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We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now


To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Sept 24, 2024. See release notes.


Last week we released a new version of the Sonos app for iOS.

As announced, today we are releasing a new version for Android as well.


iOS - (Released on September 19)
Version 80.09.05

  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Improved performance when browsing content in Home and in Browse
  • Improved queue management including ability to delete, reorder and scroll
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Continued improvements to the user interface
  • Added Trueplay support for iOS 18


iOS Service Pack - (Available starting today)
Version 80.09.07

  • Resolved a bug affecting users with multiple language keyboards configured
  • Resolved a bug preventing users with VoiceOver enabled from accepting the terms and conditions during setup


Android - (Available starting today

Version 80.09.04


  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Added setting to change the Alexa wake word language


You can also follow along with updates in this article: 


Hi Keith. I’m sorry you are having a rough day. 

I would like to share that this response makes me feel even angrier, because you have continued to justify your actions and clarify when the things you broke will be fixed. What you did not say is “I am sorry”.

I wrote previously that In order for you to begin to recover from what you have done, if it is even possible, you should start by imagining a similar situation with other daily appliances. Your appliance company calls you and says “we have a small routine update we need to make to your home appliances, we can apply the fix remotely. We’ll come by tonight”. 

You come home and the the dishwasher looks the same, but doesn’t actually wash dishes correctly anymore, it is missing the cycles you use every day, and no longer has a timer function so it can run at night. Your family don’t know how to operate it and it is messing up your home routines and schedules.  The oven only now cooks with some of the modes, and has completely removed the timer feature you use every day to cook meals with your family. The refrigerator / freezer temperatures are wrong, you can’t change them, and you are spoiling food and the freezer is thawing and no longer makes ice. When you call to find out what is going on, you are told how great the new experience is. That this was deliberate. There is no way to go back, but that these features will probably come back in the coming months. Until then, there is nothing you can do about it - although feel free to post on our support forums.

Now ask yourself “How would I personally feel if someone did this to me, in my own home, with my own things, without my consent, and then refuses to immediately fix it?” 

If you are like most people, you will probably find yourself saying “I would be very angry. I would want the people that did that to be very sorry, to really mean it, for them to fix it and make amends if they could. Even still, I’d want for there to be consequences.” 

To be clear, this is far far worse than the S1/S2 debacle. People had time to react, and so you were able to recover - but it made your long time customers doubt you. Unfortunately, Patrick already promised that you wouldn’t do anything like it again. He said “If we run into something core to the experience that can’t be addressed, we’ll work to offer an alternative solution and let you know about any changes you’ll see in your experience.” You broke your promise. 

I am going to hope that this is not a mortal self-inflicted wound to your company. It may be, depending on each of your ability to accept responsibility what you did, for how you behaved after the harm was evident, and what you do now.


Fantastic post well said Sir/ Madam 

All  of  these are fundamental  features  of  the Sonos  system,  not  just  add ons.   The  new  app is unfinished and  should  not  have  been released without these  core  components. If you wanted to  beta test the  app, it  would have  been  better  to  ask  for  volunteers rather than  just  release an  incomplete  app.   I’m  stuck  with  Sonos  now having  invested in the system for several  years, but  will be  strongly advising  people  to  look elsewhere rather than buy  Sonos in the future. 

Forgot to mention that the web access feature needs to have a disable option as it’s not secure without TFA

I am new to Sonos and have made a substantial investment in equipment. I was thoroughly enjoying the experience up until the new software rollout. Not only do I need to learn a new app which I don’t mind but having to call tech support to fix problems daily has ruined the experience.  I can’t even use True Play which is a critical function to enjoy the system.  I wish you could have kept the old program running in parallel until all the bugs were worked out. 
Now I spend my time looking for information to see what has been updated. 

The most obvious way to get back to current state parity is to provide access to the v16.1 app.  No need to rush development and testing on the v80.x.  Let those for whom the new app works continue.  Let those for whom the new app does not work migrate when core feature parity is achieved.  The last thing you want is to make the above promises and introduce new bugs.  

Yet, for unspoken reasons, this option is never mentioned.


Why they can’t or won’t do this is the number 1 thing I’d like answered at the AMA next week.

15 Years later with Sonos, I currently have 26 devices and bought/sold at least another 12 … that’s a lot of money. People like myself built this company. That aside, I have spent days/weeks probably months over this period dealing with all kinds of issues. I know more about networking than I ever cared to or imagined. Why? Because I Love and for the most part, thoroughly enjoyed my Sonos products. The unbelievable S2 debacle infuriated me and it took a year to offer proper discounts for upgrades and show some respect for the perfectly functioning older products. But this new software rollout is arrogance on an epic scale. I was looking forward to the new headphones but I will never spend another dime on a Sonos product again. I don’t care how good the headphones may be or how much better any new device is. My position is not a threat or temporary venting … just a fact. I am done investing in a company that truly cares more about shareholders and the business community. Patrick Spence may have been good for Sonos in the beginning but ever since the S2 launch, has done nothing but show his complete and utter lack of concern for it’s customer base. I still enjoy my Sonos product but have nothing but contempt and distaste for this company now and could never in good conscience recommend it to anyone.  I’ll keep using it till the wheels completely fall off or such time that a competitor has something innovative to replace it.  Time for this CEO to move on, forcefully if need be

Yes, it is "only" an app, but what Sonos is doing here is not courageous or totally ignorant, but highly damaging to the business:

Since the software is an existential part of the product, the manufacturer cannot simply reduce advertised functions that have been available for years under common law unilaterally and without reason. If the functions are not usable again after a deadline (here I see May 21), all devices still under warranty should be able to be returned. Even with older devices, I see good opportunities here at least under European law.

Sonos has completely gambled away its reputation as a premium provider with this business conduct. With the best will in the world, you can't recommend such a dubious manufacturer to anyone.

The announced new products (headphones etc.) will also suffer from this disaster.

Sorry, @Keith N, that you and everyone else in customer support now have to suffer because executive management only cares about shareholder value while not understanding that you need a great product and satisfied customers for that.

Here is my suggestion to Sonos for a better action plan:

  • roll back the app update immediately
  • release executive management from duty and replace with staff that puts customers and UX first
  • scrap the new app and start on improving the old one
  • finally start listening to user feedback and build a really great product

I’m so glad that for music listening I already switched to Roon (running on WiiM, Bluesound and Matrix Audio devices) over the last year, because today I discovered that this update also removed the ability to play a custom Internet radio URL which is about 95% of what my Sonos system had been playing as background music during the day. This update would have rendered my system almost completely useless for me if I was still using Sonos for music listening!

I’m still using an Arc/Sub/2xOne Dolby Atmos setup on my TV but since it’s not part of my multi-room setup anymore I guess I can also safely replace this now. Sonos has already worn me down by denying the loud-bang-while-playing-Dolby-Atmos bug for over two years before fixing it and deny to support me on that because I use a HDFury device to feed Dolby Atmos into my Arc (and ironically later on suggesting to use HDFury devices as a workaround when the finally acknowledged the bug).

-- a Sonos customer for 13 years and long time beta tester

Thanks for the update.  

Since I downloaded the update, my Move does not stay connected in the app.  The Sonos 1 in my bedroom is constantly getting connected to without me trying to.  Will the updates address this new bug? I essentially can’t use my Move without forcing the connection over and over 4 or 5 times. 

Also would be great to roll out controls from the iOS Lock Screen. Thanks! 

Is what I’m seeing accurate? When I search for “top songs” for an artist in Amazon music, and play the first song, it now wont automatically play through the full playlist? Is this a bug being fixed?

This official Sonos response is insane (sorry Keith). I bought Sonos audio equipment to play lossless files from my NAS. With the app update this is no longer possible. I refuse to play inferior Spotify files. The speakers are way to good to play that garbage. As a result I haven't been able to play music in my house for more than a day now. What does Sonos suggest that I should do with all the idle Sonos equipment in the months to come? I'm really curious Keith. Your answer does not restore the breach of trust that Sonos caused. And I'm afraid Sonos has no interest in doing so in the short term. I will give Sonos a week to roll back this total clusterf#$k. After that I will start selling my worthless Sonos junk and replace it. Other companies do put the customer first. I suggest we all start replacing, it is the only message shareholders understand.

curious if the idea of a class action suit would make Sonos more amenable to providing a rollback mechanism?

I was wondering about this given they’ve deliberately broken stuff that was working on products that people had already bought. Surely they’d want to take actions to mitigate the potential settlement?

Unless of course there’s a reason they can’t roll back to the old version? It might be they didn’t have full ownership of the old version and they don’t have the rights to redeploy it?

Thank you for the timelines.   Given how long the delays are (and there is no guarantee they will be met), I would like the option to roll back.  


At this point, rather than waiting 6 weeks to get basic music playback functionality restored (queue management) that is critical in a multiuser household where we all like to play DJ is unacceptable.  


Can we get 16.1 restored on the ios and google play app stores?  I am an iOS user and have no way to restore the old app (at least Android users have options). 


I have no intention of onboarding new headphones or whatever will require the new app in the next month and a half, but I would like to use my existing speakers as I did before for the next six weeks until the new app is at feature parity with the old one.


Putting the old app back is the only customer friendly response.   Otherwise you are saying my speakers will work one for song, station or playlist at time for the next 6 weeks until there is the concept of a queue restored, which is not what I originally paid for.


I have a pair of one sl’s that worked great for me when I learned that I could stream my custom URL’s via tunein. 

When this new version updated I lost that ability. And all my stations are gone.  I tried to add the new tunein service but there’s no way to add custom urls anymore. 

im on iOS. And need to get this feature back!!!  I don’t use other streaming services that often. It’s primarily used for these custom URL’s from

Remember, goodwill arrives on foot, but can leave on horseback.

@Keith N

Hey Sonos, no apology again? You really cannot say Sorry for how many people you've messed up their daily routine? Are you still like a little kid defending the huge screw up you committed instead of finally offering a solution, i.e. the ability to install a working (previous) version of the app? (I'm lucky enough to have Android and could go back in a few minutes.) This is the third major problem you've made to me. First you ruined my setup by splitting it into S1 and S2 so the multi room stopped working. Then I bought Roam, which never worked properly (luckily I returned it in time) and now this? How can I trust your company? I have put off buying new speakers for my bedroom for many years because I have lost trust in your company. Every year I dread being told that my eight year old speakers are no longer supported.

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.

  • Screen reader for visually impaired customers: May 21
  • Adding and editing alarms: May 21
  • Adding to queue and playing next: early June
  • Sleep timer: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June 
  • Update Wi-Fi settings: mid-June

I think adding these features back into the application and successfully testing them by the dates you give above are unrealistic expectations you’re forced to give because of the initial release disaster. You’re just setting yourself up for more criticism, more bugs, more missteps and failure. Not to mention all the problems that are not mentioned in your list above.

Making the version 16 app available until you’ve fixed the new app is only responsible decision.

This official Sonos response is insane (sorry Keith). I bought Sonos audio equipment to play lossless files from my NAS. With the app update this is no longer possible. I refuse to play inferior Spotify files. The speakers are way to good to play that garbage. As a result I haven't been able to play music in my house for more than a day now. What does Sonos suggest that I should do with all the idle Sonos equipment in the months to come? I'm really curious Keith. Your answer does not restore the breach of trust that Sonos caused. And I'm afraid Sonos has no interest in doing so in the short term. I will give Sonos a week to roll back this total clusterf#$k. After that I will start selling my worthless Sonos junk and replace it. Other companies do put the customer first. I suggest we all start replacing, it is the only message shareholders understand.

Hey there. Just wondering are you not able to use the desktop app for some reason? I don’t run a local library (well I do but in Apple Music and via Airplay) and not exactly sure what your issue is, but nothing has changed with desktop apps.

Hey there. Just wondering are you not able to use the desktop app for some reason? 

That's the only that's working as before: the Windows Desktop Controller. You'd better use it quickly, before Sonos (in all it's wisdom) will eliminate it.

  • Update Wi-Fi settings: mid-June

That it will take until mid June to add back Update Wifi settings, when your product is Wifi Speakers  is ridiculous and hilarious at the same time.

@Keith N

 Every year I dread being told that my eight year old speakers are no longer supported.

I have no such dread about my 2011 Sonos kit. It is on S1 and immune to any Sonos antics. Even though S1 updates should not cause any issues to it, I have made sure it won't move beyond the S1 version it is on just now.

Life is serene, being filled with easily played music from both the net and from the NAS.

Whenever any die in future due to hardware failures, I will replace with one of the many alternatives to Sonos now available.

@Keith N

 Every year I dread being told that my eight year old speakers are no longer supported.

I have no such dread about my 2011 Sonos kit. It is on S1 and immune to any Sonos antics. Even though S1 updates should not cause any issues to it, I have made sure it won't move beyond the S1 version it is on just now.

Life is serene, being filled with easily played music from both the net and from the NAS.

Whenever any die in future due to hardware failures, I will replace with one of the many alternatives to Sonos now available.

OMG quite rubbing it in 🤣🤣🤣 S2 brought so many advancements over S1 wait I can’t think of any, can you remind me? 🤣

OMG quite rubbing it in 🤣🤣🤣 


Especially since the latest wonder has closed even the path back to S1!

One of the most used features of Sonos has to have been the ability to add songs into the queue. Songs that you just thought of’ songs that the previous song reminded you of. That whole functionality was great and kept family parties going for ages!!
Now suddenly you’re unable to do that.

Hopefully until May 21. Let’s hope that’s a deadline that is kept to.
