your Connect should show up)

  • Lyricist III
  • 14 replies
  • November 17, 2019

Hi Dave,


That’s similar to how I have mine setup, with a hard limit on the output. 

Works with Sonos is certainly broken with Sonos 10.5.1 and Pioneer firmware 1030-4010-1020-0010 both of which are the latest version. There is no combination where the AMP will ever see the a Sonos box in the setup menu. 


Totally broken. Any thoughts welcome. Sonos?

As a customer I’m very annoyed my system is completely broken and useless. For no good reason that I can see 


  • Lyricist III
  • 14 replies
  • November 17, 2019

Support request logged with Sonos and Pioneer 


Can the other people having this issue please do the same, log with Sonos and Pioneer / Onkyo 


For Pioneer this is the necessary form.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • November 17, 2019
Sedicivalvole wrote:

Works with Sonos is certainly broken with Sonos 10.5.1 and Pioneer firmware 1030-4010-1020-0010 both of which are the latest version. There is no combination where the AMP will ever see the a Sonos box in the setup menu. 

My Onkyo NR-585 just received a firmware update on November 14th (1050-9000-1060-0011). I’m also on Sonos 10.5.1 and have had no Works with Sonos issues since the update. Perhaps an update for Pioneer units is coming soon?

  • Lyricist III
  • 14 replies
  • November 18, 2019

Hi Pia-chan,


Thanks for the update! I checked this morning and no new firmware has been released for my Pioneer unit 1030-4010-1020-0010 is still the latest. 

so since the last Onkyo firmware your system detects the Sonos units and wakes correctly?

  • Lyricist III
  • 14 replies
  • November 18, 2019

Unfortunately unless Pioneer are not disclosing the firmware update makes no mention of Sonos changes



Improve the playability for certain WAV files.
Improve playback stability for FLAC files.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • November 18, 2019
Sedicivalvole wrote:

so since the last Onkyo firmware your system detects the Sonos units and wakes correctly?

Yes. It has been only a few days since the update, but everything is working as expected.

  • Lyricist III
  • 14 replies
  • November 18, 2019

Thanks Pia-chan,


You’re lucky - no such luck here! 

  • Contributor I
  • 7 replies
  • November 22, 2019
Airgetlam wrote:

Well, given that they’re wired, it does seem hard to support any WiFi interference, doesn’t it?

I would suggest that it is not a widespread issue, given the dearth of posts about it, but then again I have no concept of how many installations that there are.

I would suggest that that your best bet at this point would be to contact Sonos Support directly to discuss it.

I suggest the phone folks, they have more tools available because they're on the phone with you, but they are only available Monday through Friday during business hours. Both the Twitter and Facebook support folks are available 24/7.

I am unsure as to whether a diagnostic would be useful, as it would only show what is going on on the Sonos side of the equation, and I still consider that to be a lower chance. But I’ve been wrong before. And will again.

If you get a resolution, I’d ask that you come back here and let us learn from your experience.

The last update from Onkyo fixed this. Been working on a consistent basis for 3 days, which is better than anything since I purchased the receiver in May of this year.

  • 42421 replies
  • November 22, 2019

It does make me wonder how they’ve implented the feature so that it’s so dependent on their updates, but I’m glad you’re happy again. 

  • Lyricist III
  • 14 replies
  • November 22, 2019

I am having no such luck currently. My setup is broken and nobody is interested. I am finding it very frustrating. 


Sonos support have been amazingly unhelpful 


They took a diagnostic and said everything is fine on the Sonos end. Thats the end of what they can and will do. I have enquired why this issue has only occurred after an update. Are other people having issues. Their response was to ignore the update question despite it being asked twice and say that they don’t know of other users having issues. I have pointed them to this thread. 


Sonos. This is a feature you have made available (rightly so) but you don’t seem to know anything about it or how it works. You also don’t seem to care that it doesn’t work. 


Couldn’t be more disappointed and annoyed by this at the moment. 


Issue still persists.


I have performed a factory reset the AV Unit as per Pioneer’s instructions. 


Any thoughts at this stage are welcome. I have an AV unit which is useless to me along with a Connect. Short of destroying them on social media and sending the carcasses back to Sonos and Pioneer. I am short on options

  • Lyricist III
  • 14 replies
  • December 15, 2019

Keeping this alive. No meaningful response from Pioneer and they’ve stopped responding. 


Sonos haven nothing to add and say to speak with Pioneer. 


The result is the system and integration doesn’t work


I have also just bought the Onkyo 686 and finding some smaller issue with the Sonos colaboration.

The sonos lets the Onkyo autom. switch on. But it does not switch off, even if the sonos is not playing. The auto standby does not kick-in after some time as long as it is on the CD channel (sonos input).

Since I use it in a automated system an automatic switch is highly desirable. In my perception the Onkyo doesn't recognise the non-playing sonos or the sonos doesn't kill the full connection after a song has ended. I have a sonos Connect with no direct linked sonos speakers in this room connected.

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