I have Google Assistant on all of my Sonos devices. And for the past year everything has worked great, including my integration with my smart home devices. I can say things like “Google turn off the light” and it knows what room I’m in and does the right thing.
Today I moved a single ONE to a different room. Re-assigned the room in the Sonos app. Then re-assigned the room in the Google Home app. Total chaos followed. Now NONE of my devices know what room they are in, and turn lights on in the wrong room, or for the entire house. I unlinked Sonos from Google Home, started over. Didn’t help. Then I tried moving things around to different rooms, experimented with a few things. Didn’t help. Unlinked a second time. Didn’t help. Any ideas? It seems like when I re-link my Sonos to Google, Google still has a memory of the bad set-up. Is there a way to totally wipe the Sonos configuration from Google and start over? Unlinking didn’t help.