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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

This a shambles got appeal music working delete it.    Redo it delete account then redo the link 


I wish I had more hands so I could give this app four thumbs down

My entire system is bricked. The app updated on my ios devices overnight. I went to play my morning routine and my entire system is GONE, All 10 speakers, just gone! like they never existed. Factory reset doesn’t work, resetting the app doesn’t work. Support lines are at 50+ minutes, and ZERO chat reps available. I swear this bunch of fools just sit in a corporate meeting room and engineer ways to piss their loyal consumers off just to see how much we will take. I’m done with this TRASH company and there antithetical ways… Time for a class action lawsuit maybe losing a few hundred million will fix their shoot first and not answer questions later business mantra.

Ten I have 13 in my set up getting so many probs pain in the butt getting bit annoyed you can’t contact them  and there clearly not reading the boards if this softwere was test I would be surprised


Let’s all email the CEO and make public announcements as well… Here you all go from the bottom of the support page. Remember Patrick, you asked for this, and I love this for you. Maybe it’s time you went and found a new job…

Get in touch with our CEO, Patrick Spence, at

Here is a copy of the email I just sent Patrick, feel free to re-use…


Dear Mr. Spence,


I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you not only as a long-time customer of Sonos but also as someone who has greatly admired the innovation and quality your company has consistently delivered. It is with a heavy heart and considerable frustration that I find myself compelled to communicate a significant issue that has not only undermined my confidence in Sonos but has also deprived me of the enjoyment and value your products have brought into my home.


This week, following the release and mandatory installation of the latest Sonos app update, my entire system of ten speakers, which until the moment of update worked flawlessly, has been rendered completely inoperative. The system, which represents a substantial investment in your brand, is now bricked, leaving me without the high-quality sound experience I have come to associate with Sonos.


Understanding that technology is inherently prone to occasional issues, it is the scale and impact of this problem, coupled with the lack of immediate remediation or communication from Sonos, that prompts my direct appeal to you. The situation as it stands not only disrupts the daily enjoyment and utility I derive from your products but also raises serious concerns about the longevity, reliability, and customer support philosophy of Sonos.


I am reaching out to you directly, Mr. Spence, to request your personal intervention in this matter. Specifically, I seek:


1. Immediate and transparent communication regarding the nature of the issue, its scope, and the steps Sonos is taking to rectify this for affected customers.

2. A clear timeline for when a fix can be expected, along with interim solutions for those of us severely impacted by this update.

3. Consideration of compensation for the disruption caused, which could take forms such as an extension of warranty, credit towards future purchases, or direct support to ensure our systems are restored to their full functionality.


I understand the challenges of managing a global tech company and the complexities involved in product development and support. However, I firmly believe that the mark of a truly customer-centric organization lies in its responsiveness and accountability in times of adversity. I trust Sonos values its customers’ loyalty and satisfaction above all and will take swift action to address this issue.


Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and resolution.



Well said ,but will they read it is the problem


It's a sad thing to admit that after the release of the new app the only thing at the moment working as it should is the good old Windows Desktop Controller...

Hi All, I just updated new Sonos app and there is no truplay for Roam and Era 100. I'm so disappointed. Before any time I changed location of Era 100 I could use truplay. Now this feature gone. What about this? 

Sonos vision for your audio future:


"It takes courage to rebuild a brand’s core product from the ground up, and to do so knowing it may require taking a few steps back to ultimately leap into the future."


(apologies to Clint 😁



Depuis la publication depuis votre dernière version, je ne peux plus accéder à mes périphériques Sonos à l’accepter d’un seul alors que j’en ai 11.

Cette version n’est pas stable, elle ne marche pas, elle n’a pas été testée correctement avant publication.

Cette version n’est pas stable, elle ne marche pas, elle n’a pas été testée correctement avant publication.

C’est vraiment très amateur comme procédé de mise à jour.

Quand avez-vous prévu une nouvelle version ou à défaut, un retour à la version précédente qui fonctionnait ?

Merci de votre retour


Moderator edit:
Google Translate-


Good morning,

Good morning,

Since posting your last version, I can no longer access my Sonos devices to accept one even though I have 11.

This version is not stable, it does not work, it was not tested properly before publication.

This version is not stable, it does not work, it was not tested properly before publication.

It’s really a very amateurish update process.

When did you plan a new version or failing that, a return to the previous version that worked?

thank you for your comeback

Slow connecting to my system with the updated app on may 8. It can take 4-5 minutes to connect.

Maybe I don’t like change but the latest Sonos update on the Mobile App is dreadful. Can anyone advise how I add or delete songs from my existing Sonos playlists using the app for an iPhone. It used to be so simple and intuitive - now its impossible. Or maybe I’m getting old… I’m just using the faithful old Desktop Controller now and that works a treat.

Became the worst app on my phone over night.

lol I can’t not tell sonos to stop playing 


lol I can’t tell Sonos to stop it won’t work



No ability to search for music on NAS - only way to find albums by scrolling via file structure. I have more than 500 albums and many classical. This is a serious downgrade for me. I can still search and play artist on my Mac but it isn’t portable and one assumes Sonos will break this at some point.


PocketCats and BBC Sounds podcasts don;t show played episodes. Thousands of played episodes now show the same whether played or not. I can get round by Airplaying this but please fix.


No snooze on app so can’t nod off to Classic FM


Can’t set alarms. Indeed I now have an alarm at 6:23 I can only disable/enable on my Mac



Do any of the 3rd party apps offer the above?

Any one tryed putting it back to old version the softwere


I have had several support calls to ask for help downgrading to the 16. version of the app. My assessment based on these calls have been the only answer they have all been authorized to give is: “This is not possible and you will just have to wait till we release 80.## with the features you want back.”  At the moment it appears they will not help all of us who do no not wish to alpha/beta test their new app. Additionally, if you have updated to 80.## and allowed the firmware to be updated on your devices they are claiming this further complicates the issue. So if you have updated to 80.## check your system settings and be sure auto update is off before it pushes an 80.## out to all your hardware as well.

So far I'm finding this app to be a total disaster, it appears a lot of useful functionality has been removed .

I cannot find a way to search my music library, nor can I find the options to edit the current track play queue which I frequently used.

I am using the Android version. Any help much appreciated.


When all looked so bright and cheery:



Do not allow App to update if you play music stored on PC or Nas.

Playing music from these sources is now much more difficult. For example, you now cannot just simply select a folder in your library and play all the music files in that folder and sub folders. Nor can you add to or edit your music library from the app. 

​​​Thanks very much Sonos for the 2 very expensive speaker shaped ornaments I have attached to my walls. I shall not be buying Sonos products again!

I lost my entire system after update. Sonos cant figure it out. What is issue and how to fix

Why does Sonos only flag up a possible issue with Amazon? Is that the only part of the app they tested,  ‘cause if they had tested more they would have found a large number of unacceptable changes.

Oh well that dint work 

