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15.1 update installed but not completing 1101 error


There maybe issues but the support team and community folks will always help as always. Afraid the latest update to 15.1 although completed and installed leaves trueplay and tv set up greyed out and requests update but seems to be in a non functioning loop. Does not inspire for Era update.

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13 replies

  • 42600 replies
  • February 23, 2023

Did you submit a system diagnostic , and call Sonos Support to discuss it? Or read the substantial thread, which appears to be about mostly issues with the BOOST? What troubleshooting steps have you taken? What you be willing to share about your setup, is it wired or Wi-Fi only? What speakers do you have in your system? Do you know where the update is failing? How is it ‘completing’, yet you’re stating it’s failing with an 1101 error? Which device are you running the controller from, and what OS is on that device? Sonos hasn’t announced an Era speaker, how can this be related to a speculative ‘leak’ posted by a ‘jounalist’?

  • 9859 replies
  • February 23, 2023

Yea, I’m not following exactly what is being said here.  Sounds like this is the same issue that others are reporting, and OP is aware of that.  Title says installed but not completed, but body says completed and installed.

I don’t like this issue, but it appears to be more cosmetic more than anything else. It appears to be an issues with upgrade related functions and not the material of the release itself.  Not sure if there is anything to the claim that trueplay is unavailable.  Would help to know what iOS device/version is being used. 

Regardless, It doesn’t make me much concerned about future updates and product releases.  Sonos has does well over a 100 of these, and they certainly have had some problems before, but there are isolated and never a recurring pattern.  By that I mean that issues with this update does not historically increase likelihood of the next release having issues.

  • Headliner I
  • 268 replies
  • February 23, 2023

I leave mine on auto update and have updated app and hardware to 15.1 without issues. My system doesn't include the Boost which per the other thread appears to have concerns. Controlled by iPhone.



  • Author
  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 15 replies
  • February 23, 2023

Good morning all and many thanks for prompt and well thought about responses.

My system is fully wifi and consists of  1 arc, 2 play 1's as surrounds and a gen 2 sub. Controller is an android  phone A 30 fully updated with current android requirements.  Other controller is android tablet S 6 which has not been updated with Sonos 15.1 but remains on 14.6.1 and advises me that it does not require an update, and there it shall stay with no autoupdates.

My router and Ap's have been reset as requested by looking at the error codes 1101 and the information therein.

With regard to the trueplay and tv set up being greyed out on the Android mobile phone app which is updated to Sonos 15.1 as I say downloaded but apparently not completed i.e greyed out components trueplay and tv setup in the android Sonos phone app. and non functioning, by this the Sonos app tells me an upgrade is required and this takes me to the google update website which advises to "open" which then reverts to the android phone Sonos app saying an update is required, and so my comment as to an endless loop.

I have read and digested the other comments re the Boost on various websites to try and avail myself of knowledge without disturbing the helpful forum members prior to raising a call from my paradise of Mauritius to the call centre teams. My comment regarding future releases of both updates and new products, should there be any, was made a stimulant for dialogue, achieved!

I have been an owner of Sonos products for many years 1 playbar, 3 gen 1 5's which are getting long in the tooth, just like me, but still functioning with good care and attention, I worked through the various previous issues myself with success.

I shall of course make good use of the call centre teams in due course and revert with their outcomes should the current situation not relieve itself.

Again my thanks for the inputs from your goodselves.



  • 42600 replies
  • February 23, 2023

Thanks for the detail, it’s most helpful. 

Using an Android device, you can not run TruePlay, it requires, for setup only, an iOS device. Once it’s been run, however, you can turn it on or off using your Android controller. There are a few threads about requests for Android access, most of them explain why it seems unlikely.

If you don’t have a BOOST, there doesn’t seem to be any reason not to update to 15.1, and I don’t think Sonos will do any ‘support’ on an older system. I’d bet the first thing you’d hear is that you need to update.

I’m still at a loss as to whether you’ve failed an update with error 1101, or you’re current, but this last post suggests you’ve not updated at all. I think I’m just misunderstanding your initial post.

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  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 15 replies
  • February 25, 2023

Bruce good morning

Many thanks for your response it is appreciated. My system has been updated to 15.1 but is still showing greyed out areas i.e uncompress, tv set up, add voice control, remove sub, remove surrounds. Each time I press one of the greyed out components the advice to update app comes on and this refers me to the google play store update and when opened it refers me back to the update screen and then back into the loop to update until I eventualy press the Done at the top right to get out.

I have deleted the Sonos S1 app quite a few times, reinstalled and then reinstalled truplay with better halfs i phone, again fully updated to current software with again the same resultant message for all greyed out messages mentioned above.

Although my system as described earlier in e mail is functioning as expected with 15.1 update however should I wish to add further units if and when they are released my add  product is also greyed out, perhaps I need to introduce more units to my initial set up for this are to be not greyed out, just a thought!!

At least my arthritic knees are getting lots of extra excercise prancing around the home switching this and that off and on.

Bruce I certainly appreciate your responses, perhaps similar Sonos users may benefit from our interactions



An Aussie in Mauritius

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  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 15 replies
  • February 25, 2023

"have deleted the Sonos S1 app quite a few times, reinstalled" that should read S2, big thumbs at this end.

have deleted the Sonos S1 app quite a few times, reinstalled and then reinstalled truplay unsucessfully with better halfs i phone, again fully updated to current software 15.1 with again the same resultant message for all greyed out messages mentioned above including trueplay.

Apologies for the booboos in typing

  • 42600 replies
  • February 25, 2023

It sounds like your controller has been updated, but not your speakers yet…and makes me wonder if there’s been some sort of snafu with Sonos releasing one but not the other. Everything you’ve described  would be the case if the controller were out of step with the firmware running on the speakers. 

But I’m really more concerned about your post about S1 or S2. The 15.1 release was only for controllers connecting to speakers running S2. If your speakers are running S1, there is a completely different controller to be used, which is definitely not 15.1.

Have you called Sonos support yet?

  • Author
  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 15 replies
  • February 25, 2023

Hi there Bruce

Yet another update gone wrong.

My wife has just updated her i phone version 16.3.1 to Sonos S2 15.1  and has now encountered the same greying out of various components similar to the app S2 15.1 on my Android phone A30 and Samsung tablet S6.

Bruce many thanks for your assistance we shall endeavor to complete a diagnostic with Sonos  and let you know the outcomes in due course.

There would appear to be two common denominators with these updates our router a Huawei HG8145v5 with encryption AES on both 2.4 and 5 and with band steering applied which has been reset a few times or the playstore app.

Brain now getting tired, I have submitted my application to rejoin the Beta group.

  • Author
  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 15 replies
  • February 25, 2023

G'day Bruce

Thanks Once again for your input.

Please see most recent comments re S1 and S2 which have perhaps crossed with your most recent,  my apologies for the ongoing snafu re my typing

Kind regards





  • Enthusiast I
  • 22 replies
  • February 25, 2023

I have the same endless update-loop problem. The Sonos app (on android phone & also PC) says my system (Beam + 2 Play:1’s) must be updated but also says the app must be updated first. But the app is already the latest version (15.1). So I can't update my app (already with the latest version) or system and my system won't work properly without being updated. Many functions are greyed out in the app and I can't add back my Play:1 speakers which I reset to try to fix the problem (without success). My Play:1’s don't even appear when I scan for speakers to add, and using an ethernet cable from my router to the Play:1’s makes no difference. Error 1101 appears in the PC version of the app but no error code appears in the android version of the app. Sonos Customer Service wasn't able to fix it and denied any problem with app version 15.1 - however I think they're wrong.

  • Author
  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 15 replies
  • February 25, 2023

Hi there folks listen to Peter Pee on utube regarding the issues i have been experiencing with 15.1 update.

Cahonies in a sling perhaps!!!

  • Author
  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 15 replies
  • February 27, 2023

Is there a connection to the malfeasance recently encountered? Two other S1 items show similar update to 11.7 connecting to S2.

Contact with Florian P at Sonos was made over the weekend .

Bruce you were so correct regarding the non communication between controllers




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