I have seen several similar descriptions involving a particular device or service. My experience has been with all of my devices. I usually run my Sonos system as a single group. As I move from room to room, the music is the same. I have found no pattern to the problem I am experiencing. It has happened when I’m playing “My Music” and when listening to SiriusXM. At the times it has happened, I have not been making adjustments or using apps for Sonos. Suddenly, music stops. On investigation, I find all devices have volume level set to zero. I can correct the settings from my Android or IOS app, and everything works until it happens again.
I will say that I do not recall this happening prior to the attempt to make Sonos unusable by replacing the supporting apps with garbage.
I'm having the same issue. Open Sonos for evening music and ... Silence! Check volume setting, which we keep to about 16 and it is now Zero!
Readjust fixes it, but why? Always before volume carried settings between uses.
Another nail in the coffin!
I have been having this same issue since the last update.
I have 3 groups system wide. While using just one group, watching TV(Samsung QLED 4k 2018), it will suddenly drop to zero volume level. At first I thought it was the channel or TV until I looked at the app on my phone(Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra). The entire system was reset to zero. The other 2 groups were not even in use but yet all 3 groups at the same time reset to zero. I can readjust the volume but this has happened every other day now since the last update. Before then this was never a problem.
Group 1: Playbar+Sub
Group 2: 3x Play1
Group 3: Playbar+Sub+5x Play1
Android Controller App Version:
Does anyone have any solutions to permanently fix this?
Same here. Suddenly speakers reset to 0 volume. This has never happened before and I'm using Sonos for about 15-16 years now.
Must be some update. It's pretty annoying.
I've noticed this happening a few times. Speakers go to zero volume and green light turns on without any input from me. App shows that the music is still playing but have to adjust the volume back up to hear it again.
Same issue across all devices since latest update
Having similar issues within last several days. Volume on all, or most speakers go to zero. Maybe one will stay playing occasionally. It'll happen anywhere from every ~5 minutes to every ~30 minutes.
Android ver. 80.03.04-release+20240618.cd11093
Same…I wake in the morning to the speakers having a green LED and no sound, all volumes are set to zero.
I have the same problem. Radio stops across the whole group. When I check, all the volume settings have changed to 0.
Exactly the same issue going on for a few weeks now. Particularly annoying to be waking up during the night with multiple green mute lights on devices that have all gone to zero volume, however the music is still playing.
Same, started in the last week or so. Sonos amp and original Beam in 2 zones, both go to 0 with green light overnight.
Same issue here with Arc+Sub and era 100 since recent update
Blaming my wife she muted the system
Please Sonos fix this als for my wife 
Same issue across all devices since latest update
Same here
Same here. Suddenly speakers reset to 0 volume. This has never happened before and I'm using Sonos for about 15-16 years now.
Must be some update. It's pretty annoying.
Exactly the same here
I wonder if support is gonna react to this thread. Does anyone know how we can get the attention of support?
P.S. the last couple of days speakers are NOT resetting to zero anymore. As far as I know no software update took place. Strange...
Hi @BillF
Thanks for your post!
We are aware of an issue whereby some speakers may randomly set their volume to zero. We are investigating, but do not have an ETA for when a resolution will be made available.
I’ll update this thread once a fix has been issued.
I hope this helps.
Didn’t seem to happen last night.
One of my Amp’s works great. The other connects, but as soon as I move the volume up from zero it jumps right back to zero.
Didn’t seem to happen last night.
Looks like the problem is fixed.
Hi @BillF et al
We now consider this issue to be resolved. If you still experience this behaviour, please ensure both your Sonos system and Sonos app are fully up-to-date and if still seeing the same problem, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports. Thanks.
Hi @BillF et al
We now consider this issue to be resolved. If you still experience this behaviour, please ensure both your Sonos system and Sonos app are fully up-to-date and if still seeing the same problem, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports. Thanks.
Thanks for the great support!