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Sonos and Google Assistant not connecting.

Please help. I've been waiting for this, and now when Sonos controller tries to connect to Google Assistant, no devices are found. I have unplugged everything, restarted phone, tried several things and still not connecting to Google Assistant on my 2 Sonos Ones. What do I do? I have lost an hour and a half of my life on this!

Ok and now I must have clicked some answered thing on this forum. This is not answered!! Fix this issue ASAP what a waste of time, Sonos!
Anyone having trouble with google assistant (GA) and sonos? I opened the Sonos app and realised that GA had dropped out. I have tried to reconnect via the Sonos app but no luck. I disconnected Sonos from GA app also prior to reconnecting and still no luck.

GA cannot reach Sonos...I receive this error...

BTW I have attempted at least 5 times!
Doesn't seem right to call this thread answered when the answer was to contact support, especially since support specifically asked for diagnostics from those of us who tried all the steps posted and still failed. Many of us have posted diagnostics, but I do not see a single reply to these. Huge Fail from Sonos on this crap implementation.

How often did you try to connect GA to Sonos - once, twice? It may work at third or fourth attempt.



I also have issues with enabling GA on my Beam.

I have reached to Sonos, and waiting for a reply.

Here is my experience:

It is almost three week now that GA has stopped working on my Beam.

When I "OK Google"ed, it responded with "there was a bleach try again in a few seconds" or other similar error.
I tried rebooting the beam, rebooting my router, took of the power off for the whole house for a minute and turn it back on. 
Non of these changed anything.
I checked with the website and all systems were operational. 
Also now, while writing this, all systems are operational, and I am experiencing this issue.

Next, I unpaired Sonos from GA, remove the surround speakers, did a factory reset to the Beam, and re-added it to the Sonos system.
Now, when I try to pair it again with GA, weather I am using the Sonos app or the Google Home app, it always ends with "No devices found".
I also tried changing from WiFi to Ethernet cable and back, it is all the same.
Currently all three Living room speakers are connected using cables.

Here are some symptoms I have:
When Sonos and GA are paired, I can see my Sonos speakers on Google home app.
- When asking GA to play music on the Bathroom Play:1 - it returns "Ok playing bla bla", and it start playing as expected.
- When asking GA to play music on the Living Room (Beam+2Play:1s) - it returns "Ok playing bla bla" and then immediately it sais "sorry it looks like the Living Room isn't available right now"
- On the Google Home app, When I go to the Sonos TV Control Living Room, the status change from "Connecting" to "Not responding" and vise versa each second.

Using the Sonos app, everything is playing normal.


As you can see, there are some issues with Google Voice Assistant. See this link:
Same issue. Google Assistant can't find any of my two Sonos One.
There's a system wide outage right now. You can check status here:
Also, I have followed the helpful tips at and also run through the entire setup using my wife's Sonos / Google accounts. Still no luck. No real error messages other than "Can't find devices on network."

Please help. I've been waiting for this, and now when Sonos controller tries to connect to Google Assistant, no devices are found. I have unplugged everything, restarted phone, tried several things and still not connecting to Google Assistant on my 2 Sonos Ones. What do I do? I have lost an hour and a half of my life on this!

Ok and now I must have clicked some answered thing on this forum. This is not answered!! Fix this issue ASAP what a waste of time, Sonos!


I solved the issue by cutting the power of my whole house at once and turn it back on again. Connect

Ok, finally got it working. Here is what worked for me:

1) Make sure you aren't using your Sonos account with any other Google Assistant integrations.

For example, I already had GA / Sonos integration at location 1 using jeffme1@email.tld. So, I'd need to find or create another Google account (say... jeffme2@email.tld) and then set up another Sonos account with that email.

2) Be sure to invite your new Google account to your Google family accounts & your Google home installation, assuming you have other devices on your network (Nests, etc.). Otherwise, you may have issues (see below).

3) Make sure you are logged out of all other Google accounts on your phone. If you're like me, this could be 4 or 5... this is just necessary for setup b/c sometimes Google will try to authenticate with 1 of those accounts as a default & the only reliable way of making sure it's not the wrong account is to log out of / remove every account other than the one you want to use.

4) Once I had an alternate / fresh account to use and was completely logged out of all other accounts, I did a hard refresh on my Sonos and went through the entire setup process and it worked.

Here's what else I learned:

"Can't find any devices" - this message was bedeviling me in my first attempts to set things up. What I learned on my second time through is this... BIG... if you DON'T see the assistant asking you to log into Sonos before you see the "Can't find any devices," you MAY have an account problem. I never saw this step inside the Assistant until I took care of (1) and (2) above.

Google Home snags - if you have a lot of other Google Home / Nest / etc. devices on your home network, your new Google account will be isolated from those devices and services.
Thanks for sharing, Mr Mad. If anyone's still having trouble, feel free contact our support team live on this one. There are some great steps to start with here before you reach out.
@Jp2378, don't worry about the 'best answer' being selected. It doesn't mean Sonos staff or others won't look at this issue. It just helps others looking for answers to possibly see an answer without having to scroll through the entire thread..if possible.

Regarding the issue, because this is a brand new configuration, most of the regulars around here are not yet familiar with the potential issues with setup just yet. Sonos staff may also be seeing some issues that did not pop up during beta testing. I'd recommend checking back on this thread a little bit later to see if a solution or trouble shooting steps have been established.

Not trying to say your frustration isn't valid...

Thanks, didn't hear about this. I appreciate it!
Thanks for sharing those details and what you had to do to get it working. For most, the Google Assistant setup is pretty straight forward, but there are some snags that can come up. Glad you're all set now!
Same issue

Confirmation number: 346542207

My fix was:
1. uninstalling the standalone Google Assistant app if it's installed on your device.
2. Go to (Google) "Home" app, push the "+" sign with the word "add" below it.
3. Choose option "set up device".
4. Choose option "Have something already set up?"
5. Search for "Sonos" account, if it's already linked, unlink and log right back in. I actually had to do this twice interestingly enough.
6. You should now be able to identify your device if you had the same issue I did. While setting up your device, it gives you the options of compatible music apps. Be sure to be signed in to any that you have also linked to your Sonos account.

Hope this helps.

HOLY COW - This WORKED FOR ME!!!  I tried *EVERY* other approach.  One interesting thing is when Google identified my Sonos System it said I had 2 profiles active and asked me to select one.  They were both identicle so I don’t know what that’s about.  Thank you!!!

Same issue, Google Assistant can't find my Sonos One

Confirmation Number: 1181018132

Solved! For me, the issue stems to when I switched sonos accounts from my wife to myself. Long story short: in google home, unlinked sonos, then link again using the right sonos account. 

Just an FYI that I ran into this issue with multiple Pixel phones running Android 10 recently when trying to add the Google Assistant to the Sonos Move.  An almost endless hang on either fetching the assistant to perform the integration or the assistant looking for devices. 


I ran the integration on an IOS device and it worked fine (after installing Google Assistant on IOS).


Hope this helps!


could not connect despite the outage ending.

This has been frustrating. It makes me dislike buying the Sonos one in December because I’ve thought it be out by now.
Now status is if for Sonia, but still not able to deploy Google assistant to the Sonos ones I have.
Hi folks,

The outage should now be resolved. If you're still having some troubles with Google Assistant, please try the steps in this thread to get it working. If that doesn't help, send in a diagnostic report and reply here with the confirmation number.
Unable to find devices on Wifi Network (I use Sonos Mesh)

Diag # 1383649237

on Wifi Network (I use Sonos Mesh)


In case it helps anyone, I managed to resolve my similar issue of Sonos One’s ↔️ Google Assistant integration problems (after previously working fine for many months) where it would take many, many retries for Google Assistant to recognize my Sonos One speakers to integrate them in the first place and then sporadically having SOnos One’s Assistant respond with “there must have been a glitch” and “sorry, something went wrong” after integration. 

Problem was the enabling of IPv6 on my home network.  I’m guessing the Sonos One’s preferred IPv6 once getting an address but couldn’t reach out to the Internet or talk with my Google Home’s over it which caused the problems.  Disabling IPv6, everything started working fine again.

Unsure if this is on any roadmaps for being addressed. 



Diag 1190667733
Same here, i like to add Google Assistant to my Sonos One in the bedroom but Assistant keeps searching for devices and doesn't find it

Diagnostic info on nbr. 585950677