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'Manage Networks' in New App is BLANK

Title says it all.


“Manage Networks” does nothing.

Screenshot of Useless App


They decided to release their app without basic functionality and now expect you to either wire your system or factory reset everything to change your network.


Sonos app version 80.0

The Sonos app’s ability to update your Sonos system’s WiFi credentials is temporarily unavailable. It will be added again in a future update.


Use one of the workaround methods below to connect your Sonos products to a new WiFi network or provide a new WiFi password.


How this got released I’ll never know.

Following. Same on my system, nothing listed under Manage Network. Also, Trueplay doesn’t work, Alarms are missing and the distance setting on the surrounds is missing.

Also getting nothing in Manage Networks settings page.  Tried adding sound bar via wireless but it failed (wouldn’t connect to sonos wireless network) so I set it up via ethernet (moved sound bar to temporary location) and it added to app but now I can’t switch it to wireless.


This new app is very non-intuitive not mention all the bugs.  

Rolled back on Android and left Post-It notes everywhere the missus might look reminding her not to update her iPhone.

We’re moving soon; hopefully I will find a way to run speaker wires unobtrusively and can go back to a real stereo system.

Also getting Manage Networks screen with no network listed even though I am listening to music hard wired to my router.

Sonos please fix the issue's.

The app is useless at this moment.

Resetting the system to switch networks isn't an option.


Same issue here – Manage Networks page blank on iOS. Spent the last 4 days factory resetting 7 Sonos devices, all of which fail to register and are unusable. Managed to get the Sonos Arc connected via Ethernet, but there’s no working method or option for switching to WiFi. How could a company as big as Sonos screw over its customers with a busted app that breaks hardware functionality?

And now the “old” app doesn’t work. AND it has locked me out of the system - it won’t allow me to sign in until I update? Screw you guys.

“You may have limited functionality until the update is complete”? Just imagine the limited functionality once it IS complete.

This system was barely functional before. And now it just is a brick. This is not hyperbole - Sonos is the biggest waste of money I’ve ever shelled out. I have spent so many thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours and I just want to listen to my records. I hate it so, so much.

Same issue, extremely annoyed.


Sonos - FIX THIS!!

Same issue - this is ridiculous! 

Again same issue, two Play:1’s that will not register! Half a system working and no amount of factory resets or wired connections will get them back. 

Rolled back on Android and left Post-It notes everywhere the missus might look reminding her not to update her iPhone.

We’re moving soon; hopefully I will find a way to run speaker wires unobtrusively and can go back to a real stereo system.

Yeah planning to do the same. These ‘smart’ speakers are way too much hassle to simply listen to music. 

Have just received two sonos one speakers and they're just useless paper weights for now as stuck in a loop of hell getting to the "update your speakers" then "no network" error. Cannot understand why they'd release an app update with integral functionality missing and no date to add them back. If I didn't already own sonos products I'd immediately be off their brand. 

It’s surprising that Sonos hasn't addressed this issue. Releasing an unfinished app without informing users why some pages are empty is quite frustrating. At the very least, there should be a clear explanation for these gaps in functionality.

It’s surprising that Sonos hasn't addressed this issue. Releasing an unfinished app without informing users why some pages are empty is quite frustrating. At the very least, there should be a clear explanation for these gaps in functionality.


They have explained (sort of) and have given estimates for the release of fixes here:


Yep, I’m having same issue.  If only I could roll back app.  Now trying all the reboot reset options.  Changed network, finding it hard to delete old network, keeps reappearing. Manage Networks blank.  Very poor support. No option to update system


Same problem here, plus prompted to switch on Bluetooth when opening the app

I deleted the app restarted the phone reinstalled the app and still these problems exist.

Same problem here, plus prompted to switch on Bluetooth when opening the app

I deleted the app restarted the phone reinstalled the app and still these problems exist.

IIRC they are using Bluetooth for device set up and discovery. But you don’t need to enable this, the app will still work. 

No amount of reinstalling the app or rebooting will bring this setting back. It’s gone for now. 

System has been installed for a number of years and has been working as expected and I’ve never been prompted to activate BlueTooth, for as long as I can remember.

Then the app is upgraded and suddenly I’m asked to activate BlueTooth and there is no way to avoid this, unless I leave Bluetooth active/on.

This complaint is mentioned by several other community users.

No network. No devices.

How can this be??????

No network. No devices.

How can this be??????

Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Adding to queue and playing next: early June
  • Sleep timer: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Update WiFi settings: mid-June
  • Snooze alarms: TBD

What did the developers do? Observations to date:

  • networks not shown
  • speakers no longer using Sonosnet and now back on wifi
  • unable to change the balance setting between a pair of speakers
  • Always prompted to use Bluetooth when opening the app

why? If it’s not broken, don’t try and fix it.


any 3rd party apps, people recommend?

It’s hard to believe the ability to connect existing devices to a new wireless network hasn’t been addressed as a priority. I worried when Sonos thought it was ok to have multiple apps, but this is on another level of silliness.

Their focus is clearly on churning out new products, as opposed to supporting (or dare I say ‘improving’) existing products. 

If any one has experience with other ecosystems, please provide recommendations. Thanks in advance!


Has anyone had any luck with the latest update? Can see the manage networks button is back but after going through the steps to add my WiFi (supposedly successfully), it doesn't appear in the list and when I try and run needed updates on new products I'm trying to add I get right to the end and it says it can't connect to the WiFi. About to throw the new speakers off the balcony soon 

If you’re adding your very first Sonos device you never get far enough to have a manage networks button. The speaker shows on my router under the 5Ghz WiFi but the app will not connect to it once I’ve supplied the password. Obviously that part works or it wouldn’t be connected to my wifi but then the app can never find it? Seriously????