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new update

Hi everyone i have updated to the latest version 80.0 I'm android user but the app remained the same after updated and I'm still on 16.1? How can i get the new redesigned app. Thank you

My suggestion is to wait a while before updating.

Thank your lucky stars ✨🍀. The update is rubbish. 

What a DISASTER the new App. My system is completely screwed. App is slow, design does not make sense, TuneIn service not working, pffffff

A disaster! New update has no provision to access music libraries (i.e., iTunes library), only music services. No date available for when access to music libraries will bWhoever was put in charge of this uopdate at Sonos  

...will be available. …...needs to be fired. 

Playing from my local library, I cannot ‘add to queue’ only ‘replace queue’ and my queue always shows empty. Guess I’ll be running to my PC to play music from the desktop for now.

This update is a disaster! If you haven’t updated don’t! You can’t edit the queue any more, no alarm, I thought the idea of an update is to make things better not worse. I can’t even get all the albums from my Apple Music loaded, and can’t search for any of the music I have uploaded myself and access through the library sync facility!

The update has rendered the app absolutely useless.. it's slow, it's without a logical buildup and worst of all it is impossible to add songs to queue.. you can replace queue and that's it.. how can it be, that with so many years to practise and with so much inspiration to get from services like Spotify, that this app gets: A approved by sonos and: B rolled out when it seems worse than a beta update..I mean have this not been checked by a human actually using the app or even a half decent AI.

Should be rolled back immediately!! Incredibly unprofessional to sent out the update.

Nb: used on newest version of android, Samsung galaxy S21, 1000/1000 mb fiber wifi

Is it possible to undo an update? 

I can’t clear the queue. I hope I end up liking Saturday Night Fever forever because it looks like I’m stuck with it. 

Is there a viable Sonos alternative out there? I have invested a lot of money into this Sonos system over the years but have reached the point where I’m ready to donate it and start fresh with someone else.  This is so disappointing. 

Nothing works anymore after this update, I’ve got two Sonos One speakers and they are dead! What to do, it was working all smoothly yesterday morning. I tried everything, but no luck at all. Please advise or solve this problem (from the Netherlands)

New app is a disaster. After spending $$$$ on Sonos products, currently they are virtual bricks.I do not stream music. All my files reside on a NAS. The “new-updated” app is clueless about “Local Music Files”. SONOS app team fix this… not all your customers Roaming Nomads. I need my music fix. BRING THE OLD APP BACK ASAP, until you folks figure out how to get the “new-updated” app working.

Total disaster. My music services only work intermittently, and once I get music playing I then get a "No products found" error WHILE MUSIC IS PLAYING!!!! So I can't change songs or anything. I want the old app back yesterday or I'll never buy another SONOS product. 

If you have the Android app, then you can uninstall and sideload ver. 16.1 from apk mirror website.  Your risk 😁

really--no way to go back to the prior version?  this is an awful user experience.

really--no way to go back to the prior version?  this is an awful user experience.

Only if you use Android app. 

Kinda glad to hear I'm not the only one. My Gen 3 sub stopped working... figured I'd just reboot my router and I'm good to go... boy was I wrong...

3 hours later of reseting every speaker. Can't find speakers on network.  Can't group speakers. ERROR 1001 and so on. 

I finally have my home theater surround sound system back up and playing. Finally figured out how to get sound out of my turntable using my port.. but it still won't AUTOPLAY like it did in the old app. 

What a mess.. 

I hope this gets addressed because it’s a brutal “update”. I don’t think I’ve ever had an updated app  annoy me this much as it doesn’t appear to have been vetted prior to release and seems to be riddled with flaws.

This update just confuses me completely. I've only got two devices but was wanting to expand with a surround system and some portables for outside. Absolutely not going to happen now. I didn't think anyone could make a worse interface than Yamaha's Music Cast. I was wrong.

Is Sonos management reading all this? You have made a huge mistake with this new app. Reverse it now, before you start losing many loyal customers. I have 2 very extensive Sonos systems and now have virtually no control over them via the mobile app, and no access at all to my music library. It has always been the case that only limited functionality is available via the desktop app so that’s no reasonable alternative for your tech support people to be recommending. What a huge screw-up by a supposedly very reputable company!  

I couldn't agree more with all those who have posted before me! I woke up this morning with the app having automatically updated and being at a loss for why the new version looked like a high school freshman did the graphic design and then didn't feel like adding any functionality. As primarily an Android user, I was sad to lose the queue functionality some time ago and not be able to play directly from my phone, but this update seems more like a downdate for now.

That's a major bummer, because the sound quality and having a networked home stereo system are great!

Consider yourself lucky!  You don’t want this unusable update.  It will crash your entire Sonos system!


Trust me.  You don’t want it.  It absolutely sucks.

I updated the APP then tried to reset and add back a SONOS PLAYBAR and SUB to my system. Now the updated app goes through most of the process but suddenly quits at the last step: after it has connected to the PLAYBAR, changed the PLAYBAR to my WIFI, and displays CONTINUE, then quits when I press CONTINUE.


So, I’m off the air until an APP fix is made available.

I have been using Sonos for 12 years or more. I have just updated the Sonos app on my ipad and iphone and now I cannot access my personal music library. The advertisements for this app promised a huge improvement but that is simply not correct. This update is a disaster. I tried to call your helpline this morning. The line opened at 8 am and I called at 8.01 to be told that I had a wait time of 5 minutes. 35 minutes later my call was peremptorily cut off without any apology or explanation. I am now looking at ways to junk my Sonos system and move to something else.