This is not a full windows 8 platform but will work new surface tablet and Samsung and others plan to use this OS which is not fully windows 8 compatible. It would be very helpful if sonos would support this as the tablet looks promising.
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I've posted an updated thread with a call to action for a Windows 10 Store App controller. If this is of interest to you please vote in the poll to demonstrate the number of people interested in an easy-to-consume format for the product managers.
VOTE for it Here:
I added my vote, for what it's worth. Unfortunately the Android app doesn't work correctly on Windows Phone 10 (Project Astoria...), it can't find any controller on the net 😞
Please do a universal app! We know that there is one in closed beta.
Beyond stupid.
I've been watching this thread for 3 years. This whole forum is a farce, there is no Sonos community, just a bunch of trolls and desperate users who have bought into this ridiculous system.
If they put a 10th of a percent of the effort that they put into designing this stupid forum and their rubbish new site we would have an app by now.
Somebody's having a temper tantrum.
I, used to post on this thread. Even started a new Windows 10 thread, which was then merged with this thread. So now I've moved to the new Windows 10 threads on this forum:
Q: any news regarding a WIndows 10 app?
I, used to post on this thread. Even started a new Windows 10 thread, which was then merged with this thread. So now I've moved to the new Windows 10 threads on this forum:
Q: any news regarding a WIndows 10 app?
I, used to post on this thread. Even started a new Windows 10 thread, which was then merged with this thread. So now I've moved to the new Windows 10 threads on this forum:
Q: any news regarding a WIndows 10 app?
How many times do you have to be told? Sonos does not comment on current or future development.
I have bought one Sonos to see if it was fine. Few weeks later my iphone was broken and I got a windows phone.
As, when I asked Sonos for a windows App, I got their stupid answer "...not comment on current or future development.." andI didn't buy any more Sonos equipment and really I think I will sell it on ebay and buy another stuff that will decently support several phones OS. 😠
As, when I asked Sonos for a windows App, I got their stupid answer "...not comment on current or future development.." andI didn't buy any more Sonos equipment and really I think I will sell it on ebay and buy another stuff that will decently support several phones OS. 😠
Ma tablette Surface a besoin de l'application Sonos, J'ai payé un gros prix pour mon Sonos. SVP développer cet app
I have always bought Bose but was alerted to Sonos when looking in Curry's. However after purchase, although very pleased with my Sonos 5 I cannot believe it does not communicate with my Microsoft (Nokia) Lumia 640. I do not like the IPhone which their stupid policy of internal batteries, limited memory (and expensive memory), and lack of standard communication sockets. How is it a company as professional as Sonos have ignored Microsoft!
Does anyone know of a simple App that will at least download music already on the phone to the Sonos 5 without using the 3.5mm jack?
Come on Sonos get your finger out!
Does anyone know of a simple App that will at least download music already on the phone to the Sonos 5 without using the 3.5mm jack?
Come on Sonos get your finger out!
Where to find this app - however bad it is?
I am really surprised a company like Sonos does not have an app for a windows phone, especially as Microsoft owns Nokia - a company I have always preferred for their phones. Iphones are good but with so severe limitations memory, battery etc I am surprised they have become so popular
I am really surprised a company like Sonos does not have an app for a windows phone, especially as Microsoft owns Nokia - a company I have always preferred for their phones. Iphones are good but with so severe limitations memory, battery etc I am surprised they have become so popular
Hi Sonos, I'm patiently waiting for Sonos App for Windows phones. I am really surprised that a company as large and professional as Sonos do not have an App for a Windows phone, especially as they do not have a Bluetooth connection on the Sonos 5 - which incidentely is a great speaker. However no App - and I have brought a pup!
Could I betatest please?
I agree with the rest here, give us a Windows 10 (universal) app (or windows mobile app) or at least help the Phonos app to support Groove Music....
Groove Music! Wow does anyone ever use that?
Layoff's at Sonos? I bet none of the Windows users are surprised. Everyone told Sonos what it needed to do to stay relevant but did they listen? How about an outdoor solution? How about waterproof? How about Windows 10 and mobile support? They're afraid of the Amazon Echo? Good luck turning the ship around.
And yes, I use Groove religiously. Playing across my phone, my pc, my tablet, and my Xbox One, and Sonos seamlessly... it's quite brilliant. At least Sonos got that right.
And yes, I use Groove religiously. Playing across my phone, my pc, my tablet, and my Xbox One, and Sonos seamlessly... it's quite brilliant. At least Sonos got that right.
Yeah, I'm sure lack of a Windows app, which no other multi-Room streamer has by the way, is the reason they are laying off some workers in order to hire others with voice control expertise. :rolleyes
Jgatie - windows mobile may have a small market share, but the makeup of the users fit the target market better I.e males aged 25-45. Would it not be better for sonos target these people than say android/ios that may have most of the market but a significant % of this would never buy a sonos system.
Ahhh, demographics. The last bastion of something which is failing to seize an audience. I'm sure Sonos has a pretty good handle on the demo breakdown of their purchasers. If Windows apps drove sales, they'd be offering one.
Ahh condescending others the only bastion of a apple fan boy 😉
Accusing jgatie of being an Apple fanboy?! An unwise move. Excuse me while I don my radiation suit and retire to a safe distance....
As ratty stated, I'm no Apple fanboy. I loathe the company, and its founder. But I'm also a realist, and know a dog when I see it.
Well you are in good company then, however you must admit your condescending tone is that of an appleboy. Not sure why you two always turn up on a windows related posts, why bother if windows is such a waste of space. Why waste your time?
I can only speak for myself, and Windows desktop is what I use each and every day. On the other hand Windows Phone/Mobile appears -- at least for now -- to be struggling, to the point where even the MS CEO was reported as describing its market share as unsustainable. Sonos will presumably invest their R&D money where the best immediate returns lie.
The other point I choose to challenge is where a poster takes the narrow-minded viewpoint that UWP is now the be-all and end-all of Windows development, when the majority remain with operating systems that only support Win32 applications.
As for 'always turning up', some of us are regulars who have for years chosen to offer voluntary assistance to users in need.
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