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Sonos System can‘t be found by new app

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122 replies

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 2, 2024

Hello everyone,


I have an ARC, two subs, and two amps setup in my living room. Unfortunately, I updated to the new app version that Sonos released, which caused my system not to be found on the app. I tried several troubleshooting recommendations, but could not get my system to be recognized by the stupid app. I made several attempts to contact support, but the hold times were ridiculous. Wait times were averaging 2hrs just to speak to someone. After not being able to use my system for almost a month, I was able to finally speak to a representative (1hr 26min on hold). The representative was very professional and provided me with several options for me to try to get my system to work. The representative was patiently waiting while I was trying everything she recommended. The last option she gave was to connect my router directly into one of my Sonos amps using a rj45 cable. The problem was that my wireless router is located in my master closet which is on the second floor of my house, and I did not have a long cable. I ended up ordering a 200ft cable through Amazon. I connected the cable to my router, ran all the way to my living room, and connected to my amp. I opened the app and my system was finally found 🙏 The bad thing about this was when I disconnected the cable, I was no longer able to find my system. I was told by the representative that I only needed to connect the cable temporarily. She mentioned that once the app recognizes my system I no longer needed the cable. This was not the case! I had to keep the cable connected in order for me to use my Sonos system. Also, my wife was not too keen on having cables  through the house. I did some more research and found a better solution. I ordered a wireless Ethernet to WiFi adapter through Amazon. I followed the easy setup instructions and it worked! No more long cables or issues with my Sonos 🥲

Shame on Sonos for releasing a new version of an app without testing it. It’s like throwing * on the wall to see if it sticks. Let our customers that spend thousands of dollars do the testing and we will release updates months in the future 🤬

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 3, 2024

Has anything been done about this issue ?  I am having the same issue since the app update.  Very frustrating.

Sounds like a class action law suit is in order.  Your customer service is non existent. Just issue previous version so we can all use the system we paid lots of money for. Zero accountability. 

  • Lyricist III
  • 7 replies
  • June 8, 2024

Brand S2 app user / system here, I cannot get it to add the amp to the “system” .  It finds the amp fine with IOS or android mobile app , but after the setup wizard is done it cannot find the product to add to a system? 

I had all S1 gear / app before and that stuff worked fine. 

  • Lyricist III
  • 7 replies
  • June 8, 2024

I am suspecting the hardware / firmware that was purchased yesterday from Best Buy is some old stock, and that perhaps the base version of this amp is too old to be properly added to the system with the new S2 App

My S1 PC app was able to recognize it, and show some details about unit. 
I assume there is no way to update the firmware on the unit , as it needs to be in the S2 app system registration in order to update 

What is the current Amp firmware?


Moderator edit: removed image containing serial numbers

  • Contributor I
  • 2 replies
  • June 10, 2024

What a joke, has anything been done about this issue, I’m having the same issue since the app update, total joke, cannot use the system!!!!


No nothing 

  • 27696 replies
  • June 10, 2024
bclarke68 wrote:

I am suspecting the hardware / firmware that was purchased yesterday from Best Buy is some old stock, and that perhaps the base version of this amp is too old to be properly added to the system with the new S2 App

My S1 PC app was able to recognize it, and show some details about unit. 
I assume there is no way to update the firmware on the unit , as it needs to be in the S2 app system registration in order to update 

What is the current Amp firmware?


Moderator edit: removed image containing serial numbers


Your firmware may indeed be too far out of date to update via wireless.  Try connecting it to your router with an Ethernet cable and adding it again.  After it updates, you can disconnect the Ethernet cable and deploy it wirelessly. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 10, 2024

I have the same issue - app not finding g my system.  I see there are many (all?) with the same experience.  This is a piss-poor service from a company that used to pride itself on customer service.  
what are you doing about it - or do you genuinely not care????!!

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 11, 2024

Still can't find my system and I've tried the updating network settings but can only find my beam and sub, not my play: 1 surrounds. Pretty absurd a hot fix or rollback of the app update STILL hasn't been done.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 11, 2024
francesco.p83 wrote:

after updating the App everything went wrong.

Boost unable to register to the account.

Restored all the devices to factory setup. Now, I’ve lost all the devices from the app. I can’t find anything anymore...a total mess...

Same problem. I spend hours trying to reconnect the system (Playbar, Sub, 2x Play1; symfonisk; play1). Once I connect one speaker and try to connect another I lost the system again and again. Can’t discover plugged in and reset speakers, can't find system in my networks, app is telling me to log in as owner even when I’m logged in. For weeks now I have useless speakers around the house. Is there any update on when this core issue is fixed? I cna only see some features listed but I can't even get the system to work so why I care about extra features… 


What’s interesting that this total issue exist with my parents system. I have other Sonos sytem in my home and here I have one new Era speaker and no issues with the app or losing the system. I suspect Era must link the older speakers with the updated structure. However it worries me that I invested in system that's worthless once company decides to make an software update.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 11, 2024

Disgraceful service and total

disregard for customer experience.


  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 12, 2024

I find it hard to believe that Sonos hasn't fixed this after a month of complaints.  And no public statement (that I could find)?  

The new version of the app doesn't find my system at all - it just asks me to sign in over and over and over and over.  I've never seen a mature company break something so badly.  

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 16, 2024

Confirmed Workaround here :

None of my apps (Android, IPhone, iPad) would find the Sonos products anymore. And they still don’t. 

But for me, I can still control my Sonos by logging in at (on a laptop). That web app can see my system and let me control music. So at least things work in the meantime till they get the app sorted.

Hope it works for you all too.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 17, 2024

Experienced the same thing, the whole system was gone from my Sonos iPhone app, but my iPad still saw the system though unable to sync the music from one room to the other.  Called Sonos Support, and provided them with diagnostic code, support saw that the amp was missing an update, so did that.  Restarted my WIFI router, saw the option to join existing system became available, joined it, and now back in business.

Our AV guy was talking to us about upgrading our speakers to the new generation. After this debacle, I think I’ll get rid of Sonos. What are some other brands that do similar that don’t have a customer service/IT team that has no clue and really doesn’t care about customers.

I am in the same boat, I have a house full of Sonos, and can only control anything from a computer. How is this still an issue. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 21, 2024

Add me to the pile. Most times selecting Add a new system " brings it back to life immediately . Frustrated that chat help gets me into 1 hr rat hole with known problem. Same with live person after 2 hrs. 2x Android phones. Call ended today saying others also have issue and they're working on a fix.


I’ve had 2 new era 100’s since the 11th of may completely unusable because my app has stopped working since trying to add them. Seen a few people in here, over the 6 weeks of monitoring this chat, saying hardwiring can sort it so I’ve spent £74 on 2 x 18m Ethernet cables long enough to reach where the 100’s are (on a wall behind sofa) and also had to buy 2 Sonos adapters at £40 each because the 100’s don’t have a standard port (absolute joke!). Luckily I’m an electrician and running cables is part of my daily work but I’ve spent hours today running in the ethernets. If I had paid someone to do this it would have cost £££. Still awaiting the adapters so will update in here once it’s all hardwired with a verdict.  

Jordankennedy001 wrote:

I’ve had 2 new era 100’s since the 11th of may completely unusable because my app has stopped working since trying to add them. Seen a few people in here, over the 6 weeks of monitoring this chat, saying hardwiring can sort it so I’ve spent £74 on 2 x 18m Ethernet cables long enough to reach where the 100’s are (on a wall behind sofa) and also had to buy 2 Sonos adapters at £40 each because the 100’s don’t have a standard port (absolute joke!). Luckily I’m an electrician and running cables is part of my daily work but I’ve spent hours today running in the ethernets. If I had paid someone to do this it would have cost £££. Still awaiting the adapters so will update in here once it’s all hardwired with a verdict.  

Not to mention the state of my house with all the holes in walls I’ve had to cut and patch, if this doesn’t work then what else am I suppose to do

  • Enthusiast II
  • 34 replies
  • June 21, 2024
Jordankennedy001 wrote:

I’ve had 2 new era 100’s since the 11th of may completely unusable because my app has stopped working since trying to add them. Seen a few people in here, over the 6 weeks of monitoring this chat, saying hardwiring can sort it so I’ve spent £74 on 2 x 18m Ethernet cables long enough to reach where the 100’s are (on a wall behind sofa) and also had to buy 2 Sonos adapters at £40 each because the 100’s don’t have a standard port (absolute joke!). Luckily I’m an electrician and running cables is part of my daily work but I’ve spent hours today running in the ethernets. If I had paid someone to do this it would have cost £££. Still awaiting the adapters so will update in here once it’s all hardwired with a verdict.  

Yikes… I hope you at least tested this before doing through all this work!  Were you able to jack a speaker in locally to a switch using a short Ethernet cable to determine if it worked better this way?


Nope running purely off of others comments in here that hardwired sorts the issue and also during my 2+ hour phone call to Sonos customer support they said the same that had d wired will fix. I have a case reference number of that chat not sure if it is recorded or if it’s just basic info from the chat but if it doesn’t work I will be referring to this when making a formal complaint 

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 21, 2024

Similar issue once updating. Intermittent loss of products being found in app. I count myself extremely lucky it is not 100% of the time. I would be fuming if it was all the time. I can’t believe the lack of communication from Sonos on this unacceptable issue. I recommend Sonos to everyone amongst family and friends. Now I look like an idiot as they have all can’t use their products. I’m perplexed how it takes so long to release an update to fix this. Come on Sonos! Either fix it yesterday or roll back to the old version of the app until it is fixed. It’s not rocket science. Show some compassion for all your loyal users. 

Does Sonos ever respond or just ignore there buyers problems ?

  • 27696 replies
  • June 22, 2024
Kolchesterkid wrote:

Does Sonos ever respond or just ignore there buyers problems ?


This is first and foremost a user’s forum.  Sonos reps sometimes post here, but this is not the primary way to get support.  If you require support, I suggest you submit a diagnostic and follow one of the methods here to contract Sonos Support:


If you are looking for a statement on the new app and the fixes planned, it’s right here at the top of the main support page:

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