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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


Makes me wonder all the more why they released such a rubbish app.

I’m not convinced it was solely for the headphones - there was always people complaining about the S2 App too here in the community saying it did not discover devices etc. and was over complex. The new app is far simpler, by comparison, I guess. It just needs time, I think. It clearly was released early, but it was likely going to happen sooner, rather than later anyway.

Having made the mistake of trialling the new app on my iPhone and being unable to get back the old version, I bought a copy of SonoPhone and resolved to leave all the other controllers (2 x Macs, an iPad and another iPhone) on S2.

However it seems like I reckoned without Sonos’ determination to drive users onto the new app. The second iPhone was forced to accept a new Licence Agreement, otherwise you couldn’t proceed to the app. Once accepted, that device was magically “upgraded” to the new app, even though settings were definitely set to “no automatic update”. 

Another stunning PR success Sonos and another copy of SonoPhone on its way. Well done, I really think this could become a case study in reputation self-destruction in the future, it has been such a masterpiece of incompetence. 
ps I won’t be buying headphones or any other Sonos products for quite a while, if ever. 

The new app is far simpler, by comparison, I guess. It just needs time, I think. It clearly was released early,

I don't think it's simpler, it's just another approach. I'll get used to it in the end, i expect. But first of all, the app wasn't released early, as you say. The new app shouldn't have been released at all. It has far too many flaws, in my mind it's just plain unusable. No queue, no music library, no playlists, no local search. It's rubbish.

The new app is far simpler, by comparison, I guess. It just needs time, I think. It clearly was released early,

I don't think it's simpler, it's just another approach. I'll get used to it in the end, i expect. But first of all, the app wasn't released early, as you say. The new app shouldn't have been released at all. It has far too many flaws, in my mind it's just plain unusable. No queue, no music library, no playlists, no local search. It's rubbish.

Well, we all know those things you mention are not in the App, but are set to be added.

The App still loads/plays my chosen MSP services to any/all my selected speakers/groups and I am still able to playback playlists, Albums, tracks from my NAS and use voice services on my speakers. I can also still use 3rd party Apps, with AirPlay/Bluetooth playback too.

So it’s not that big of an issue in my own case, but accept some others are having their own issues with the software. I can only say it is working okay for my playback needs and I can wait for the things that are missing, as there are plenty of options to keep the music playing here.

Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


We want the old app back music plays randomly in other rooms. Trying to stop it from playing is difficult we have 10 players 

Not working well sonos plays random music in other rooms. Can’t turn off other rooms without big effort. Volume is not right also, I turn it up it goes down then up. 

we always use our patio speakers when we turn them off then on again the living room goes on. We have 10 speakers the old app was perfect. I didn’t look at any of the new features I really don’t care about them, just want everything to be seamless.


disappointed user




Believing that everyone you DO hear from is wrong and that everyone you DON’T hear from is on your side is a peculiar way to view the world….

Wow, just wow. I just the majority do not use their Sonos equipment all that often or they are all on vacation since the update. 

Just found another fault with Sonos since the update. When I play music in my lounge and then turn the TV on, the music used to stop and sound would automatically start the TV sound. Not only does this not now happen but when I manually turn the music off the TV sound is always down to 0 and needs turning up. 
in other rooms I’ve noticed Alexa now doesn’t work and when I tried to take the speaker out and reinstall I get the “something went wrong” message. This is now beyond tiresome for everyone and I really don’t understand why they won’t just put the old app back on for download. I have one room that also keeps reverting to a previous name (the speaker was moved) also I could not get my speakers in the dining room to play at all - using both the Sonos app or SonoPhone. 

The latest update is a total disaster. I now have a totally useless system which previously had given months of trouble-free listening. I am unable to add any music folder now. Spoke to Support who gave me a work round - didn’t work and so my system can now only play streaming services.

Makes you wonder if the new app was effectively tested before release. “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” seems apposite. 

Hopefully the Sonos engineers are addressing all the issues raised by users and an update will be released as a matter of urgency.

Looks like Sonos will be paying the price for ignoring our howls of outrage.

Can anyone spot the app release day on this share price slide?


Oh no-way, as there’s absolutely nothing wrong at all, with any Sonos hardware - I definitely want their Ace headphones. It’s probably a different division of Sonos anyway, compared to the controller software. The new Ace Headphones apparently support Qualcomms 5.4 Snapdragon Sound’s APT-X Lossless audio.

If that is correct, that’s a max Bluetooth bitrate 1200kbps - up-to 24/96 lossless audio. That said, my transceivers here only support 24/48 (Apt-X HD) audio, but I’m not complaining, as even that exceeds my own hearing capabilities anyway, as I’m just from planet Earth.

The audio quality is better than anything Apple or Sony etc, are doing at around the same price-point, which is reasonable, all things considered - I guess it’s even better if you also perhaps have an old Sonos product and can perhaps use to grab a trade-up voucher.

The new Sonos App is likely here to stay anyway and it will only get better - I’m happy to hang around patiently until their developers sort the missing features, which they will.  

The new App and Web App are both working okay for me. It’s simple enough to use.

My SMBv2 local NAS library is working/playing okay too.

Sorry, I’ve waited years for Sonos headphones to arrive and so there’s no way am I boycotting them for a controller App that’ll get sorted anyway. That would be like ‘cutting off my nose to spite my face’.

I wish I had $1800 to spare for a set of headphones.  Ace+Arc….

Is there a way to roll back to the old app? This is unusable garbage. Like, it’s crazy to me that multiple testers, product owners, whatever used this app before it was released to the public and all nodded to each other and said “This is great!”

If that’s true, you’ve got a huge group think problem.



I found that quote on TechRadar.  That confirms the CEO is a big part of the problem.  So the solution  to the problem is to fix the app, then replace the CEO and Chief Product Manager, at a minimum.

Is there a way to roll back to the old app? This is unusable garbage. Like, it’s crazy to me that multiple testers, product owners, whatever used this app before it was released to the public and all nodded to each other and said “This is great!”

If that’s true, you’ve got a huge group think problem.



I found that quote on TechRadar.  That confirms the CEO is a big part of the problem.  So the solution  to the problem is to fix the app, then replace the CEO and Chief Product Manager, at a minimum.

Adapting to change is generally not a problem, that comes with time. The issue for me is that this "change" basically made their products expensive ornamental tech. I mean when the equalizer doesn't work, your devices are not present and accounted for or you cannot even claim your system, that isn't change for improvement that is change and we broke it. I'd love to get into the app and have a consistent experience to try out some of the change but every time I go into it something isn't working.

Is there a way to roll back to the old app? This is unusable garbage. Like, it’s crazy to me that multiple testers, product owners, whatever used this app before it was released to the public and all nodded to each other and said “This is great!”

If that’s true, you’ve got a huge group think problem.



I found that quote on TechRadar.  That confirms the CEO is a big part of the problem.  So the solution  to the problem is to fix the app, then replace the CEO and Chief Product Manager, at a minimum.

The culprit

Is there a way to roll back to the old app? This is unusable garbage. Like, it’s crazy to me that multiple testers, product owners, whatever used this app before it was released to the public and all nodded to each other and said “This is great!”

If that’s true, you’ve got a huge group think problem.



I found that quote on TechRadar.  That confirms the CEO is a big part of the problem.  So the solution  to the problem is to fix the app, then replace the CEO and Chief Product Manager, at a minimum.

Adapting to change is generally not a problem, that comes with time. The issue for me is that this "change" basically made their products expensive ornamental tech. I mean when the equalizer doesn't work, your devices are not present and accounted for or you cannot even claim your system, that isn't change for improvement that is change and we broke it. I'd love to get into the app and have a consistent experience to try out some of the change but every time I go into it something isn't working.

Yup. Broken like him

I wish I had $1800 to spare for a set of headphones.  Ace+Arc….

I’ve been waiting a long time for the Sonos headphones, so it’s not an ‘impulse buy’, it’s something saved for/planned. I’m retired, so tend to plan ahead. I already have the Sonos Arc anyway.

After the Sonos Ace, there will be a new Android Tablet and then a new iPad Pro … and …and … and…

I like to keep up with some (not all) tech changes wherever I can. My children/grandchildren often take the old stuff off my hands (if they want it, that is). I just try to get 5 years use (approx.) from the electronic things I buy.

My current Sony headphones will just be handed to my daughter, I suspect.

I thought I had my workaround, just use 16.1, but unfortunately sonos has other ideas, no matter what I try every couple of days my app is auto updated (android phone)

So I have uninstalled the new app and only install 16.1 when I want to play music, what a farce

Bigger joke is I got a promotional email from sonos offering 25% off select speakers 😂


Looks like Sonos will be paying the price for ignoring our howls of outrage.

Can anyone spot the app release day on this share price slide?


Cant believe it’s only dropped by 10% my sonos hardware has dropped in value by 100%

I thought I had my workaround, just use 16.1, but unfortunately sonos has other ideas, no matter what I try every couple of days my app is auto updated (android phone)

So I have uninstalled the new app and only install 16.1 when I want to play music, what a farce

Bigger joke is I got a promotional email from sonos offering 25% off select speakers 😂



Sonos can’t push an update to your phone, it’s your phone settings that do the auto-update via the Google Play Store.  Turn off auto updates for the app in your phone:,unselect%20%22Enable%20Auto%20Update.%22

This is the can of worms that Sonos have opened in moving the controller to the web:


Here a few community participants are asking how to disable remote control from the web because of the security flaws. To overcome these flaws, corporations spend billions on development to ensure their LANs are secure when opening them up to the web. 

This move to web architecture is the reason that we are all getting intermittent and inconsistent connections, systems and functionality (the bits that do exist). The only way the fanboys and Sonos support can claim 'smooth' connections is if they are directly linked to their servers or they have 'magic' internet that defies the laws of physics. 

Even if Sonos can come up with a plan to reduce the drop out and the amount of processing required by going to internet servers for every function they are going to fall foul of privacy laws. Every single service from the internet is using strong Multi Factor Authorisation and this is enforced by regulation where money is involved. 

So they can move to a subscription model but they will have to slow down connections and functions even more. 

I'm happy to ask Sonos Support what plans they have to overcome the delay due to web architecture and what is the roadmap for privacy compliance? 


I thought I had my workaround, just use 16.1, but unfortunately sonos has other ideas, no matter what I try every couple of days my app is auto updated (android phone)

So I have uninstalled the new app and only install 16.1 when I want to play music, what a farce

Bigger joke is I got a promotional email from sonos offering 25% off select speakers 😂



Sonos can’t push an update to your phone, it’s your phone settings that do the auto-update via the Google Play Store.  Turn off auto updates for the app in your phone:,unselect%20%22Enable%20Auto%20Update.%22

Thanks for that, I have been trying to find the setting to turn off updates for a week, I thought it would be locally on the phone, didn’t realise it would be in Play Store.

Fingers crossed that will do the trick 👍

I have 3 era’s 100 in my system and recently added 2 more. In the new ones i cannot add the alexa Voice Control. When the process says that I have to login in amazon keeps searching and do not pop up the login screen.

Zero improvement.

Instead loss of access to Music Library which renders Sonos useless to me.

Cant believe it’s only dropped by 10% my sonos hardware has dropped in value by 100%


Haven’t sold my stocks yet, but I’m about to. Totally lost confidence in one of my favourite stocks.

Another report on the fiasco.

