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I’ve had a Sonos system running off of a cheap LG NAS since 2011. It works fine, although I use EoP devices and lock the system off from updates and the internet. Now using S1 software.

Due to a system crash on a Synology NAS, I rebuilt it to take over the sonos side of things from the LG NAS, as that was starting to demonstrate a few file corruptions. I also installed another newer Synology NAS.

The Synology is running DSM 7.x fine, and all shares are available via the network. It also works OK casting using Hi-Fi Cast to a CCA via the line-in on a Play5. However, it consistently fails with an error 1001 when trying to add a library link.

Knowing that v7.x made changes to smb access, I downgraded it to smbv1 and checked the NTLMv1 box. It is using the correct permissions and group and also allows smb access to the sonos folder.

I also followed a forum users text to include extra text in the smb.conf file, which should have helped.

I have been trying to track down the percieved problem with the two Synology NAS, but now realise that I can’t add another music library to the original LG NAS, which is currently playing music as I type. This would seem to rule out the Synology kit, and refocus onto Sonos itself.

I tried re-enabling internet access, but that makes no difference.

I feel that I must be missing something, but can’t imagine what.

Does anyone have any ideas?


I'd take the EOP devices off line and then submit a diagnostic and call support to have them look into it.

Always best to avoid getting a "we don't support that" response.

Once working put them back.

I can see where you’re coming from, but that’s my last resort. Dealing with Sonos support really isn’t good for my blood pressure, and I usually find that someone here may have an answer - or at least things to try.


 I thought I read somewhere that NTLMv1 has security issues so Microsoft is deprecating it.

 Are you using S1 because your Sonos devices are not compatible with the 80.x Sonos app?

 Are you using Ethernet because your WiFi does not connect to them reliably?

 How did you do the share setup?  From the app or using the Sonos PC app?

 I thought I read somewhere that NTLMv1 has security issues so Microsoft is deprecating it.

Yes, it does, but AIUI someone has to get into my system first

 Are you using S1 because your Sonos devices are not compatible with the 80.x Sonos app?

Yes, 3 out of 4 devices are incompatible. Also, I’m quite glad that I didn’t have to move to the S2 app, seeing the hundreds - if not thousands - of complaints about it

 Are you using Ethernet because your WiFi does not connect to them reliably?

I’ve always found ethernet to be the most reliable connection, and have found EoP to be extremely reliable, which is why I ignore Sonos ‘advice’

 How did you do the share setup?  From the app or using the Sonos PC app?

I use the laptop version. I just tried the phone app and that fails as well.


It sound like you know what you are doing so thinking aloud about basics to try as the 1001 Sonos error is very vague unfortunately.

Powercycle your Router and Sonos devices and the EOP devices. My EOP need a reboot occasionally as they do strange things to MAC addresses. If you can bypass them just to try setting up the library then that may or not help.

The Synology share, set it so it needs no user / password.

The path, try using an IP address rather than the NAS’s name.


I don’t have a Synology NAS but do have a Synology Router thats a DSM and I share out a USB thumb stick successfully but under Sonos S2 so sorry not a great help.

Powercycle your Router and Sonos devices and the EOP devices. My EOP need a reboot occasionally as they do strange things to MAC addresses. If you can bypass them just to try setting up the library then that may or not help.

I’ll try a reboot tomorrow. I just tried setting the library via a PC wired to the same switch that the NAS drives are on - no joy - so it wouldn’t seem to be a wireless issue.

The Synology share, set it so it needs no user / password.

Tried that - again, no joy

The path, try using an IP address rather than the NAS’s name.

Already tried it, without success

…. so sorry not a great help.

All help is appreciated 😀


 You should be able to Browse to the music folder on the Synology using the third option in the Sonos PC app ( Network device.. NAS ).  The first two options no longer work.  Just make sure when you browse that you are looking in Network.  The folders structure should look the same as if you were mapping the music folder.  On my Windows PC they show in a light blue color.  I had to scroll almost to the bottom to find my Network stuff.  Once you have found Network / Synology / (music folder name) then chose it the path will be written to the Sonos Library Settings screen.  You may need to enter your Synology credentials first.

I would probably temporarily run Ethernet to all devices involved direct from the Router bypassing any switch EOP as well.

 You should be able to Browse to the music folder on the Synology using the third option in the Sonos PC app ( Network device.. NAS ).

Yes, that’s the way that I do it, to avoid errors in the share name.

I would probably temporarily run Ethernet to all devices involved direct from the Router bypassing any switch EOP as well.

I’ll have a go at this later this week - as long as one device is working, it should prove/disprove the point.

I would probably temporarily run Ethernet to all devices involved direct from the Router bypassing any switch EOP as well.

This would have been inpractical in my set up (hence the use of EoP), but I tried a much simplified version.

I turned off all the EoP devices and set up a rarely used Play 5 via ethernet into the main switch. A PC on the same switch set up the library first time - so, success 😀

I had a couple of other problems which implied network/password/username issues, but it was simply that Sonos was still looking at pointers to the old NAS drive. By deleting and then adding new pointers, it all works fine. All of the EoP devices are back in the system now, with no adverse side effects.

Many thanks

Just a line to thanks all those who responded - much appreciated 😀

I’m getting too old for this….

I decided that, having checked it thoroughly, I’d bring the original 13 year old NAS drive into use, so copied all the music files back. Dropped the new library and tried to add the old one back - no luck at all - same thing as last time.

So, turned off all EoP devices and all but one Sonos device linked by ethernet cable to the main network. Nothing - still didn’t work. Spent about half an hour rebooting machines/devices, but still nothing. Eventually, for some as yet unknown reason, it finally accepted the credentials and started indexing. Phew!

Once I bought the other devices back on-line, they didn’t pick up the library from the working one, so the other three needed to do another indexing session. All working OK, so two of the devices switched off again and back to normal.

It really does feel like there’s some magic going on, and I can understand why people get very frustrated with this kit.

