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Sonos forcing update

Just tried to use my system through voice and nothing would work. So, I opened the app (last Android version of the old app) and it won't allow me to do anything until I upgrade to their new app.

I guess that means they've fixed everything, riiiight?!?! 🙄

17 replies

Userlevel 7
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Just tried to use my system through voice and nothing would work. So, I opened the app (last Android version of the old app) and it won't allow me to do anything until I upgrade to their new app.

I guess that means they've fixed everything, riiiight?!?! 🙄

That’s a very difficult question to answer, IMHO…  I don’t use a local music library nor alarms and as such I haven’t experienced any issues with the new app.  Others are reporting major issues across multiple areas of functionality.  I haven’t been able to either replicate the majority of these issues nor identify any form of specific environment triggers for the issues others are reporting.

That's a fair response. I've only been very loosely following the complaints and subsequent fixes/restorations of functionality. For me, I do use a local library, but not exclusively. Beyond that, I just need voice control and widgets. Is volume control working again?  Last I read, widgets we're also still nonexistent. I guess I don't have a choice at this point, as Sonos has, literally, broken my entire setup if I don't upgrade now.

EDIT: Went ahead and followed the demands of our Speaker Overlords and updated the app. Yep...still no widgets. Volume control is weird, but workable. We’ll see what else I have to complain about in a day or so. 🤷

Userlevel 7
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Sonos have confirmed in another thread that they don’t force updates on us. 

But, a system must be in sync for compatibility so if you don’t have auto update turned off for all controllers and devices, if one updates the rest must follow. Some folk are seeing this and calling it a “forced update”. 


@zzc2758 They aren’t forcing you to update right? Or are they?


I only have two speakers, they are paired and have not had any updates, or shouldn't have since i didn't do it 

There's no reason the app should not still be working except bs on the part of Sonos. 

Checking now, but if there's not already a class action started I'll be talking to one of the partners at the firm i work for about option for breach of trust. The new version won't even see my system 



Userlevel 3
Badge +2

You need to turn off automatic updates of your speakers.

Userlevel 1

You need to turn off automatic updates of your speakers.

Automatic updates turned OFF in app and Googleplay Store.


Was out all day yesterday so today and didn’t use the Sonos, so the timeline fits with Skirge’s initial post 


I also cannot get past an update is required. All speakers have ‘spanners’. All music selections greyed out. Clicking a’ spannered’ speaker just takes you to another page of Sonos app needs updating. 


So thought I’d give it a whirl and update, whats the worse that can happen?……

Well, initially, playlists, favourites etc all appeared. Still cannot search in music library, (which is an absolute deal breaker) but hey, playlists already created are there.


Oh, hang on…less than 2 minutes later…. everything is greyed out again, no favourites, no playlists, no search of radio stations I never want to listen to anyway, no nothing.


Absolutely appalling.


Fortunately had put BBC Radio 2 on while exploring the new app, and as long as we never want to listen to anything else and never turn it off then the system is working fine and the investment for 5 speakers, playbar and woofer were well worth it! (do i detect a bit of sarcasm?!)


Userlevel 3
Badge +2

You need to turn off automatic updates of your speakers.

Automatic updates turned OFF in app and Googleplay Store.

You missed something. Sonos does not force updates if you have automatic updates turned off.

You need to turn off automatic updates of your speakers.

Automatic updates turned OFF in app and Googleplay Store.

You missed something. Sonos does not force updates if you have automatic updates turned off.

You're missing the point. Technically, there is no forced update and could choose not to update. But the old version now doesn't work, other than to tell you to update. So if you want to use your system, the only way is to update. In that sense, it is forced.

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

You need to turn off automatic updates of your speakers.

Automatic updates turned OFF in app and Googleplay Store.

You missed something. Sonos does not force updates if you have automatic updates turned off.

You're missing the point. Technically, there is no forced update and could choose not to update. But the old version now doesn't work, other than to tell you to update. So if you want to use your system, the only way is to update. In that sense, it is forced.

You're missing the point. 

The OP's firmware updated to a version that requires a new version of the app.

This firmware update happened because the OP did not disable automatic updates.

Sonos never forces updates if automatic updates are disabled.

You need to turn off automatic updates of your speakers.

Automatic updates turned OFF in app and Googleplay Store.

You missed something. Sonos does not force updates if you have automatic updates turned off.

You're missing the point. Technically, there is no forced update and could choose not to update. But the old version now doesn't work, other than to tell you to update. So if you want to use your system, the only way is to update. In that sense, it is forced.

You're missing the point. 

The OP's firmware updated to a version that requires a new version of the app.

This firmware update happened because the OP did not disable automatic updates.

Sonos never forces updates if automatic updates are disabled.

And here's a good example of what an accidentally missed word can do. I meant to write missing the point made, rather than the point itself (sorry). Think you and OP at crossed purposes is all. OP taking about app update in isolation, where as app update 'required' if you've allowed the system to update automatically.

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

And here's a good example of what an accidentally missed word can do. I meant to write missing the point made, rather than the point itself (sorry). Think you and OP at crossed purposes is all. OP taking about app update in isolation, where as app update 'required' if you've allowed the system to update automatically.

Fine, but the OP was complaining about opening the app and being told an update is required. This never happens in isolation. This only happens when the firmware has been updated. And the firmware is only updated if you’ve allowed it to be updated.

Userlevel 1

I can’t speak for the OP, but it seems that ‘edmountain’ has the solution for us. We had friends around and the ‘young person’ downloaded the app and used one of the speakers to play Spotify. Presumably this has introduced the ‘firmware’ into the speakers and now all other controllers are snookered.

Whilst I can except the logic in this, it still doesn’t excuse the permanent greyed out interface (yes we’re still listening to BBC Radio 2!) despite the usual, reboots, reinstallations etc etc


If anyone can tell me how to solve this we’d be much appreciative.

Userlevel 1

Sonos have confirmed in another thread that they don’t force updates on us. 

But, a system must be in sync for compatibility so if you don’t have auto update turned off for all controllers and devices, if one updates the rest must follow. Some folk are seeing this and calling it a “forced update”. 

You're wrong though. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

I can’t speak for the OP, but it seems that ‘edmountain’ has the solution for us. We had friends around and the ‘young person’ downloaded the app and used one of the speakers to play Spotify. Presumably this has introduced the ‘firmware’ into the speakers and now all other controllers are snookered.

Whilst I can except the logic in this, it still doesn’t excuse the permanent greyed out interface (yes we’re still listening to BBC Radio 2!) despite the usual, reboots, reinstallations etc etc


If anyone can tell me how to solve this we’d be much appreciative.

The “young person” can only update your firmware if that “young person” has access to the system owner’s username and password.

As for how to fix the greyness, I have no clue because that’s never happened to me. Sorry.

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Sonos have confirmed in another thread that they don’t force updates on us. 

But, a system must be in sync for compatibility so if you don’t have auto update turned off for all controllers and devices, if one updates the rest must follow. Some folk are seeing this and calling it a “forced update”. 

You're wrong though. 

Actually nik is 100% correct. Sonos does not force updates but they do require version compatibility.
