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Sonos, please tell us the plan and what you are doing everyday to make this work.

My system can't be trusted anymore and I'm pissed at you for creating this problem for me and thousands of other loyal sonos customers.

Please keep us informed on what you are doing to make it right!

The app is still a load of crap in 18th August 2024. What on earth are you messing around at? The volume control is randomly jumping. I turn it up and it leaps back down. Songs just randomly stop and start. It worked perfectly before. Why have you not tested the software before you released it. Your entire brand is built on trust. I’ve spent a fortune on Sonos. I have it in every room of the house. A total of 16 speakers. It’s a joke. CEO and CTO and SW Dev Manager and Test Manager should all be fired for this.  You must get this fixed ASAP. if you work there and you don’t own Sonos and use it every day at home shame on you. You should leave immediately. I’d like to say I’m done. But the switching cost is too high. Get it fixed. 


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Every couple days I look at my available app updates, hoping for a new version of Sonos that returns the app to usable status. For how incredibly bad this app is, there are REMARKABLY few updates coming out of Sonos.

I’d guess I’ve opened the app about 40-50 times over the last week, and only once did it actually work for me. The rest of the time, it’s the same “No products found” window - leaving me doing everything by voice control or running around and setting the volume manually on each speaker. Insane!

Adding my $.02 in the hopes that it will create more traction so Sonos takes note and fixes it. 

I am ROUTINELY setting up a new system in the app only to have them somehow forgotten in 2 days time. 


Many times when setting up the new system I have to go through the “I don’t see my product” troubleshooting feature which involves a series of factory resets to my multiple devices in order to add them only to do it again. 

I used to love Sonos and now I have extreme disdain, regret, and frustration at this brand. At this point I’m beginning to feel it would be a serious matter of corporate irresponsibility for Sonos to put any time, attention, or resources into a single new product. All the capital (both time and monetary) should be placed into unf***ing the existing issues and make good on promises made to the consumers that purchased Sonos brand products. 


When asked about Sonos, I tell people to run away, far away and will do so for some time I’m afraid. I will not purchase another Sonos brand product for a long, long time. If ever. 

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

I have ios apple setup as well and it is flakes too. I can use sonos voice control only to turn on my speakers. The ios app will not work consistently period and cannot be trusted.

So Today is September 12, 2024 and Sonos CEO has once again not kept his promise about regular updates on the app fix! Nobody knows where this ship or sonos business is going, but seems to me it's a race to the bottom!

About two weeks ago, there was a Sonos update on my iPhone. The Sonos app is now running Build 80.07.03-release+20240819.7fd7da0dd. My Sonos One speakers and Sonos Move are running Version 16.3.3 (build 80.1-56190). I hope I don’t jinx myself for saying this, but the Sonos app now functions properly 100% of the time on my iPhone 15 Plus. The app is still non-functional on my wife’s older iPhone SE 2nd Gen, even though she’s running the same version of the app. Same system, totally different results. Doesn’t make any sense, but I’m happy to have my app functioning properly for the first time in months!

Lucky you, Steve! I thought the same up until that latest update (except still waiting for the playlist edit functions..), but now I’ve lost connection to my iTunes music library. After nearly two hours on the phone to Sonos help desk yesterday, it transpires this is due to an issue between Sonos and iOS. So it doesn’t matter if I attempt to index from my MacBook or iPhone, I cannot connect to my iTunes music library. The only work around is to use airplay or Bluetooth, but then ofcourse functions are limited. And so, after 3 months, the problems continue with the blasted new app 😡

An “issue between Sonos and iOS” could also be on Apple’s side, maybe in advance of iOS 18.
