There are 2 entries in “Music Library Settings”
- /Users/me/myDirWithMP3s/ : a directory on my mac
- //XAirport/myDisk/myDirWithM3Us/ : a USB disk on a router.
The second works perfectly.
For a few months now (update to OSX Catalina ??), the first, i.e. the files on my laptop, became invisible in the Sonos App. I tried to remove and re-add the entry in the library settings of course, without success. I do not get any error message (“not available”) when I force the indexing of music, it just appears to be skipped.
NB: Not sure if it’s an issue, but when I go to “folders” in my music library, the second appears with the same syntax as above, but the first is referred to as //myComputer/myDirWithMP3s