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Imported Apple Playlists don't update

  • 3 April 2023
  • 6 replies

I think this issue has been raised before but I have not seen any reliable answers so I will try again

For quite some time now (2 or 3 years, maybe longer?) the Sonos Update Music Library Now function does not update the new songs I have added to existing Apple Music playlists on my MacBook (so music is stored locally on my MacBook Hard Drive and this is the library I use for Sonos) 

For example.  I have a playlist in my Apple Music app on my MacBook called Good Music with 100 songs.  I can access it in Sonos via Music Library > Imported Playlists and play the songs.  If I add a new song to it in Apple Music…the playlist now has 101 songs.  But if I run the Update Music Library Now function after Sonos is finished indexing the Good Music imported playlist still only has 100 songs.

I have gotten around this problem by every so often creating a new playlist with a date...e.g. Good Music 2023-04-03.  Then, when I run Update Music Library Now Sonos finds this new playlist with 101 songs.  But this is inefficient and a waste of time.  

Has anyone figured out how to solve this problem? Thanks

I was under the impression, possibly mistakenly, that the music library update was for your own, owned, library items. Not an Apple Music library.

that might fit with what you’re finding.

Here’s the link


Have you tried exporting the library.xml file from the Apple Music App to overwrite your existing one, as I think that’s where Sonos maybe getting your playlists from?

I think it’s  a case of opening up the Music app, go to the “File” menu and choose the “Library” option and select to export the Library and save/overwrite the original library.xml file stored in your library folders and see if the ‘update index’ then sees your updated playlist(s).

@ Traveller...Thanks...I am updating my playlists with songs that I own, on my Macbook.  E.g. I buy a new song from Apple Music or rip song from a CD, I add that song to my Music Library (stored on my MacBook hard drive) and then I add the song to one of my pre-existing Playlists.  I run Update Music Library now on Sonos...but the playlist doesn’t update with the new song.


@Ken...thanks.  This may be a solution, but it would mean that every time I add a new song to my music library and then add it to an existing playlist I would have to create a new iTunes Music Library.xml file using the export feature so that Sonos could find the new music in my pre-existing playlists.  It’s possible, I guess, but not ideal. I think my solution of creating a duplicate playlist with a new name is probably easier….if also not ideal

I recall that this use to work no problem on Sonos...and then something changed.

Ah, right - well, from your description it certainly should update on schedule or manually.

Maybe someone with more experience of Library glitches can help? Sorry I couldn’t.

I personally tried Muzconvtool and sincerely speaking, it’s the ultimate solution for a seamless music transfer! With Muzconvtool, I transferred my playlists, albums, followed artists, and liked songs between a wide array of music services including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube, YouTube Music, iTunes, Deezer, Tidal, SoundCloud, Pandora, etc. Thanks to Muzconvtool.