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Overdramatic Much? R-e-l-a-x!


I find all of this new Sonos app doom and gloom to be quite frankly ridiculous. Yes, I am a huge fanboy of Sonos-have been for 15+ years, yes I downloaded the new app, yes I have frustrations with it, yes I miss some of the previous features, yes I have some learning curve challenges, no I have not had any technical issues. Do you people actually think that Sonos said-let’s release a horrible update as they are on their verge of releasing one of their biggest launches (headphones)? Ridiculous. Have some patience and understanding. Let them work the problems and it will be better in the end. 

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  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • May 20, 2024


Since you have 15 years of experience and I have just purchased a pair of Move2 speakers and have been trying to make them work, reliably, I figure you may be a great guy to ask. 

I have had them since this past Friday, May 17th.  I want to run these speakers from my iPhone, using Bluetooth.

I let them connect to my home Wi-Fi, do their updates, after messing around for 45 minutes got them to work as a stereo pair.  They sounded great!

Turn everything off, come back and hour later, I can’t get them to work without a lot of messing around, then when they do start to work, I have no idea what I did to make it happened.

Do you have pearls of wisdom, for setting them up.  I am one of those that does not like their app, at all.  Rebooting will not fix all the issues I’ve come across.


Thank you,

Thecount45, (Bill)

  • Author
  • Headliner III
  • 273 replies
  • May 20, 2024

I assume you are genuinely asking a question and not trying to gaslight. While I don’t have a Move 2, I do have a Move 1 and several Roams that I may be able to do some troubleshooting. I had an issue with my daughter’s Roam a few days ago that it disappeared from the app as she continously used Bluetooth/airplay and never the app. Personally I would do a hard reset and try to readd them on the system., check for updates and make sure they tun theough the app and then switch to BT. It worked for me and the Roam. Good luck. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • May 21, 2024

Thanks for the reply.

I spent more time on the web site and discovered that I cannot run Move 2 speakers in Stereo if I am not connected to the Wi-Fi.

So that issue is something I’ll have to work around, maybe relocating my router for now.

I really wish info like that was available through the app.

I am going to try and get both speakers on one Bluetooth device, my iPhone, to play music together, even though it won’t be stereo.

Thanks for the reply, Take Care.


  • Contributor II
  • 8 replies
  • May 21, 2024


  • Author
  • Headliner III
  • 273 replies
  • May 21, 2024
exm wrote:


What speakers are you trying to add? As far as being older, are they S1 older or just not the latest and greatest? What’s happening? I had some Play 3s that were goving me trouble and I just had to reset it. Otherwise if you can plug it directly in to your router. That helps find it. 

  • 1767 replies
  • May 21, 2024
Jeffrey_35 wrote:

 Do you people actually think that Sonos said-let’s release a horrible update as they are on their verge of releasing one of their biggest launches (headphones)? Ridiculous. 

Why do you think they released this app then?

  • Contributor II
  • 8 replies
  • May 21, 2024
Jeffrey_35 wrote:
exm wrote:


What speakers are you trying to add? As far as being older, are they S1 older or just not the latest and greatest? What’s happening? I had some Play 3s that were goving me trouble and I just had to reset it. Otherwise if you can plug it directly in to your router. That helps find it. 


Sonos One. There’s plenty of people out there adding older Sonos S2 equipment having issues.


This is a mess.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 22, 2024

I also need help I have 1 Play1, 1 Play 3 and 2 play One’s and out of all of them only one Play One works.  All other need an update but non of them can actually finish an update. I can use all the help I can get.  I tried getting help via chat.  I tried calling 4 times with the estimated times over 140 minutes.  This is beyond unacceptable.  If their new software has bugs roll it back or at least give me a date when you will resolve the issue.  Nothing changed on my end, it all happened over one day period.  If anyone can help please do.  I tried connecting to wireless, wired, rebooting router, modem, resetting speakers, logging in and out of my account, using andrid, apple, windows device etc… everything I can find on the topic here and still nothing. 

  • 1767 replies
  • May 22, 2024
DA444 wrote:

I also need help I have 1 Play1, 1 Play 3 and 2 play One’s and out of all of them only one Play One works.  All other need an update but non of them can actually finish an update. I can use all the help I can get.  I tried getting help via chat.  I tried calling 4 times with the estimated times over 140 minutes.  This is beyond unacceptable.  If their new software has bugs roll it back or at least give me a date when you will resolve the issue.  Nothing changed on my end, it all happened over one day period.  If anyone can help please do.  I tried connecting to wireless, wired, rebooting router, modem, resetting speakers, logging in and out of my account, using andrid, apple, windows device etc… everything I can find on the topic here and still nothing. 

If you want @Jeffrey_35 to help you, you might get his attention better if you @ him like I did here. 

  • Enthusiast II
  • 105 replies
  • May 22, 2024


  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 16 replies
  • May 22, 2024
Jeffrey_35 wrote:

no I have not had any technical issues

I think this is the part where many people differ and why they are so frustrated. I also wouldn’t mind change in the UI or even missing some minor features, but the problem is many of us cannot play music out of our speakers after the update. It’s not only the app they have broken with this update. It’s optical connections, HDMI connections, LAN music collection connections, just read the posts here.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • May 22, 2024


Congrats! On having no probs with your system.!  I think the amount of complaints and the fact several media outlets have picked up on this goes to show it's a disaster!

Im old enough to have bought my music on tape, then CDs. This has been added to my nas hard drive, took me months to work out how and to get to work properly!  It worked well up till update. As an android user I've lost all my album art and various problems that work sometimes and not others. I don't understand SMBv1 that Sonos claim they don't support! I am not knowing if it's the app or my equipment is at fault and Sonos have not helped by acknowledging users complaints. I am in limbo for months now not knowing how to fix my issues!

So please don't stoke the fire of real concerns of users by calling us ridiculous! One day you might be struggling yourself. 

  • Avid Contributor I
  • 21 replies
  • May 22, 2024


As a customer that is now having issues with equipment, it’s very frustrating.  When I called, the customer service rep told me my sub was now broken and I could send it to sonos and get a 30% discount on a new one.  Really? My equipment seems to be bricked because of an OTA update you sent out and you want me to buy more equipment?  This was over a week after the update went out.  CSRs should be better informed.  I have gotten the sub to come out of the solid red light state, no thanks to Sonos.  I am off the ledge since I realize it’s not really bricked.  I know it will get fixed at some point, but the volume of people having equipment issues after the update is INSANELY high.  As evidence from their support wait times going up 3-4-5 times what they were before the release.  I waited a year to get a release from Sony to fix my TV.  I hope Sonos doesn’t take that long to fix the issues with this release.

  • Author
  • Headliner III
  • 273 replies
  • May 22, 2024
fraolim wrote:


Now that you have it in all caps I will agree with you….not!

  • 9839 replies
  • May 22, 2024
thecount45 wrote:

Thanks for the reply.

I spent more time on the web site and discovered that I cannot run Move 2 speakers in Stereo if I am not connected to the Wi-Fi.

So that issue is something I’ll have to work around, maybe relocating my router for now.

I really wish info like that was available through the app.

I am going to try and get both speakers on one Bluetooth device, my iPhone, to play music together, even though it won’t be stereo.

Thanks for the reply, Take Care.



FYI, that FAQ on the Move 2 product page states that 2 Moves can’t be stereo paired via bluetooth, only WiFi.  Things might have changed, but my understanding is that iPhones cannot send audio over bluetooth to 2 speakers at the same time.  The android OS does have this feature and is available on some instance of the OS.  My Samsung Galaxy can do it, for example, and I’ve done it with a pair of Roams.  I prefer to use a single Move though, for ease of use and letting autotrueplay do it’s thing.  I don’t have 2 Moves.

  • 9839 replies
  • May 22, 2024
SmallhillCZ wrote:
Jeffrey_35 wrote:

no I have not had any technical issues

I think this is the part where many people differ and why they are so frustrated. I also wouldn’t mind change in the UI or even missing some minor features, but the problem is many of us cannot play music out of our speakers after the update. It’s not only the app they have broken with this update. It’s optical connections, HDMI connections, LAN music collection connections, just read the posts here.


There are always a certain level of people reporting network related problems here.  I would think that at least some of these issues still are network related, and can be fixed with the usual network solutions.  But I don’t have any way of really know which problems are app related, other than the well known and reported issues, and which ones are just assumed to be app related but are not.

That’s not meant to blame people for not knowing whether their issue is app related or network related and fixable, just saying that this an additional chaos side effect of releasing an app that was not ready.

  • Renowned Enthusiast II
  • 288 replies
  • May 22, 2024

General question regarding my USB drives that house my Sonos Libraries no longer being supported after the update. In short, my Libraries don’t show up under Your Sources and when I try to play music directly from our iMac’s desktop controller, I’m “denied access.” The question is: if I move my Sonos Library to the internal hard drive of the iMac, would that solve the NADs issue?

  • Contributor I
  • 3 replies
  • May 22, 2024

Having been a sonos user for more than 10 years now I am so disappointed that I can not connect any of my speakers to the new app. I like the gentleman who started this thread had a few minor hiccups with the new app but basically my problems started when I received a new router. Now SONOS will tell you its a hub problem but that's not true. They advise you on their help page that the functionality to change to a new wifi is not available yet (every other device in my house was up and running on the new router in minutes) the solution they offer is to factory reset all the speakers and add them to your account on the new app. That solution does not work so I now have an app with no speakers connecting.

Jeffrey I hope you don't ever need to change your hub!! 

  • Avid Contributor I
  • 10 replies
  • May 22, 2024

What would have been a better use of imagination would be to imagine what the user reaction would have been if they’d simply waited and implement all the features they say they are, rather than release it half-finished and generate a lot of bad press for themselves.

it really doesn’t take a creative genius to figure that out - even I managed it.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 24, 2024

Hi Jeffery,

My entire Home Theater system is not working.  I did a factory reset of the speakers and still could not correct the issue.  Customer Support was useless after over 2 hours on the phone with them.  At the end they blamed my Verizon Wireless Home Internet and Router and said Verizon needs to change my router settings.  Not sure that is going to happen.  I paid well over $2000 - 7 years ago just for the Home Theater, along with other speakers I have throughout the house.  Basically I have over $2000 in paper weights right now.  Should I still R-E-L-A-X?

What is most distressing is the gas-lighting from the CEO!  I was a Project Manager in IT, systems are complicated, I get it.  Acknowledge the issues/problems, tell us when it will be fixed and we’ll move on.  UNTIL Sonos does that, I will not R-E-L-A-X!!!!

  • 27617 replies
  • May 24, 2024
mkune wrote:

  Acknowledge the issues/problems, tell us when it will be fixed and we’ll move on.  UNTIL Sonos does that, I will not R-E-L-A-X!!!!


List of fixes and estimated timeline here:


Unfortunately, the pitchforks and torches mob is posting at a rate that the forum can’t catch up with, and Sonos apparently doesn’t sticky anything anymore, so important threads like above are soon forced off the page. 

  • Prodigy II
  • 414 replies
  • May 24, 2024
jgatie wrote:
mkune wrote:

  Acknowledge the issues/problems, tell us when it will be fixed and we’ll move on.  UNTIL Sonos does that, I will not R-E-L-A-X!!!!


List of fixes and estimated timeline here:


Unfortunately, the pitchforks and torches mob is posting at a rate that the forum can’t catch up with, and Sonos apparently doesn’t sticky anything anymore, so important threads like above are soon forced off the page. 

Unfortunately that was only released too late after the app was released, after it had all started going wrong when users found things didn’t work.

The company knew existing features were missing but kept quiet leading up to the release, while marketing the release as all your current feature and more. Are you really surprised people are unhappy?

The most laughable thing listed being it was considered sensible to release and have no way to change WiFi settings on devices sold as WiFi speakers… you really couldn’t make it up and expect anyone to think it would be a serious idea. As for the fix dates… until they actually get delivered they are hopes. Software delivery dates shift all the time, it’s the nature of the business, even more so when the apps need to run the gauntlet of Google/Apple App Store submission and approval processes.

For better or worse, social media/forums give people the ability to react immediately. Conversely, with some companies it is also the only way to raise any sort of objection or weight of feeling.

Sonos have made their position and view as a company clear with statements from their CEO and the senior staff wheeled into the AMA. As a user I will make appropriate choices on where I spend my money given their handling of the mess of a roll out and the senior team and companies views.

You would hope someone who had seen first hand how quickly Blackberries fortunes changed might have a better understanding of how not to handling things, unfortunately it seems not. 

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