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RE: Lost music Library 5/22/2024

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58 replies

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 17 replies
  • June 2, 2024

Although I’ve been successful in accessing my music library via the web app, I’m still experiencing hit or miss ability to view my music on the iOS apps.  Further, every time I leave the range of my Wi-Fi, it appears that the app resets itself and often drops access to the music library.  I am not a computer expert by any means, but it’s as if the indexing of the music has been uploaded to the Cloud and then needs to be downloaded when the app is within Wi-Fi range.  I had thought the indexing was hosted in the actual Sonos device (I have a port and a connect), but it seems to take a considerable amount of time for the entirety of my library to be accessible from the app (when I can access it at all) when it’s readily available via the web app.  Very frustrating changes indeed!

wilverfcr wrote:

This is so appalling. I've been playing music from my hard drive since getting my first Sonos not too long after they entered the market. I regret having committed to Sonos and no longer trust them.

I totaly agree. Sonos policy in upgrading the AP is horrible. 

After a hopelessly long wait, I finally got in touch. Then I am told that I should restart the entire system and install the app again. Then I realize that the rest of the SONOS users have the same problem:

  1. Can't find my system.
  2. Lost my music library
  3. Response times are incredibly long
  4. The layout of the app does not mean any improvement I want.

Sharpening! Immediately revert to the previous version and do not burden your loyal customers with rubbish that you have not quality assured.

Regarding the music library, I assume that you don't have to be an IT expert to be able to restore a function that I have had since the beginning.


  • Enthusiast I
  • 24 replies
  • June 2, 2024

It is unknown to me if Sonos really will correct the problems they have created. To raise this to the highest management I suggest that people write the chairman of the Sonos board of directors. His name and address is below.


Mr. Julius Genachowshi

Chairman Board of Directors

Sonos Corporation Inc.

614 Chapala Street

Santa Barbara. CA 93101

Ski4life wrote:

 it’s as if the indexing of the music has been uploaded to the Cloud and then needs to be downloaded when the app is within Wi-Fi range.

Who came up with this architecture? That’s appalling, how could this be a good idea? I’m not going to need the list when I’m not at home. It doesn’t need to be available anywhere else but in my house.

  • Enthusiast I
  • 24 replies
  • June 2, 2024

Interesting that the Sonos company website proudly announces that on April 23, 2024 the company released a new application that “completely reimagines” a user’s experience.

How very true. I did not think my experience would get this bad. 

  • Renowned Enthusiast II
  • 310 replies
  • June 2, 2024
MilleMiglia wrote:
wilverfcr wrote:

This is so appalling. I've been playing music from my hard drive since getting my first Sonos not too long after they entered the market. I regret having committed to Sonos and no longer trust them.

I totaly agree. Sonos policy in upgrading the AP is horrible. 

After a hopelessly long wait, I finally got in touch. Then I am told that I should restart the entire system and install the app again. Then I realize that the rest of the SONOS users have the same problem:

  1. Can't find my system.
  2. Lost my music library
  3. Response times are incredibly long
  4. The layout of the app does not mean any improvement I want.

Sharpening! Immediately revert to the previous version and do not burden your loyal customers with rubbish that you have not quality assured.

Regarding the music library, I assume that you don't have to be an IT expert to be able to restore a function that I have had since the beginning.


MIlleMiglia… Yes. In my case I unistalled the malfunctioning new desktop app, reinstalled the S2 app and then followed kerz56’s post - with a helpful YouTube link - to reestablish my Music Libraries on both iMacs.

Note: Before following the steps in the video, go into the Sonos desktop controller app’s preferences and delete the path to the current music library.  After following the steps detailed the clip, add that library back in.  At least you’ll have desktop control over your music.  I still don’t have control of anything Sonos with my iPhone and, the Web App does not work either.  That app makes absolutely no sense to me as to why it was even created.

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • June 5, 2024

Gotta say that after seething in solitude for weeks, after over a decade with Sonos, this issue caused me to join the forum and find this thread.  I feel better knowing I’m not alone.  I’ve gone through all of the emotions above…..betrayal, anguish, despair, rage etc.  Today I spent an hour on hold with support, finally hanging up after wasting a good part of the morning.  Then I tried to text, only to find no text support was available.  Glad I didn’t spend more, having read the above.  We are all shackled to a floating version of the Keystone Cops, and it is going down by the bow.  But now I know I am in good company.  So, thanks to all above for the pleasure of commiseration!

  • Enthusiast I
  • 24 replies
  • June 5, 2024
savoirfare wrote:

Gotta say that after seething in solitude for weeks, after over a decade with Sonos, this issue caused me to join the forum and find this thread.  I feel better knowing I’m not alone.  I’ve gone through all of the emotions above…..betrayal, anguish, despair, rage etc.  Today I spent an hour on hold with support, finally hanging up after wasting a good part of the morning.  Then I tried to text, only to find no text support was available.  Glad I didn’t spend more, having read the above.  We are all shackled to a floating version of the Keystone Cops, and it is going down by the bow.  But now I know I am in good company.  So, thanks to all above for the pleasure of commiseration!

You are more fortunate than I was. My Sonos help desk wait time was 75 minutes. After 30 minutes of fumbling around on the call I determined that the polite help desk lady did not know how to help me. Although she told me that there have been many calls on our topic it does not appear that she had received any training on what to do.   

  • Renowned Enthusiast II
  • 310 replies
  • June 5, 2024

FYI: I tried researching what SMB version Macs (old and new) utilize and have posted a request on the Apple Community Forums.  Also, I asked how one can change or install the necessary SMB version so that our NAS drives will function and be seen by the iPhone app.

I tried the Web App again today hoping that would finally be functional but, I couldn’t access any of the music whether I clicked on Folders or Artists.  I could see the Artist names when I selected that option but, could not open the individual folders to select albums or songs...etc.

I then drug a test folder into my main Apple Music folder (located in the Home folder) and then tried to add that into the Sonos Music Library Settings in order to circumvent the NAS (USB) drive issue but… I got the “unable to...” warning.

I then tried calling Support. 55 minute wait.

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • June 6, 2024

Some good news…...I followed the video shown above by MIlleMiglia, and VOILA, I got my music to show up, including playlists!  In my case, I couldn’t use the “Music” folder as a target.  I had to use the “iTunes” folder to get playlists.  For me, over the decades that I have been a accumulating music, the path on Finder to my present collection is Music/iTunes/Music and the iTunes Music Library.xml file that contains playlists is still in the iTunes Folder.  Seeing those Playlists appear again in the Sonos “imported playlists” screen was like recovering a cherished heirloom after a fire.  Still don’t have them on the iOS devices, but for those I can use the Apple Music app with headphones.  Again, many thanks to the group.  

  • Enthusiast I
  • 15 replies
  • June 6, 2024
wilverfcr wrote:

This is so appalling. I've been playing music from my hard drive since getting my first Sonos not too long after they entered the market. I regret having committed to Sonos and no longer trust them.

Just look at the Nasdaq stock listing for SONOS. It lost half it’s value. They are destroying the company’s reputation in order to milk money from streaming services. 

  • Enthusiast I
  • 15 replies
  • June 6, 2024
SlamDesi wrote:
Alpenhorn wrote:


Sonos passing the buck and blaming my computer for not being able to access the local music library-(Of course, it just MIGHT have something to do with their update!) The advice I got from Sonos put the blame on my computer, but I got a different point of view elsewhere.

For what it's worth, I checked in with Apple support about the Sonos chat tech chap blaming my Mac for not being able to access my local music library due to"Legacy shares", and his recommendation that I make major changes on my Mac in order to fix the problem (How to disable SMB 1 or NetBIOS in macOS--link ) BTW this Apple support page  is for “enterprise and education system administrators”, NOT ordinary users). Does Sonos really put all the burden on their average user to figure out something like this? Some people just want to be able to use the product! And it used to work before their blasted update!

I didn't feel comfortable trying anything so complex without being certain that it wouldn't affect my Mac in a negative way,  and without any conviction it would actually fix my Sonos problem, which is something that Apple will not comment upon at all.

Let's just say that the Apple-specific recommendations the Sonos chap made for my Mac made no sense when I inquired about the ramifications for my Mac, and Apple support suggested I contact Sonos again as they "could not comment "on non-Apple products, and suggested I try to find someone at Sonos in tech support higher up with more expertise.

Sonos appears to be promising there will be an update in mid June regarding local music library playback, but I'll believe it when I see it. If they don't fix this, I will have to start looking for a different way to play my own music. I didn't get Sonos speakers just for streaming services. I want to listen to my own music, much of which is not available commercially.

What the heck is this advice I was given from the Sonos chat chap? This is so frustrating and galling.



You CAN add it back in but, it requires that you reinstall the S2 Controller on your desktop Mac(s). kerz56 posted a great Reddit link that contains a YouTube link that details perfectly what you need to do to restore what you had prior to the hapless update. Note: Once you resinstall the S2 controller, and prior to taking the steps detailed in the video, go into Sonos’ prefernces and delete the current Music Library.  Then, do what the video says and add that same library back into the controller Music Library tab. You should get it back. It worked for me on the two iMacs that I control our Sonos music with.  If you don’t want to hunt up kerz56’s forum post, here’s the YouTube link:

Good luck…


I followed the video instructions you posted from Reddit (see below) and IT WORKED!!!!! I got my entire library to show up on desktop IMac sonos and on my Ipads.  Thank you thank you!!!!


  • Renowned Enthusiast II
  • 310 replies
  • June 7, 2024
dvpriem wrote:
SlamDesi wrote:
Alpenhorn wrote:


Sonos passing the buck and blaming my computer for not being able to access the local music library-(Of course, it just MIGHT have something to do with their update!) The advice I got from Sonos put the blame on my computer, but I got a different point of view elsewhere.

For what it's worth, I checked in with Apple support about the Sonos chat tech chap blaming my Mac for not being able to access my local music library due to"Legacy shares", and his recommendation that I make major changes on my Mac in order to fix the problem (How to disable SMB 1 or NetBIOS in macOS--link ) BTW this Apple support page  is for “enterprise and education system administrators”, NOT ordinary users). Does Sonos really put all the burden on their average user to figure out something like this? Some people just want to be able to use the product! And it used to work before their blasted update!

I didn't feel comfortable trying anything so complex without being certain that it wouldn't affect my Mac in a negative way,  and without any conviction it would actually fix my Sonos problem, which is something that Apple will not comment upon at all.

Let's just say that the Apple-specific recommendations the Sonos chap made for my Mac made no sense when I inquired about the ramifications for my Mac, and Apple support suggested I contact Sonos again as they "could not comment "on non-Apple products, and suggested I try to find someone at Sonos in tech support higher up with more expertise.

Sonos appears to be promising there will be an update in mid June regarding local music library playback, but I'll believe it when I see it. If they don't fix this, I will have to start looking for a different way to play my own music. I didn't get Sonos speakers just for streaming services. I want to listen to my own music, much of which is not available commercially.

What the heck is this advice I was given from the Sonos chat chap? This is so frustrating and galling.



You CAN add it back in but, it requires that you reinstall the S2 Controller on your desktop Mac(s). kerz56 posted a great Reddit link that contains a YouTube link that details perfectly what you need to do to restore what you had prior to the hapless update. Note: Once you resinstall the S2 controller, and prior to taking the steps detailed in the video, go into Sonos’ prefernces and delete the current Music Library.  Then, do what the video says and add that same library back into the controller Music Library tab. You should get it back. It worked for me on the two iMacs that I control our Sonos music with.  If you don’t want to hunt up kerz56’s forum post, here’s the YouTube link:

Good luck…


I followed the video instructions you posted from Reddit (see below) and IT WORKED!!!!! I got my entire library to show up on desktop IMac sonos and on my Ipads.  Thank you thank you!!!!


Alpenhorn.. You’re welcome but, I have to give the credit to kerz56 who posted it many pages back. He’s the one that I got that link from.  I’m glad you’re up and running.  I still can’t get anything to work via my iPhone. I tested putting a music library on my internal hard drive but, the desktop controller wouldn’t let me add it. Bizarre and disappointing. Again.

  • Lyricist III
  • 6 replies
  • June 7, 2024

And so here we are.  No communication from Sonos to its customers.  Nothing.  But I learned from Google today that an update has been issued to address some issues.  Just downloaded it.  Sadly it did not address the ability to access my music library.  So I still have a system that is useless for the purpose I purchased it for - to play my music from my hard drive, which is something I have always been able to do until the early May update.

Shame on you Sonos.  You obviously don’t give a stuff about the people who have purchased your products - many of us having spend thousands of dollars over the past few years. Don’t you think you have any commercial or ethical responsibility to ensure your product is fit for purpose?

And you can’t even be bothered to communicate with your customers other than to send promotional emails for new products like the headphones. 

I just don’t understand the disregard and arrogance.  Why would any company piss off its customers to the extent Sonos is doing at the moment?  It does not make any commercial sense unless the motive is to move away from your traditional buyer / customer to another model.  Maybe that’s the reason.

The way I feel at the moment I would not get another Sonos product even if you were giving it away for free.

End of rant.  I don’t suppose anyone from Sonos would read this or care about it anyway.



  • Renowned Enthusiast II
  • 310 replies
  • June 7, 2024
ModelTFord wrote:

And so here we are.  No communication from Sonos to its customers.  Nothing.  But I learned from Google today that an update has been issued to address some issues.  Just downloaded it.  Sadly it did not address the ability to access my music library.  So I still have a system that is useless for the purpose I purchased it for - to play my music from my hard drive, which is something I have always been able to do until the early May update.

Shame on you Sonos.  You obviously don’t give a stuff about the people who have purchased your products - many of us having spend thousands of dollars over the past few years. Don’t you think you have any commercial or ethical responsibility to ensure your product is fit for purpose?

And you can’t even be bothered to communicate with your customers other than to send promotional emails for new products like the headphones. 

I just don’t understand the disregard and arrogance.  Why would any company piss off its customers to the extent Sonos is doing at the moment?  It does not make any commercial sense unless the motive is to move away from your traditional buyer / customer to another model.  Maybe that’s the reason.

The way I feel at the moment I would not get another Sonos product even if you were giving it away for free.

End of rant.  I don’t suppose anyone from Sonos would read this or care about it anyway.



Trevor… I’m in the same boat. I’ve been soliciting advice on this forum and on the Apple Community Forum.  Seems backasswards that the customers are scrambling to find a fix for an issue the seller created.  I/we have been trying to make this work but, there comes a point where we should expect to be made whole again. I’ve also tried to get the web app to work with no luck and, that goes for the iOS/iPhone app as well.  I was able to get my the S2 controller reinstalled on my iMacs but, I’d like control over my entire system from my phone back.  (On a related note, I have been given advice by a moderator in here that I appreciated even though I couldn’t resolve my issues.)

  • Lyricist III
  • 8 replies
  • June 14, 2024

I use the Windows app and have an iTunes music library.  I’m so glad Sonos addressed the issue that we can access our music libraries.  I can now play one whole song before it stops with the Music Library can’t be accessed message.

Why, Sonos, why?


  • Contributor I
  • 6 replies
  • June 25, 2024

It’s now nearing the end of June, and the mid-June “fix” does not seem to have happened. I still cannot access the munsic on my Nas drive via the Android app. I just updated to the latest system on the Microsoft app (which I don’t usually use - the phone is much more convenient). Very briefly as the update approached completion, Music library appeared as a source, then almost immediately disappeared again. The “Manage/Music Library Settings...” option is greyed out, and on my phone it is not even visible.

I have been using Sonos via a Connect Amp linked to ceiling speakers, along with several Sonos speakers inother rooms, without issue since late 2015, and have been very pleased with it. So now SONOS, wtf is happening? I am rapidly running out of patience, so please reinstate Sonos 2 until these software issues have been resolved.

  • 27695 replies
  • June 25, 2024
degsy_london wrote:

It’s now nearing the end of June, and the mid-June “fix” does not seem to have happened. I still cannot access the munsic on my Nas drive via the Android app. I just updated to the latest system on the Microsoft app (which I don’t usually use - the phone is much more convenient). Very briefly as the update approached completion, Music library appeared as a source, then almost immediately disappeared again. The “Manage/Music Library Settings...” option is greyed out, and on my phone it is not even visible.

I have been using Sonos via a Connect Amp linked to ceiling speakers, along with several Sonos speakers inother rooms, without issue since late 2015, and have been very pleased with it. So now SONOS, wtf is happening? I am rapidly running out of patience, so please reinstate Sonos 2 until these software issues have been resolved.


Nothing about a release is going to fix your library.  You need to get the share configured (which is an OS thing), and then use the Sonos PC/Mac app to add the new share to your system.  See these updated instructions:

  • Contributor I
  • 6 replies
  • June 25, 2024

Thanks, but how can I add (or re-add) a music source when the “Music Library Settings...” option is greyed out”?

As stated above, this has been working without problems for nearly 9 years, so it is clearly down to the Sonos update.

  • Contributor I
  • 6 replies
  • June 26, 2024

I’ve just checked, and they seem to have sorted out the Windows/Desktop app. The “Music Library Settings...” option is now enabled, and I was able to add my NAS drive folder, and Eureka!, I can now see my music. Let’s hope the Android app will follow shortly…...

  • Lyricist III
  • 6 replies
  • June 26, 2024

The music library setting option might be there but when you try to point Sonos to your music folder on a local computer drive we still get the “Sonos was unable to add the music folder” and error 913.

So it does not appear to be fixed and there is no Sonos software update available.

Best regards to all and I still have my fingers crossed that Sonos will eventually fix this.


  • 27695 replies
  • June 26, 2024
ModelTFord wrote:

The music library setting option might be there but when you try to point Sonos to your music folder on a local computer drive we still get the “Sonos was unable to add the music folder” and error 913.

So it does not appear to be fixed and there is no Sonos software update available.

Best regards to all and I still have my fingers crossed that Sonos will eventually fix this.



You can no longer use the “Music Folder” option to add a library.  The only choice you have is to configure a share and add it as a shared network device.  See these updated instructions:

  • Contributor I
  • 6 replies
  • June 26, 2024

Hi guys,

As I said above, I was able to add the music folder from my NAS drive using the Windows app on my Desktop. This has also appeared as a Music Source on the Android app on my phone, and seems to work. The album images are no longer there, which is a bit of a pisser, but at least I can use it, rather than just having a very expensive radio.

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • June 27, 2024


de mon côté j’ai réglé mon NAS (wd mycloud EX2 Ultra) pour qu’il n’utilise que le SMBV2 et/ou 3



ensuite, sur Sonos sur PC  (mis à jour) , j’ai supprimé ma bibliothèque musicale, puis je l’ai récrée en choisissant le lien NAS proposé lors de la création,

puis en allant chercher dans l’explorateur qui s’ouvre le dossier “réseau” (comme expliqué dans le message de @jgatie:

Maintenant tout est ok sur mon iphone , mais l’indexation prends du temps, et il faut encore un délai avant que le lien apparaisse sut l’appli iphone.

(attention, j’ai du supprimer les anciennes bibliothèques car le système m’indiquait qu’il n’y avait pas suffisament de place pour stocker ma nouvelle bibliothèque)

maintenant tout fonctionne …...hourra !

merci à la communauté SONOS qui est plus efficace que l’entreprise SONOS

  • Contributor I
  • 3 replies
  • June 28, 2024


Alpenhorn wrote:

After the horrendous recent update, which completely lost my local music library, I checked the Sonos update page (, and among the supposed (Allegedly)features available as of May 21 2024, it listed “

  • Improved Local Music Library playback of folders

Considering that I couldn't access my library at all,  I wondered what possible improvement there was, so I had an online chat with tech support. They seemed as though they had never heard of anyone having this problem, which was amazing to me as it is all over the forums and on the Internet, so I'm not alone. I submitted diagnostics as requested, and their response was  that it was due to a "legacy share" support link, and referred me to this Apple link:


How to disable SMB 1 or NetBIOS in macOS

Learn how to disable SMB 1 or NetBIOS to prevent failover.

The page also mentions "This article is intended for enterprise and education system administrators”


Is Sonos kidding? Now I am really confused, and this is a terrifying page for a civilian as I wouldn't even know how to begin to implement this, not being a tech professional and worried I might it advertently make problems on my Mac, not to mention I wasn't sure that it would actually work.  I was told I could make a phone appointment for a remote session, but I am not even sure what to make of this.

Has anyone else had any experience with this since the disastrous update? If so, have you had any success with getting your local music library back? While I do some streaming, I mainly use my local music library, so I have been practically apoplectic with rage at the Sonos bait and switch, essentially turning my Sonos products into streaming only speakers.




Following the above steps in terminal to disable SMB 1 and point to only SMB 2 works. (Be sure to set your NAS to SMB 2 Only) Not sure if I broke something else but I have my music library back. Thanks!!  Note: while I mapped to my NAS in Mac OS after making the change using file sharing then reconnected to SONOS after a reboot the Mac OS file share mapping is gone but the library is still connected to NAS and SONOS. It is worth a try as you can delete the config file if you don’t get results or find you need SMB 1 for something.

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