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I have two Sonos systems on two WiFi systems, on in the house and one in a garden office. Since the new App installed I now do not automatically connect when moving between the two systems despite my phone picking up the new WiFi zone. This did not happen with the old App. Just spent over an hour on chatbot to end with a suggestion that I disconnect my Boost in the house!!! 

The chatbot stated this was the first time this issue had been raised....anyone else experienced it?

I am now in a 100minute queue on the helpline....

This has been my experience as well. The app presents a Go to System Settings dialog which allows me to reconnect to the desired system, but the whole process is considerably slower than before. 


I own two homes which are many miles apart. The old app switched between the two Sonos systems automatically upon arrival. The new app does not and I must manually join the “new” system whenever I switch houses. This is really inconvenient, especially since there are multiple controllers in use (phones, tablets, multiple family members, etc).

I just remembered that my two Sonos systems have different system names. This didn’t matter in the past, but perhaps it does now. So I’m going to make the names the same and I’ll report back if this fixes the problem. (This will take a few days to test.)

(As an aside, I just tried the Sonos web app, and it prompted me to pick which named system I wanted to connect to. So maybe having different names does matter.)

P.S. The macOS app continues to automatically switch systems.

Look forward to hearing the results of your test...I am pessimistic that it is this simple a fix but do let me know.

I didn’t have to wait a few days, I was able to test this just now. Unsurprisingly, giving the two physically disjoint systems the same system name did not fix the problem.

In fact it caused the web app to fail. I guess it couldn’t make sense of two systems, with the same name, but on different networks with different public IP addresses.

It’s weird. My second system was “seeded” from the first, so that all devices were initialized as belonging to the same Sonos system. This was considered best practise a few years ago, and worked fine up until the new app appeared.

I have two SONOS systems in two houses 15 miles apart.

They used to be provided internet by two different ISPs.

There is now only one ISP. I got a new router and tried adding my speakers to the new wireless network.

Does not work. Does not find speakers.

Phone connects to new wireless network and when I open the SONOS app, apparently I can play music in my house 15 miles away, on a different wireless network! The app Networks section shows “In Use RustyNet” despite the phone being connected to wireless network AllFGR. If I press play, it “plays” music as if it’s at the other house, room names and all. I don’t know if it really plays because no one was at the other house to listen, but I will check soon.

Both houses have the same PUBLIC IP address but, of course, different LAN IP addresses.

So weird. Any ideas?



wow that is very weird! I have no idea why that would happen - has it coincided with the App overhaul??

Hopefully Sonos will pick up on this issue soon and fix the New App….


Wow, that is odd. I’m afraid I don’t have any useful suggestions. 

No, it did not coincide with the app overhaul. It did it before I “updated” the app and continued to do it after I “updated” the app.

Another thing: Whenever I went to the other property and was not connected to wifi and opened SONOS, I was told it can’t find my system.

This time, I went to the other property, connected to a brand-new wifi router and setup, opened SONOS, and it thought I was at the OTHER (home) property where THOSE speakers are located.

I pressed the play > arrow and SONOS began “playing” though I couldn’t hear anything ‘cause the speakers are 15 miles away.

Stay tuned. I will test. This could be a major security flaw!

I have two Sonos systems on two WiFi systems, on in the house and one in a garden office. Since the new App installed I now do not automatically connect when moving between the two systems despite my phone picking up the new WiFi zone. This did not happen with the old App. Just spent over an hour on chatbot to end with a suggestion that I disconnect my Boost in the house!!! 

The chatbot stated this was the first time this issue had been raised....anyone else experienced it?

I am now in a 100minute queue on the helpline....

I have the same problem.  I must manually “reconnect” to my office system and my home systems and it is a pain.  Not user friendly at all!

It’s proven.

I went to the other property, connected wirelessly to the router there with my SONOS app on my Android and was able to control the music at my house, 15 miles away.


This would be the same as if my friend and I both have AT&T internet, I would go to his home, connect to his router with the password he gives me, and be able to control my SONOS at MY home.

Anyone on here have any clue what’s happening?


I can confirm - with the “upgraded APP ?” 
you must now manually connect to your individual systems … 


quite honestly , I was on the Beta team and once this new app got pushed they sent a note - thanks we are done with beta program …  


I really wish we could have had access to share all the issues we are having - I am quite dissatisfied and disappointed with the new App.. if too Laury, speed , access is all challenged :(

Same problem. Sonos fix this NOW!

Having the same frustrating problem. Two different systems at different houses on separate WiFi networks unable to automatically connect when moving between the two. Never had a problem with old app. Shout out to Sonos for rolling out various updates to the new app quick, but this issue has not been addressed yet. 

I’ve had enough and reinstalled the previous version of the App. all problems solved!



I’ve had enough and reinstalled the previous version of the App. all problems solved!

It just occurred to me that my macOS Sonos app continues to seamlessly switch between my two Sonos systems, whereas the iOS Sonos app prompts me to manually change (every single time I change locations).

So it appears that this is eminently fixable by the Sonos dev team.


Sonos: can we please get a formal response from your side?

Another update and still not addressed. Would be nice to get some sort of response from Sonos regarding this. 

I have the same problem. It is sometimes not possible to switch between 2 networks. No devices found. At least one device is connected via LAN cable. Only when I reset the APP does it find the devices. This cannot be an unusual requirement.

webb app should show all systems

I experience the same problem between my house and my office. A simple switch to automatically join a system would be appreciated.