Today my Sonos is refusing to load any playlist I created on Amazon Music Unlimited that has more than 100 songs. I’ve reset router, cable modem, all speakers/amps, controller, deleted and reactivated the amazon account. All apps and Sonos controller are up to date. I verified my amazon account is active and still at the unlimited level, which it is.
What is really odd is I can load any playlist, no matter what size, if it was created by amazon. I just can’t load my playlists, unless they have 100 or less songs. I contacted Sonos support and was told amazon limits playlist to 100 songs on Sonos, although only my personal playlist are not working if over 100 songs. I contacted amazon and they said they do not limit playlist songs to 100 on Sonos.
I really don’t want to switch from amazon, I have been happy for a couple of years with their unlimited service.
Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions?
The attached pictures shows what I see when I try to load a playlist with over 100 songs. Song 100 shows then just blanks for all the remaining songs. This is the PC app but it does the same on my iPhone app.