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Google Assistant room assignment PROBLEMS


I have Google Assistant on all of my Sonos devices.  And for the past year everything has worked great, including my integration with my smart home devices.   I can say things like “Google turn off the light” and it knows what room I’m in and does the right thing.


Today I moved a single ONE to a different room.  Re-assigned the room in the Sonos app.  Then re-assigned the room in the Google Home app.  Total chaos followed.  Now NONE of my devices know what room they are in, and turn lights on in the wrong room, or for the entire house.   I unlinked Sonos from Google Home, started over.  Didn’t help.   Then I tried moving things around to different rooms, experimented with a few things.  Didn’t help.  Unlinked a second time.  Didn’t help.    Any ideas?   It seems like when I re-link my Sonos to Google, Google still has a memory of the bad set-up.  Is there a way to totally wipe the Sonos configuration from Google and start over?  Unlinking didn’t help.

Best answer by Nevyn72

Great news, it just magically working again after that it didn't work for 3 weeks! The rooms where you are, are known again.

At least it now works in our house, hope the glitch stays away now!

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67 replies

  • Contributor I
  • 1 reply
  • April 24, 2020

Have the same problem - it started a couple of days ago - and i did not move anything around. Seems like my Sonos speakers no longer reckognizes they are part of a system. When i say “Turn on light” - all the ligths in the house turns on. If several Sonos speakers can hear my command they all respond. 


I can see a new update came out a couple of days ago and I suspect this could be the reason for this…


Very similar issues here.  Bought a new One a couple of days ago, tried to set up in a new room which as moderately successful, but  the system did not respond correctly to Play x in y room via Google Assistant voice command. 

Eventually decided to set it up as a stereo pair with exiting One in kitchen.  Now keep getting `Sorry I couldn't reach Sonos`.  I've uninstalled and reinstalled everything multiple times (One, Sonos App, GA, GHome, even created new Sonos a/c with a backup email address).  The Assistant itself works fine if I ask it a question, so it seems to be the linkage between GA & Sonos. 

It's driving me mad.  Really hope it's related to the recent s/w upgrade and that there will be a fix soon.

I notice Sonos twitter support says they are exceptionally busy today..... 


PS. Was considering purchasing a couple of Ons SL's to create two stereo pairs, but I'm very reluctant now.  The whole GA/Sonos link thing seems so flaky. 

  • Headliner I
  • 187 replies
  • April 24, 2020

Yes, this is a common problem with Google. It happens every couple of months. I noticed it starting again yesterday - Google Home still shows my Sonos One stereo pair in the Bedroom, but when I tell it to turn off the light, it now turns off the Living Room light.


The last time this happened I tried removing the Sonos pair from the Bedroom and trying to get it back in there properly. Google Home got completely messed up, Sonos gave the speakers new IDs that messed up all my automation. It took over an hour to fix.


Thanks Doug, but unfortunately I tried to fix it.   Still broken and multiple unlinking and relinking hasn’t helped.   I opened a support case with Sonos, but I’m stuck.  GA still there and still responds, but I need to be more specific (i.e. “turn on the master bedroom light” instead of “turn on the light” and it knows I’m in the master bedroom)

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • April 24, 2020

Same problem here. All worked wel. When I was in my office and asked to turn the lights on, the lights in the office switched on.

But now when I am in the office and ask to turn the lights on, the lights in the living room are switched on.

This problem started directly after the Sonos 11.1 update. 

Also my girlfriend (different house) has the same problem.

I called the Sonos help desk and hope they will fix this problem soon

  • Enthusiast I
  • 28 replies
  • April 26, 2020

Same problem here.  I can’t believe how long it is taking them to fix this.  Controlling lights in a room via the Sonos One is the most basic capability and they broke it..  Why was this missed in the Sonos regression testing?

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • April 26, 2020

OMG same problem here Sonos plz fix this issue asap. My Sonos Beam was working flawlessly with the google assistant controlling the light in my living room. Just a few days ago it start to taking control my kitchen lights. Everything is in a mess now…..


I’ve gone back-and-forth with Sonos support several times in the past few days.  Since voice control of the music playback is working all they tell me is to contact Google.  That’s it.  Wow, thanks guys!   

I tried deleting some of the rooms in my Google Home app where it seemed like GA was most confused and then recreating those rooms, but that didn’t help.  I’m going to “delete home” in Google Home app and set up everything from scratch to see if that helps. When I get to that I’ll post results here.   

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • April 27, 2020

I have a nest hub in my kitchen, and it is my primary GA device in my house. It seems like Sonos will automatically bonded to your primary GA device in your home and control that room. I tried to move my nest hub to living room in Google Home app, and you know what, Sonos started to control my living room lights.


Then I moved nest hub back to kitchen, and Sonos is controlling my kitchen light again. And then, I moved my kitchen lights to another room in the GH app, so there is no light assigned to my kitchen, it started to control my whole home lights now…


Also, I tried to unlink and relink Sonos service in the GH app. After a few minutes the service is linked, it works properly, controlling the right lights in the right room. However, when I tried a few times more, the issue comes again.


I’m assuming that the new version of Sonos software somehow cannot contact with GA about which room it is assigned to? I’m just guessing…. Just hope it can be fixed soon.


THANK YOU lewesyru93!  At least now I know that I’m not losing my mind.   I have a Google Home Mini named “speaker 2” in “bedroom 2” and the lights in that room are the ones being incorrectly controlled when I tell GA on Sonos to turn a light on/off.   So I moved “speaker 2” to various rooms in my home via the GH app and viola!   My voice instructions to GA on Sonos followed it around.


Now I’m just wondering why did it break now?   Everything has been working flawlessly in my home for many months and now this.   Yes I “touched it last” when I moved a Sonos ONE to a different room.  But why now?   Hmmm...

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • April 27, 2020
Glenns_and_Roses wrote:

THANK YOU lewesyru93!  At least now I know that I’m not losing my mind.   I have a Google Home Mini named “speaker 2” in “bedroom 2” and the lights in that room are the ones being incorrectly controlled when I tell GA on Sonos to turn a light on/off.   So I moved “speaker 2” to various rooms in my home via the GH app and viola!   My voice instructions to GA on Sonos followed it around.


Now I’m just wondering why did it break now?   Everything has been working flawlessly in my home for many months and now this.   Yes I “touched it last” when I moved a Sonos ONE to a different room.  But why now?   Hmmm...

Well that’s exactly the same! GA on Sonos will follow one of your other GA device in your home. I think it is either Google is pulling Sonos to a new room… or Sonos is assigning itself to another room. It is really hard to say… Both of Google and Sonos update its software quite frequently. Well, I suggest that just keep everything same as usual, and add the room name when asking Google. Otherwise when they fixed it someday, it will be another mess again...


Unfortunately everyone in my house has already learned all the commands.  Everyone has a ceiling fan and light in the bedroom they control with “Hey Google, turn on the fan” or “turn off the light” etc.   It’s going to be a while to train everyone to say “Hey Google, turn on the fan in the mater bedroom” etc. That’s lousy.   Really takes away from the out-of-the-box functionality GA/GH provide.

  • Headliner I
  • 187 replies
  • April 28, 2020

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. Occasional failing make your AI voice assistant seem more human. :grinning:

  • 6138 replies
  • April 28, 2020

Good to hear I'm not alone in this:

Sonos might point to Google on this, but my problems seem to have started with the 11.1 Sonos update….. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • April 29, 2020

I have just reset all my speakers, my home hub and I have turned my google assistant (which is in the kitchen) off. It started trying to turn on the living room speakers when asked to play music, having previously been linking with the Sonos unit in the kitchen properly. I theb found I couldn’t link to all of my speakers together, and some of them would drop from network. Sonos need to roll the previous update back and think agaian, I will leave the google assistant off until I see the system is stable again.

  • Contributor I
  • 1 reply
  • April 29, 2020

I have the same problem. I relinked sonos with GA and it resolved the issue for one day, but now the problem is back. Please fix Sonos! Not okay with such expensive products

Same issue since this weekend,

Sonos beam in living room turns on lights in room with hub..


Moving etc does nothing

Same issue for me -- I’m not sure exactly when it started, but it was sometime within the last week. This is stupid.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • May 1, 2020

Wow, I thought it was just me who was having this problem.  

I also thought the issue was related to a Google Hub that I added to my kitchen.  No matter what room I’m in when I say “turn on the lights” it always turns on the lights in the kitchen.  

Hopefully there will be a fix soon.  It was great being able to just say turn on the lights and turn off.  Strangely enough the music still works when you say “Play music” in each room w/o having to say which room you’re in. 


  • 6138 replies
  • May 1, 2020

@Ryan S Maybe Sonos has noticed the problem too?


briguybb, Yes playing music still works, and while going back-and-forth with Sonos they kept bringing that up “...but the music plays, right?”  I opened a case with Google Home team.  They made a few suggestions which did not help and they suggested I contact Sonos because according to Google this is a Sonos issue (surprise!).   So Sonos says it’s a Google problem, and Google says it’s a Sonos problem.  In my last volley with Google I did tell them that this is happening to many Sonos customers.  Waiting to hear back from Google.

Oh and P.S. once I agreed to contact Google, Sonos quit contacting me even though the issue was not resolved.

Ryan S
  • Retired Sonos Staff
  • 12372 replies
  • May 1, 2020
106rallye wrote:

@Ryan S Maybe Sonos has noticed the problem too?

I’ve seen this sort of thing come up before, resolved at times by completely re-creating whole new rooms between smart devices and Home, but nothing specific or a new known issue currently that I have heard about. 

Sonos players in this situation are acting like a middle man, we don’t cache any smart home devices or systems, that’s all handled by the Google Assistant, which is why you were directed that way. 

This should 100% not be needed, but if you want to try another suggestion that’s a bit extreme, disconnect Google Home from Sonos, remove Sonos devices from Home and delete any preferred speakers in rooms using Sonos. Remove the Google Assistant from your players and system as well. Then wait 24 hours (so that the Assistant cache can be cleared), and try the set up fresh. 

I’ve also sent up your case with the support team for review so that another set of eyes can look into it. They may reach out to follow up.


Thank you @Ryan S.   I have attempted unlinking Sonos from Google Home already (a few times).   

  • I go to Google Home and unlink Sonos
  • When I do this all Sonos devices automatically disappear from Google Home
  • I am only ever able to configure Google devices as preferred speakers, so Sonos speakers were never listed as preferred.  (This keeps getting recommended, perhaps I’m missing something?)
  • Then I go to Sonos, confirm that Google Assistant has been already removed from all devices.  (This occurred when I unlinked in Google Home)
  • Then I start over from Sonos app and re-add Google Assistant to devices.
  • A few times I’ve also deleted rooms from Google Home and then recreated those rooms, but that didn’t help.

I’ve never waited 24 hours though.  I’ll give that a shot.  Curious to learn more about the Assistant cache.

I don't have tons of time to mess with this during the work week, but this weekend I thought of trying to delete my entire Home from Google Home and setting it up from scratch.  If I end up doing that I’ll report back my findings.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • May 1, 2020

Same issue for me. 
All Sonos speakers controls my bed room. Gotta be really careful with that ”turn on lights” command :D

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • May 1, 2020

Same problem here. We have Dutch as language set in Google Assistant but the problem is the same. A lot of people are complaining now about this... Do they actually read this forum? A message like 'we are working on it' would be helpful.

I agree with messages above: how couldn't they find the bug during test....

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